How to Be a Miracle Maker: Find Joy, Love and Abundance. Keith Ph.D Varnum

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How to Be a Miracle Maker: Find Joy, Love and Abundance - Keith Ph.D Varnum

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      Usually, those same people reconnect with me years later to tell me they now understand what I was talking about.

      What transpired in those intervening years to change these people’s perspective?

      These folks had a far out occurrence of their own. Life presented them with an experience beyond their belief box—outside their personality’s old framework, envelope, paradigm or range of previous experiences.

      Once our world is expanded outside of our old boundaries, we realize all manner of stories are possible, even probable.

      Really good stories entice the personality so far out of its ordinary prison of perception that a person encounters his or her real self.

      My intention in telling you my story is to catalyze the reunion of your personality with your real self.

      The Bridge

      The real self is too smart to leave the hearing of its story to chance.

      The soul loads the dice. The gig is rigged.

      When we travel away from the unified field of multisensory awareness into the complexity of the personality, the soul leaves a trail of markers for us to find our way back to the simple knowing of Who We Are.

      These soul clues are hidden along our personality path so we will stumble across them just when we need the encouragement of a wider perspective to get through our next life challenge.

      This is the original message of the fairy tale, “Hansel and Gretel.” Hansel, our adventurous personality, takes us on an exploration of the mysterious forest, the vast world of surface difference and diversity. Gretel, our intuitive real self, marks with pebbles the route we take going away from home, Spirit. When we get lost in the confusion of the surface appearances, Hansel and Gretel unite to find the way home. When our personality and soul communicate, we find our way back to Oneness and knowing Who We Are.

      The stories in this book are real-life exploits of mine.

      As I tell these candid tales to people, the stories have the effect of triggering people’s memories of actual, extraordinary events in their own lives.

      People recall events in their lives that, at the time they occurred, were too farfetched to fit into any known category of personal experience.

      These far out, socially unacceptable encounters were buried, misinterpreted, discounted, denied, forgotten, or, by some other device, shoved into a mental closet.

      As I openly relate my extraordinary encounters, people listening become comfortable enough to remember the forgotten out-of-the-ordinary events that have happened to them.

      As the personality senses the space of acceptance of extraordinary life adventures, it feels safe enough to recall its own unusual, extrasensory exploits.

      We have all had hundreds of direct personal experiences of multisensory, nonphysical awareness and extra-normal powers this lifetime.

      Using our innate connection to our inner being, these amazing exploits can be recollected from the closets and graves in which we buried them.

      As a storyteller—in the guise of a therapist, healer, journalist, talk show host and filmmaker—my stories have assisted thousands of people to recall their own soul stories.

      May the muse of True Memory shine on you as you read my story.

      PART I

      Starting Fresh All Over Again

      My Friend the Ascended Master

      We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned,

      so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

      Joseph Campbell

      This book is the story of my personality’s relationship with my soul. My story begins where most people’s soul stories end—when the child enters society.

      Of course, a person’s soul story never really ends. However, a person’s awareness of what is happening on the nonphysical, multisensory level often comes to an abrupt halt if that inner awareness is not nurtured. This premature shutdown to experiencing the full consciousness of our true nature is the fate of most people. The closedown usually occurs in early childhood, just about the time we are entering the world of adults in preschool or kindergarten. We’re told to “put away the things of childhood” by the people nearest us. Our parents, relatives, friends and teachers have already hidden from themselves their abilities to see nonphysical reality—angels, fairies, invisible friends, spirit guides, deceased Grandma or Grandpa at the family dinner table or the shimmering glow around loving people. Because most parents no longer remember the magic and power of their own extrasensory perception, the natural multisensory abilities of children in our Western culture are usually suppressed for the sake of social acceptability.

      This cutoff from expanded consciousness would have been my fate as well, if it weren’t for the valiant and persistent efforts of one Ascended Master named St. Germain. Throughout my childhood, this loving nonphysical being visited me at night right after my parents tucked me in and before I went off to dreamland. His presence filled me with a warm sensation. I discerned him as a faint pulsating light in the corner of my bedroom. In later years, as I got comfortable with his enveloping energy in my room, I was able to perceive the form of his body and the features of his face. Eventually, I conversed with him as one talks to an old friend.

      St. Germain is a nonphysical being referred to as an “Ascended Master.” Ascended Masters are human beings who have mastered and ascended the influence of their human emotions and the limitations of cultural, psychological conditioning. When this mastery reaches a certain level, these regular, physical people ascend from the limitations of the physical universe and become nonphysical beings with multisensory and multidimensional awareness. Other Ascended Masters include Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mother Mary and Sai Baba. These wise and experienced friends make themselves available to people through meditation for spiritual guidance and counsel. (By the way, the “St.” is simply part of St. Germain’s name; it does not mean he is a saint in any religious sense.)

      My spiritual mentorship with St. Germain has been a constant in my life since childhood, although it took me a long while to evolve my relationship with him into a conscious exchange between equals.

      At first, I experienced my mentor as a kind of guardian angel, comforting me with soothing vibrations by night and saving me from human danger and disaster by day. In my youth, I was especially aware that a divine force intervened many times to prevent injury and accidents during my teenage driving years.

      In my twenties, as I became more accustomed to extrasensory phenomena and my own spiritual nature, my connection with St. Germain became more conscious. I developed my self-esteem and courage to a degree where I interacted with this awakened being as a good buddy and confidant. This is when my training for my life’s work began in a deliberate and detailed way.

      On every nocturnal visit, St. Germain would show me aspects of my soul’s game plan,

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