Hamlet: Globe to Globe. Dominic Dromgoole

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Hamlet: Globe to Globe - Dominic Dromgoole

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       Also by Dominic Dromgoole

      The Full Room

      Will and Me


      Hamlet: Globe

      to Globe



      First published in Great Britain in 2017 by Canongate Books Ltd, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE


      This digital edition first published in 2017 by Canongate Books

      Copyright © Dominic Dromgoole, 2017

      Extract taken from Station Island © Estate of Seamus Heaney and reprinted by permission of Faber and Faber Ltd

      The moral right of the author has been asserted

      British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available on request from the British Library

      ISBN 978 1 78211 692 9

      eISBN 978 1 78211 691 2

      Typeset in Bembo by Palimpsest Book Production Ltd, Falkirk, Stirlingshire

      For the family who went all the way round,

      For the family who stayed at home,

      And for Sasha, Siofra, Grainne and Cara

      Keep at a tangent.

      When they make the circle wide, it’s time to swim

      out on your own and fill the element

      with signatures on your own frequency,

      echo soundings, searches, probes, allurements,

      elver-gleams in the dark of the whole sea.

      Seamus Heaney

       Station Island


       List of Illustrations


       1 Who’s There?

       2 Honouring the Upbeat

       3 Setting out Through the Baltics

       4 Words and Walls in Mitteleuropa

       5 Madness in Mexico City

       6 Polonius by the Red Sea

       7 God on a Pacific Island

       8 Murder and the Rice Fields

       9 Soliloquies in the Andes

       10 News from England

       11 Wittenberg in the Desert

       12 The World in Revolt

       13 Fighting for Eggshells and Revenge

       14 Mission Control

       15 Friendship on the Road

       16 Caesar in Zaatari

       17 Embattled Theatre Near the Great Rift Valley

       18 The Rest is Silence




      List of Illustrations

       Naeem and Tom facing off as Hamlet and Laertes in Odeon Amphitheatre, Amman, Jordan. © Sarah Lee

       Amanda hides as Ophelia in a merry moment during the first ever performance of Hamlet in Myanmar. © David Hempenstall

       Walking into the sandstorm that stopped our show in the Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan. © Sarah Lee

       President Poroshenko and boxer Wladimir Klitschko looking a little nonplussed on the eve of the elections in Ukraine. © The British Council of Ukraine

       Two hundred ambassadors at the UN and, for reasons we never fully ascertained, Kim Cattrall and Laurie Anderson. © Russ Roland

       Rockstar screens in front of the Pacific in Antofagasta, Chile. © Magaly Visedo

       Our host Jama addresses a press conference in Somaliland. © Dave McEvoy

       Backstage with Phoebe and Keith in a Monsoon in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. © Piotr Zaporowski

       A square of all ages in Prague. © Karishma Balani

       A section

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