Mr. Fish & Other Fantasy Tales. David Ph.D Dicaire

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Mr. Fish & Other Fantasy Tales - David Ph.D Dicaire

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      “You’re right.”

      “Aye, I know it hurts. But, it’s better than living a lie.”

      “You did help me out.”

      “I did. No hard feelings?”


      They shook hands.

      “Thank you, Beezer McLeary.”

      “Ah, laddie t’was nothin’.”

      “If you ever need anything you know where to find me.”

      “I do.”

      “I have to go now. Thanks once again.”

      Mike left. He arrived at his car and pulled away.

      Beezer appeared on the rooftop and smiled. “This is going to be a fun time.”

      The Investigators

      Desmond Bray was a very tall, thin individual who looked like he belonged on the basketball court instead of down a jungle-like path amid tall rubber plants, vine-infested trees and armies of annoying, biting insects.

      He skirted on the edge of the forest walking slowly each step measured out holding a strange gadget that burped and gurgled like some crazy gizmo. Suddenly, a sharp sound blasted his eardrums and he peeled off the headphones. He looked over at his partner, Luther Gunn, who was busy eating berries from a bush.

      Luther was shorter and boasted a girth that made him look like he was pregnant. He was engrossed in the bush and only his butt was sticking out. Desmond was just about to kick him in the behind when the berry eater turned around.

      “Desmond you have to try one of these berries they’re delicious.” Slowly it dawned on Luther what his partner was about to do. “Hey, wait a minute, were you going to do what I think you were going to do?”

      “Are we here to eat berries or make a million dollars?”

      “I don’t see anything wrong with having a little snack now and again. Besides we haven’t seen anything worth photographing in hours. I’m hungry.”

      “Look at you. You have juice running down your chin, your commando boots are stained and you don’t have your finger on the camera trigger. What if something popped up right now? Do you want to miss out on a million dollars for a few berries?”

      “No, but they’re really good.”

      “Concentrate on the work at hand. The Determinator is acting up.”

      “Desmond, what came over me? You’re absolutely right. “I’m ready. Come on, let’s do this.”

      Desmond turned around and started to walk away. Luther grabbed a few more berries and stuffed them in his pocket.

      “I think that we are getting close. The gauge on The Determinator was starting to heat up a minute ago. It could be a fairy or troll and just like that with one picture we’re on Easy Street for the rest of our days. We’ll go out and buy our own tropical island. Right Luther? Luther?”

      Desmond turned around and a vine had tied Luther up upside down where he swung like a sack of potatoes.

      “Luther quit goofing off. I thought you were serious?

      “I am.”

      “Get down from there.”

      “How about a little help?”

      Desmond put down the contraption and attempted to help Luther get down from the tree. The vine started to tangle the tall, thin man and soon they are both intertwined into knots.

      Suddenly, something whizzed by and stopped.

      “Is that what I think it is?”

      “I told you The Determinator was going wonky.”

      Desmond and Luther swung back and forth as the glowing light buzzed around them. They struggled valiantly to get down but the more they squirmed, the tighter the knots became.

      “This is killing me.”

      “These knots are killing me.”

      Suddenly there was a flash and they were free; Luther fell on top of Desmond.

      “Get off me.”

      “Sorry, Desmond.” Luther climbed off of his partner.

      They looked around but the glowing light was gone.

      “The thing didn’t make hardly any noise.”

      “Now concentrate on the mission at hand.”

      “I’m right on it, Desmond.”

      The bright light sailed behind Luther and stopped for a moment to investigate, then sprinted off without being detected.

      Desmond put the headphones back on and lowered the volume as The Determinator began to make some noise.

      “Get the special time elapse camera ready because this thing is starting to go crazy again.”

      Luther reached around and the glowing light zipped to the other side out of sight. He pulled out the camera from the pack of stuff he was carrying and then turned around. The undetermined flying object returned to its previous spot.

      Desmond held the microphone toward Luther. “It’s coming from you.”

      “That’s impossible.”

      “Turn around.”

      Luther turned around and the glowing light slid on his backpack. The Determinator was going absolutely crazy.

      “It’s on you.”

      “Where is it?” Luther went crazy spinning around in circles. “Get it off me, Desmond.” In the process, the camera flew out of his hands. The glowing light shot out from the backpack and escaped.

      Desmond ran for the camera but it was too late.


      “It isn’t my fault, Desmond. Why do you blame me for everything?”

      “Come on, it couldn’t have gotten too far.”

      Luther took the camera from Desmond. The latter picked up the gadget and they moved on.

      They had walked for about an hour and Luther rested on a stump.

      “Can we rest for a few minutes? I’m beat.”

      Desmond stopped and removed the headphones.

      “I wonder what that thing was? It looked like a fairy but it

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