Feminism: The Ugly Truth. Mike J.D. Buchanan

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Feminism: The Ugly Truth - Mike J.D. Buchanan

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this finds you well. Following the publication of my latest book The Glass Ceiling Delusion, which focused on men and women in the world of work, I am embarking on a wider critique of feminist thinking and campaigning in the modern era. I wish to give the book’s readers a real sense of what is currently taught in Women’s Studies / Gender Studies courses. Would it be possible to mail or email me (before the end of September, i.e. nine weeks off) details of your courses in these areas, and associated reading lists for people undertaking them? Also, could you please inform me of the gender balance among the people undertaking the courses in the last academic year? Thank you.

      Best wishes,

      Mike Buchanan

      <contact details>

      [Author’s note: in the absence of a response a month later – to be fair, the good lady might just have been on holiday over the period – I tried again.]

      From: [email protected]

      Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011, 4:27 PM

      To: [email protected]

      Subject: FW: Women’s Studies / Gender Studies

      Dr Zalewski, good afternoon. I emailed you on 28 July (see above) and wrote to you on 11 August (see attached). Having not even received acknowledgement of these items, I am forced to conclude that you are simply unwilling to provide the information requested. I’ve taken legal advice on this matter and am therefore requesting this information through invoking the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I understand that this leaves you a maximum of 28 days so I look forward to the information by Friday 23 September latest. Thank you.

      Best wishes,

      Mike Buchanan

      <contact details>

      From: [email protected]

      Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011, 6:36 PM

      To: [email protected]

      Subject: FW: Women’s Studies / Gender Studies

      Dr Zalewski, would you please be so good as to acknowledge receipt of the email I sent earlier today (above)? Thanks.

      Best wishes,

      Mike Buchanan

      <contact details>

      From: [email protected]

      Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 5:29 PM

      To: [email protected]

      Subject: FW: Women’s Studies / Gender Studies

      No information is available as these courses are currently unavailable.

      [Author’s note: I then returned to the University website and spotted a course which, it seemed to me, was very much of the type I was enquiring into. So I emailed again.]

      From: [email protected]

      Sent: 30 August 2011 17:37

      To: Zalewski, Marysia

      Subject: Re: Women’s Studies / Gender Studies

      Thank you. Is the following course being run over 2011/2?


      Best wishes,

      Mike Buchanan

      <contact details>

      From: [email protected]

      Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 5:38 PM

      To: [email protected]

      Subject: RE: Women’s Studies / Gender Studies

      This is not a gender studies course.

      From: [email protected]


      To: [email protected]

      Fw: Women’s Studies / Gender Studies

      Thank you, but that wasn’t what I asked. I asked if the course was being run.

      Best wishes,

      Mike Buchanan

      <contact details>

      Writing these words in late January 2012, four months after the nine week deadline I originally offered, I have yet to receive a response to that last email, and I have no idea if the requested materials will ever be forthcoming, despite my having invoked the Freedom of Information Act. In case the reason for the non-supply of information was my failure to satisfy some obscure protocol that a citizen would struggle to discover, I think it not unreasonable that Professor Zalewski might have informed me of the fact.

      The leader of another Gender Studies course passed my request on to the office responsible for handling such matters. The lady in charge of that office supplied the requested materials but said they were subject to copyright restrictions and I would have to apply for permission to use them, as the academics running the Gender Studies course were concerned I might use them in a ‘misleading’ manner. I would have to present them with the material I sought to duplicate, as well as any commentary concerning it. I wasn’t even permitted to divulge the book titles on the recommended reading lists without prior written permission: copyright was claimed on these lists. But I could, she added generously, state the number of books on those lists. You couldn’t make it up.

      Onto the Centre for Women’s Studies at the University of York. On 14 September 2011 I received a letter from Professor Stevi Jackson which started by apologising for the lateness of the response, and continued in a polite and informative manner. I rapidly concluded she’d attended a superior charm school to the one attended by Professor Zalewski.

      The letter included the following table showing the headcount for all full and part-time students on Women’s studies courses over the academic years 2005/6 to 2010/11:

Academic year Female Male
2005/6 35 0

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