Morning Breaks In The Elevator. Lemn Sissay

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Morning Breaks In The Elevator - Lemn Sissay

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even bayed as wolves, heads flicking side to side,

      Tongues slipping low, slow and deliberately from their mouths

      And curling sensually to their snouts. The wolf has a permanent smile.

      It grew, first half-cough, half-bark. One paw banged on the table,

      Another banged and another and another and another

      Until the whole hall echoed with the unified clatter

      Of the guttural phlegm-flicked word that brought them together

      “Gerni gerni gerni gerni,” they chanted. “Ggerni ggerni ggerni,”

      they chanted faster. “Ggerni Ggerni Ggerni Ggerni,” faster and faster.


      She turned to her colleagues who stood by the kitchen entrance

      But their eyes! Their eyes slipped sideways away from her.

      They too were wolves! Her lips parted for her voice and the room hushed itself

      But for the slipping of saliva from their jaws and the flickering candles

      And the dripping of the red wine from the tablecloth.

      As instructed by her manager, she, smiling politely,

      Asked a wolf, “More coffee sir?”


      If you can see the sepia in the sun

      Shades of grey in fading streets

      The radiating bloodshot in a child’s eye

      The dark stains in her linen sheets

      If you can see oil separate on water

      The turquoise of leaves on trees

      The reddened flush of your lover’s cheeks

      The violet peace of calmed seas

      If you can see the bluest eye

      The purple in the petals of the rose

      The blue anger, the venom, of the volcano

      The creeping orange of the lava flows

      If you can see the red dust of the famished road

      The white air tight strike of Nike’s sign

      If you can see the skin tone of a Lucien Freud

      The colours of his frozen subject in mime

      If you can see the white mist of the oasis

      The red, white and blue that you defended

      If you can see it all through the blackest pupil

      The colours stretching, the rainbow suspended

      If you can see the breached blue of the evening

      And the caramel curls in the swirls of your tea

      Why is it you say you are colour blind

      When you see me?


      For David Murray

      It’s got to scream like a thousand shivers.

      Shake down, break down, run like rivers of black fire-waves.

      Rise demons and spirits from the Senegalese caves.

      Rise Beloved and Seth! Rise the dead!

      For this sound digs, digs down-down were the deep down

      Is down with the deep down til it reaches the beaches of Goree.

      Until it stabs-stabs as it grab-grabs the minute minute. Hold fast.

      It flows through passages, right, like a flock of carrion crows

      And stings and blows and stings and blows,

      Makes sadness sing high and swing low.


      Quotes wrapped in rolled notes, stick into the spokesmen’s eyes.

      The hoaxmen of the mainstream deep scream.

      Deep Davis deep. So deep, Davis, I can’t sleep for the

      Sweeping sounds of your underground. This landscape

      Littered with mounds. Rise! Spirits. Rise Uncoil. Break the soil –

      The bread of the dead, the salt of the earth. Rise

      And flow like mercurial contours on a midnight sky. Cry.

      Till the tears solidify. Fly Spirits till you become a song.

      Eye to eye. Right to wrong. Untie pain. Dance again

      Till juices jive down your scarred backbones.

      This is the other world – live – and yet home.

      This sound electrifies, soars on the edge of the head.

      Waken the dead and tell them it’s here, “it’s here”,

      For duppies to wind and spirits to near home – at last.

      To brutify then purify then reunify the past.

      Rise Malcolm, the Jews, the blues and the Soledad brothers

      Shout. Bleed. Breath. Heal. Shout. Breath. Heal. Bleed

      I swear I saw another slave freed, its soul freed, it gather speed,

      It push me over the edge of the ledge, dredging the graveyards,

      the spirits – Charlie’s playing cards on the tomb, a dead man’s womb.

      Don’t you get it. It’s genetic. A musical hallucinogenic. Insane –

      The music of love through the instruments of pain,

      Shooting from the lip, from the tip of the tongues of the wronged.

      Hang on, hang on with your finger tips. Pray you don’t slip


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