Wisdom's Way. Walton C. Lee

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Wisdom's Way - Walton C. Lee

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besides these expensive and exotic flowers! Are you out of your mind? This is my imperial palace, not a shoddy farmer’s vegetable garden. Why are these offensive animals here?”

      “Your Majesty,” the supervisor nervously explained, “it’s not my idea at all. I didn’t make this pigsty. It has been here for generations. They said that Your Majesty’s ancestors built it and started this strange custom. I only faithfully follow it. We raise the pigs until they reach maturity. Then, we slaughter them and eat their meat. I really don’t understand the reason behind maintaining this pigsty, but it is custom.”

      Shaking his head, the emperor allowed the supervisor to stand up and pardoned the man. The supervisor courteously bowed and backed away from his master. Still disgusted, the emperor directed his assistants to tear down that pigsty.

      Several years later, one night in the palace, servants complained of a ghost appearing in a locked room. They testified that they saw some suspicious long shadows flying and floating there. An older servant said that fresh pig blood splashed all over the possessed room would effectively exorcise any evil spirit. After an anxious search of the enormous imperial palace, all the servants and eunuchs reported that there were no pigs to be found. The incident was duly reported to the emperor, who suddenly recalled the sty he’d removed, and then understood the importance of having those pigs in the garden.

      The emperor’s ancestors were really farsighted. Although those pigs were never used, this measure of precaution was indispensable. The same mentality could also be applied to ordinary people. Without obvious and immediate troubles, you may ignore simple precautions that could have been of benefit in a future crisis.

       An Uncommon Present

       Northern Sung Dynasty960 A.D. to 1127 A.D.

      In the old days, to maintain a friendly relationship with its neighbors, China routinely exchanged presents with them. This amusing episode occurred in the early eleventh century A.D.

      In a diplomatic communication, the country of Vietnam mentioned that they would like to deliver a live Kirin, a legendary animal of good luck, to the Chinese emperor next year. The Kirin, a symbol of fortune and prosperity, had never been seen before, and was known only through stories and in folklore.

      If indeed the Kirin existed, it would be a magnificent gift and would bring great honor to the nation. But if this were a trick, China would be embarrassed in front of all her neighbors. Whether or not to receive this unusual present became a touchy issue. In a royal conference, the emperor asked his commissioners for suggestions. Most of the officials were silent. They truly didn’t know how to handle this unique and delicate dilemma.

      After a period of silence, Syma Guang,17 the sophisticated prime minister spoke up. “Your Majesty, why should we be honored with such an unusual gift? According to mythology, a Kirin only appears in a country that is blessed. Since it appeared in Vietnam, it must be for them. We are not entitled to it. On the other hand, if this Kirin is fraudulent and we accept and worship it, we will make complete fools of ourselves. In either possibility, receiving it is not in our best interest.”

      “I understand what you are saying,” spoke the emperor, “but what should I do?”

      Syma Guang smiled. “We can use this incident to our advantage. Vietnam’s real intention is no concern of ours. We must play along with them, treating this proposal as genuine and sincere. Your Majesty should publicly express your appreciation, but formally decline to receive this ‘exceptional’ present. Furthermore, Your Majesty should bestow on them a generous award for their thoughtfulness. As a result of this unselfish action, other neighboring countries will be deeply impressed and even surprised by Your Majesty’s integrity and generosity. In the future, they will admire us for our selflessness and broad-mindedness, which is a gain for our dynasty’s reputation. If this proposal is insincere or even mischievous, our southern neighbor will feel embarrassed upon receiving our lavish award.”

      After carefully listening to this perceptive suggestion, the emperor was delighted, and immediately instructed his diplomat to do all as the prime minister said.


       Keep It Simple and Clear

       You Can Have It

       Tang Dynasty618 A.D. to 907 A.D.

      In the old days, the emperor was the single most powerful person in the entire realm. People treated him almost like a god. For example, when the royal coach passed through the streets there would be a brief curfew. Every resident had to stay at home with doors and windows tightly closed. Pedestrians hid themselves in alleys. Nobody was allowed to look at an emperor’s face. An offender might lose his head. In some dynasties, harbingers were sent ahead to spread fresh yellow earth on the road, so that the emperor’s coach would not touch the mundane and slovenly land.

      In daily life, the emperor was surrounded by eunuchs and assistants. To gain the emperor’s trust, which could be turned into influence, they sought ways to flatter him. The following two amusing episodes happened in the early ninth century A.D. A newly-enthroned young emperor named Tang-Wen1 was on his way to a temple to one day honor his ancestors, which was a very important event for the new master. An officer came, knelt before him and reported that two wrestlers, waiting outside of his chamber, were ready to perform.

      “What is this all about? Who hired them? I didn’t order any wrestlers and I am in a hurry to attend the ceremony.” the Emperor exclaimed.

      “Your Majesty,” answered a eunuch, “it is our tradition….”

      “All right, all right, I know what they are getting at.” the emperor impatiently interrupted, with obvious irritation. “Taking advantage of the situation, those two shameless swine expect to receive a handsome reward. Just let them wrestle in the front yard. After they finish, give them some money and let them go.” He then departed without observing the game.

      After this unpleasant experience, the ‘tradition’ was never again repeated. The smart emperor’s disdain strongly conveyed a message, which was faithfully complied with by his shrew and observant eunuchs. Consequently, the master would never be accused of being radical.

      Another day, while the emperor was watching a cockfight, a eunuch, who was well-known for getting attention and flattering his master, hooted and howled vigorously. Disgusted by this, his master coldly said to him “Well, it seems to me that you love those two cocks very much. I will give them to you if you can just keep your mouth shut.” Profoundly embarrassed, the eunuch dared not to utter another word.

      Although history generally labels this emperor as an average ruler, I think he duly demonstrated his sophistication and competence from those two interesting cases. Although the emperor was evidently against the practice of wrestling at that particular moment, he didn’t publicly denounce it; thus evading a direct conflict with his eunuchs, a well-established and powerful special-interest group. Their potential threat must not be underestimated. Numerous historical tragedies show that notorious and power-hungry eunuchs ruthlessly murdered or dethroned emperors at their will.

      But to respect his predecessors and avoid future complications, the emperor didn’t openly condemn this faulty tradition, which was probably established in past ages by greedy eunuchs; rather, he cleverly chose to ignore it. Observing this, those wily eunuchs would clandestinely discontinue the practice.

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