The Root of Chinese Qigong. Jwing-Ming Yang

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The Root of Chinese Qigong - Jwing-Ming Yang

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your destiny. Therefore, if you understand the relationship between nature and people, in addition to understanding human relations (Ren Shi, a83), you will be able to predict wars, the destiny of a country, or a person’s desires and temperament and even his future. The people who practice this profession are called “Suan Ming Shi” (calculate life teachers, a84).

      However, the greatest achievement in the study of Human Qi is in regard to health and longevity. Since Qi is the source of life, if you understand how Qi functions and know how to regulate it correctly, you should be able to live a long and healthy life. Remember that you are part of nature, and you are channeled into the cycles of nature. If you go against this natural cycle, you may become sick, so it is in your best interests to follow the way of nature. This is the meaning of “Dao,” which can be translated as “The Natural Way.”

      Many different aspects of Human Qi have been researched, including acupuncture, acupressure, herbal treatment, meditation, and Qigong exercises. The use of acupuncture, acupressure, and herbal treatment to adjust Human Qi flow has become the root of Chinese medical science. Meditation and moving Qigong exercises are used widely by the Chinese people to improve their health or even to cure certain illnesses. Meditation and Qigong exercises serve an additional role in that Daoists and Buddhists use them in their spiritual pursuit of enlightenment.

      You can see that the study of any of the aspects of Qi including Heaven Qi, Earth Qi, and Human Qi should be called Qigong. However, since the term is usually used today only in reference to the cultivation of Human Qi through meditation and exercises, we will only use it in this narrower sense to avoid confusion.

      Before we finish this section, we would like to discuss one more thing. The word Nei Gong (a85) is often used, especially in Chinese martial society. “Nei” means “internal” and “Gong” means “Gongfu.” Nei Gong means “internal Gongfu,” as opposed to Wai Gong (a86) which means “external Gongfu.” Nei Gong is martial arts training which specializes in internal Gongfu, which builds up the Qi internally first and then coordinates the Qi with martial techniques. Typical Chinese Nei Gong martial styles are Taijiquan (a87), Liu He Ba Fa (a88), Baguazhang (a89), and Xingyiquan (a90). In contrast to Nei Gong, Wai Gong emphasizes developing the muscles, with some build up of Qi in the limbs. Typical Wai Gong martial styles are: Praying Mantis, Tiger, Eagle, White Crane, Dragon, and so on. Many of the external styles originated in the Shaolin Temple.


      I hope this book will lay down a theoretical foundation which interested Qigong practitioners can use in their training. Hopefully this book can explain to you the How, Why, and What of Qigong, and help you to avoid being confused and misled.

      It is extremely difficult to write a book which covers more than four thousand years of study and research, especially since a large portion of the knowledge was kept secret until the last twenty years. Even though the study of Qigong has reached very high, there are still many questions which must be answered through recourse to today’s technology and interdisciplinary knowledge. Contemporary, enthusiastic minds will have plenty of opportunity to research and promote the art.

      One of the major purposes of this book is to stimulate Western scholars and medical society to get involved with and study this newly-revealed science. Hopefully other Qigong experts will be encouraged to share their knowledge with the public. I believe that in a short time Qigong will reach new and exciting heights in the Western world. This would be one of the greatest cross-cultural achievements since East and West opened their doors to each other.

      Most available documents are not systematically organized and do not explain the subject very well. As I compile them and try to explain them in a logical and scientific way, I must use my own judgment, and I must explain them based on my personal Qigong background and my understanding of the documents. It is impossible for one person alone to do justice to this enormous field. You are encouraged to question everything stated in this text, and to always remember that many conclusions come from my own judgment. The main purpose of this book is to lead you to the path of study — it is not meant to be the final authority.

      When you read this book, it is important that you keep your mind open, and let go of your habitual ways of thinking. When we find ourselves in a new environment or start studying something new, it is human nature to view the new from the standpoint of what we have already learned. Unfortunately, this tends to make us conservative and narrow minded. This is commonly seen in tourists who visit another country, but judge the local customs and behavior according to their own country’s standards. This usually leads to a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. If, however, you try to understand other people according to their own culture and historical background, you will have a much better chance of understanding their behavior. Please do this when you start studying this science of Qigong. If you keep your mind open and try to understand it according to its historical background, you will find it a fascinating and challenging subject.


      It is true that it is very hard to break from tradition. In many old cultures, tradition must be obeyed absolutely. If anyone is against the tradition, he is considered a traitor to the culture. However, the correct approach to research and study involves questioning tradition and proving its inaccuracies through the use of modern thought and technology. This is especially necessary in regard to ancient sciences which were developed before this century. New study will allow us to prove and establish their accuracy. You should understand that this is not a form of betrayal. It is our responsibility to prove the truth and bring facts to light.

      Many of the theories which have been passed down were based upon many years of experience. Regardless of how you modify a theory, the fact is, it is still the root of the entire science. Therefore, the correct approach to study and research involves respect and study of the past. From this respect and study, you will be able to find the root of the entire science. If you forget this root, which has been growing for thousands of years, you are studying only the branches and flowers.

      You should judge this inner science of Qigong in a logical and scientific manner. Of course, the words “logic” and “scientific” are not absolute terms. They are relative to the science and understanding which we possess. Remember, though, that although science has been developing for thousands of years, it was only in the last hundred years or so that it suddenly began to swell in the width and depth of its understanding. We can be sure, therefore, that our understanding today is still in its infancy. There are many facts and phenomena which cannot be explained by today’s science. Therefore, when you read this new inner science, be logical and scientific, yet don’t reject explanations which lie outside of what you presently accept as true. What is accepted as true in a few years may be quite different from what we now accept.

      All sciences were developed from daring assumptions which were then proven by careful experimentation. The results which we get from our experiments allow us to modify our assumptions and to create new experiments which explore our new hypotheses. This process

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