The Supernotes Affair. Agent Kasper

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The Supernotes Affair - Agent Kasper

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American friend. What kind of friend?”

      “A pretty normal kind of friend. A mechanic, if I’ve understood right.”

      The assistant looks up from the computer. “It says here it’s actually a prison hospital.”

      “That’s a piece of good news,” the ministry functionary points out.

      “Good news? Good in what sense, if I may ask?”

      “Well, if nothing else, he’s being held in an official facility now.” The functionary spreads his arms. “Therefore, evidently, the local authorities have brought the case back into the legal system.”

      Barbara scans the assistant’s equine features and points to his computer. “There’s nothing about the fact that humanitarian organizations consider that hospital a concentration camp?”

      With an expression of mild skepticism the assistant checks some of the other results of his Google search. His expression becomes rather less bored. “Mm-hmm, yes, in fact I am seeing something like that,” he confesses. “But still, these sites aren’t . . . I mean, we know nothing about them. We’d have to look into how trustworthy they are. . . .”

      “We’ll talk to our representative over there,” the young ministry official says. “Within a week, the honorary consul—”

      “Honorary consul? Fucking hell!” cries Barbara, unable to contain herself. She slams her briefcase down on the table. The espresso cup overturns, but it’s empty; various documents escape the case but do not fall.

      Among them is a photograph of her client. It’s a close-up taken some years ago, and it probably doesn’t correspond very closely to the way he looks today. She picks it up with both hands and shows it to the two men, brandishing it theatrically. This time she’s pissed off. “God damn it!” she says. “Don’t you realize this man has been kidnapped? Unlawfully detained since last March! An Italian citizen, abducted in a foreign country! They’ve imprisoned him, they’ve tortured him, they’re extorting money from his family. What else has to happen before Italy takes some steps to help him?”

      “I really don’t understand your reaction,” the functionary objects. His assistant shrugs and curls his lip.

      Barbara snatches up her purse and heads straight for the door while the functionary is still reminding her that His Excellency the minister wrote her a letter and even signed it with his own hand. “You tell me, do you think that’s something to be sneezed at?” he asks.

      Fuck His Excellency the minister too, Barbara thinks, stepping out into the interminable corridor.


      The sun is setting when Barbara and the senatore take a table in Piazza del Popolo. He takes a deep breath and gestures at the cherry-colored sky: “What a spectacle. Why do people ever leave Rome? Why travel, when you can stay here, in this fabulous city?”

      Barbara nods and sips her drink. She knows all too well how this meeting will go. She’ll obtain neither redress nor consolation from her former mentor. So she takes what’s on offer: several quips, some observations, a few more or less verifiable theories. And questions. One of them takes her by surprise: “This kidnapped, arrested, or disappeared Italian citizen, rotting away in that shithole of a place—have you at least been able to form some sort of idea about who he really is?”

      “His girlfriend maintains that some magistrates are persecuting him.” Barbara sighs and raises both hands. “I’m reading all the documents I’ve been given so far. Maybe what she says is true.”

      “How about the mother? What does she think?”

      “I’ve never been able to speak to her again. She’s sick, and she’s gotten worse recently. I know she’s withdrawn a lot of her savings and sold some property to send money to the people holding her son. . . . I’ve seen the transfers. She’s already paid more than a hundred thousand dollars since March.”

      “My goodness!” the senatore says in surprise. “What do our magistrates here in Rome say about all this? They should be taking some steps as a matter of course . . .”

      “They say our man has had various run-ins with the law in Italy. He’s got a right-wing past and dangerous friends, they say. They’ve been watching him for years. I get the impression that there are some judges using him to catch bigger fish. People in the upper echelons of the intelligence community that the judges want to settle accounts with.”

      “What a fantastic country this is!” the senatore says, chuckling.

      “I read everything I could find about him on the Internet,” Barbara continues. “Confused information. Many contradictions. But I’ve realized I can’t delay any longer. Manuela . . . I must see Manuela. She probably knows him better than anyone. I can’t explain to you why she knows him, but I have my suspicions. . . .”

      “So this is a guy with nine lives, so to speak?”

      She pauses. The senatore seems less distracted now. “Go on,” he says.

      “Well, I found several newspaper articles, including a recent one in the Phnom Penh Post, which is published in English. It reports the arrest of an Italian and an American, our man and the guy they call Clancy. According to the newspaper, the two of them were investigating something . . . something odd.”

      “Investigating? A pair of bar owners who investigate. Strange.”

      “They were investigating something, that’s what it says. The other guy, Clancy, is described as an ex-CIA agent. And there’s a word that keeps recurring: ‘supernotes.’”

      “Supernotes. And they are . . .?”

      “Supernotes are counterfeit U.S. banknotes, hundred-dollar bills, very high quality, practically perfect. Significant quantities of them are circulating in various countries, apparently, for example, Cambodia and North Korea. The only big Western paper that has done any reporting on this topic is the Frankfurter Allgemeine. The articles were all written by the same journalist, Klaus W. Bender, who also wrote a book on the subject a few years ago.”

      “So somebody’s producing this fake money,” the senatore murmurs.

      “Fake, but very well done, apparently. So perfect they seem real.”

      “You think our ex-Carabiniere may be in trouble for having discovered . . .”

      “I don’t know yet,” Barbara replies. “But I remember what Giovanni Falcone used to say . . .”

      “‘Follow the money.’”

      “Exactly. Why shouldn’t that apply in this case too?”

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