The Fighter's Body. Loren W. Christensen

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The Fighter's Body - Loren W. Christensen

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       More on the Two Fats

      Fat Diets Are All About Calories

       When You Have to Reduce Your Fat Slice

      The Bad News About Protein Diets

       Calcium Loss and Brittle Bones

       Affects the Brain

      All Fad Diets Are about Calories

      Types of Fad Diets

       How to Spot a Fad Diet

      Yo-yo Effect: Dangerous Weight Fluctuations

       Goodbye Precious Muscle

       Dangerous to Your Health

       Five: Vitamins

      What are Vitamins?

       Water Soluble Vitamins

       Fat Soluble Vitamins

      Do Fighters Need Additional Vitamins?

      Food or Supplements: Which are Better?

       Fortified Foods

      Can You Overdose?

       How Christensen Discovered Vitamins C and E & Stopped Sneezing

       More Facts about Vitamins to Save You Money

       How Should Vitamins be Stored?

       When to Take Your Vitamins





      Macro and Trace Minerals

       Iron: Women and Men

       Six: Liquids




       How Much Water and How Often

      Are Sports Drinks Good for Fighters?

      Water Intoxication

       How it Happens

      How Much is Enough?

      Carbonated Drinks

      Alcohol: Yes or No?

       Is Alcohol Healthy?


       Mental Benefits

       Training Benefits

       How Much?

       How to Use It

      Green Tea

       What to Look for at the Store

       How Much?


       Whole Milk: The Bad

       One and Two Percent Milk

       Skim Milk: The Good

       Seven: Your Daily Eating Plan

      Foundation-eating plan

      For Bachelors and Bachelorettes

      You Can Eat Healthily at Fast Food Joints

       Calories, Lots of Them

       It Takes Discipline and Knowledge to Eat Right at the Drive-up

       At the Movies

      Dirt Day

       Savor the Moment

       Not for Everyone

       Dirt Day Variations

       Dirt Day as a Motivator

       Eight: Losing Weight

      Negative Caloric Balance

      High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)


       HIIT on the Heavy Bag


      Cardio Split

       Hard Workouts, Easy Workouts

       Work out Before Breakfast

      For People Severely Overweight

      Develop powerful abs with crunches and kicks

       Tips to Optimize Your Ab Exercises

       Nine: Making Weight

      Diet Down the Right Way

       What is Your Body Type?

       Critique Your Diet

       Do You Gravitate Toward One Weight?

      A Diet and Training Plan That Works for You

       Start Early to Make Weight

      The Zigzag Diet

       Important Tips for Losing or Gaining

      Last Minute Tricks

       Ten: Dropping Weight Fast


      How to Drop 5 Pounds in 10 Days

       Prepare for It

       Eat Frequent Meals

       Plan Your Meals

       Cut Calories

       Increase Training

      How to Drop 10 Pounds in 21 Days


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