For Evil to Flourish. Dubya Ph.D Lorimer

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For Evil to Flourish - Dubya Ph.D Lorimer

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trying to swear and threaten them, but nothing intelligible was getting past the tape over his mouth.

      The man then tied a piece of string around Benny's manhood, no easy task under the circumstances.

      The gang member in the Margaret Thatcher mask, meanwhile was tying the other end of the length of string around a concrete block which 'she' then placed on the sill of an open window next to Benny. Knowing he was at least one storey up, he realised with horror what would happen if the concrete block went over the edge. So absorbed was he with his immediate problem, he didn't notice he was now being filmed on his own camera phone.

      'Now young man,' said 'The Queen', imitating her majesty's voice,

      'We have some questions for you, and if we think you're lying, we toss that block out the window, and I'm sure you know you're not going to enjoy that. Also, if you scream and shout when we take the tape off your mouth, we will push the block out the window. But on the other hand, if you're a good little boy, and do as we ask, we will let you go in one piece. Do I make myself clear?'

      'The Queen' couldn't make out what Benny was trying to say, but it didn't sound like a yes, however 'Mrs Thatcher' gently pushing the concrete block a little way over the edge suddenly had Benny turn very still, apart from the frantic nodding of his head.

      'That's more like it, now we can talk properly.' The man in the Queen mask then none too gently removed the tape.

      'You supplied the drink and drugs to that girl who died, didn't you?'

      'No way, I didn't even know they were there, honest to God!'

      'Mrs Thatcher' sighed theatrically, then pushed the block a little further over the edge,

      'Not what we want to hear, Benjamin.'

      'Stop. Okay, okay, I was there.'

      'And you raped them?'

      'No, no, that's bullshit, I didn't touch them!'

      'You gave them drugs, you raped them, and then you did nothing to help them when they became ill, isn't that right?'

      'I didn't know there was anything wrong with them, honest, I thought they just fell asleep.'

      The block was moved another inch, teetering now on the brink.

      'I swear, I swear on my mother's life, I just thought they needed to sleep it off.'

      Benny was blessed with such stupidity that it was probably true, he may well have imagined that he could return after a few hours and find the girls none the worse for wear.

      'Who else was in the flat with you?' Patterson hesitated just a second too long before answering.

      'Nobody. Just me and the girls.'

      'So it had to be you who gave the girls drugs, then?' Patterson shook his head, but didn't reply.

      'The drugs were supplied to you by the Hills, were they not?'

      'No way, I don't know anything about drugs, or the Hills, no way!'

      'And I suppose your going to try and tell me you're not a pimp and the Hills don't get a cut of your profit?'

      'Course not, I've never had anything to do with whores, nor worked for the Hills, you're mixing me up with somebody else, I swear!'

      'The Queen' shook her head sadly.

      'Oh, I don't think so, Benjamin, we know exactly who and what you are, and if you're not willing to admit to what you've done, well, we're obviously wasting our time here. I don't think I can watch this, it won't be pretty.', and he turned away from Patterson as Mrs Thatcher started to push the block over the edge.

      'Aaagh, no, no, don't, I'll tell you.'

      The man in the Thatcher mask held the block right over the edge.

      'No more warnings, next time it goes over.'

      'Ok, I got some stuff from a friend of Darren, but it was just this once, just a little, for personal use. Honest, I swear, just this once, and it was for a party, I didn't know the lass was going to die!'

      Benny was shaking and crying, the tears running down his face, but still he was lying, obviously even more scared of the Hills than he was of this gang.

      'I warned you what would happen if you gave us any more lies.' and without hesitation, 'Mrs Thatcher' let go of the block.

      For a split second Patterson was frozen, then suddenly he let out a high pitched scream........ Which gradually tailed away to a baffled silence as he realised the block had hit the ground, while, surprisingly, he was still intact.

      'What the.....?'

      The masked man's shoulders were shaking with laughter as he held up the cut end of the piece of string.

      'Gave you a fright there, didn't we Benjamin,' Then leaning in close, he said menacingly,

      'Just remember, next time we won't be playing with you.'

      As Patterson started to curse and swear, he was silenced with a fresh length of tape across his mouth. Still laughing, the bizarre-looking foursome walked away together.

      Julie was on the rug in front of the stove, leaning against the front of an armchair with David's head in her lap, feeling totally content.

      After an hour or so in the bedroom, they had developed an appetite of a different kind, returning to the kitchen for a ready-made meal prepared in the microwave, washed down with a bottle of wine.

      Unable to keep their hands off each other, they had made love again, this time in front of the fire.


      'Do you like that?' she asked,as she stroked his face and head.

      'Mmmmmm' he confirmed.

      The grey spreading through his blonde hair made her feel a little better about the hair dye she regularly found necessary nowadays.

      'Oooh, what's this?' she asked, her fingers exploring a small scar hidden by his hair.

      'Never noticed that before, what happened to you?

      'Car accident' he murmured.


      'Nope, just a scratch. It was years ago.'

      'Poor you.' and she leaned forward and kissed the spot.

      'You do love me, don't you?'

      'I can't believe you have to ask, of course I do.'

      'You won't be mad at me for doing something you told me not to?'

      He opened one eye and looked at her quizzically.


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