Mr. Fish & Other Fantasy Tales. David Ph.D Dicaire

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Mr. Fish & Other Fantasy Tales - David Ph.D Dicaire

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a lot of us up at once. They also pour chemicals into the water that make us sick and often kill us. Humans are our sworn enemy.”

      “King Sloan, I think he should be banished.”

      “But he doesn't know the area and Spike almost ate him this morning.” Tatiana pleaded with her father and the rest of the colony.

      “If Spike eats him, then he might leave the rest of us alone.”

      “Luther, I will decide if he stays or has to go. Tell me about your battle with Spike.”

      “I was exploring an area and saw him coming at me with all of those teeth. So I swam as fast as I could and he followed me and no matter what maneuver I tried, I couldn't shake him. Then I saw a log and went through a hole that he couldn't get through. I hid in there and then left on the other side.”

      Everyone cheered.

      “You have earned your place among us.”

      “I still think he's trouble.”

      “We are a peaceful kingdom and help one another out as much as possible. If you can abide by this code then you can stay.”

      “It would be a pleasure to be part of your kingdom sire.”

      “Very well.”

      “He needs a place to stay father.”

      “Then show him to the mud bank and a suitable empty hole.”

      Tatiana led Bernard to living quarters where he found a practical mud hole. It wasn't the lap of luxury, but it was better than being left out in the elements with Spike lurking about or worse, a sturgeon or large channel cat.


      Bernard adjusted to his new world. Life in the Kingdom of Sloan was good. There was lots of food and with each passing day, he became more accustomed to being a fish. He also grew close to Tatiana who taught him how to survive in the water. The only problem was Luther who watched him closely.

      One day, King Sloan summoned for his daughter. She swam over to his private chambers.

      “Yes father, you wanted to see me?”

      “I think you have been spending too much time with Bernard.”

      “But, father, he is new here and needs someone to guide him along.”

      “I see.”

      “Besides, he is very nice.”

      “But, he was not born a fish. Someday, he will want to become a human again and will leave.”

      “Maybe he will decide to remain a fish.”

      “Perhaps. Remember that you are going to marry Luther when the time is right.”

      “Luther is nice, but I do not want to marry him.”

      “Luther will be the future king. He is strong and brave.”

      “I do not wish to discuss this any further.”

      Tatiana swam away.

      “Come back here,” Sloan shouted.

      Some time later, Bernard found her crying in her mud hole.

      “What's wrong?”

      “Nothing. My father and I have a strong difference of opinion.”

      “I see.”

      “Can I ask you something?”

      “Yes, of course.”

      “Do you like being a fish?”

      “I guess so. I would rather be a human being, but I am not sure how to go back to being my old self again.”

      “Oh, I see.”

      “Everyone, come quick.”

      All of the fish swam out of their holes and dropped what they were doing.

      “What is it?” asked Luther.

      “Spike was seen cruising around looking for a meal.”

      “He's probably looking for Bernard. I knew that fish would be trouble.” Luther glared at Bernard.

      “I outwitted him once, I will outwit him again.”

      “You were lucky he didn't eat you.”

      “Father what are we going to do?”

      “There is no reasoning with Spike.”

      “If I tell him that I used to be a human maybe that will scare him away.”

      “Spike is not easily scared.”

      “For now, I don't want anyone to go out of the safety zone. Does everyone understand?”

      Everyone agreed.

      “We will start night watches. Luther, can you organize that for me?”

      “Consider it done.”

      Later that night, Bernard was on his watch. All was quiet on the watery front and he started to relax a bit. He didn't like the first encounter with Spike and certainly wasn't looking forward to a second one. Suddenly, he heard a noise.

      Should I go and see what it is? Perhaps it is Tatiana?

      He moved slowly and carefully toward the source of the noise when something attacked him. He fought the unknown assailant thinking it was Spike. In a split second decision, he realized it was best to lead the danger away from the group.

      Bernard high-tailed it out of there and could not manage to shake the pursuer. In the darkness, there was a terrific battle between the two combatants. Bernard who had never really been in a fight in his entire life--as a human or as a fish--struggled with everything he had. In an effort to end the nightmare, he bit down on the enemy as hard as he could.

      “Dirty fighter.” It was Luther's voice.

      “Why are you attacking me?”

      “Because I don't like you. Tatiana is mine. Leave and never come back.”

      Bernard fled.


      Bernard managed to survive the next few days on his own. Lost and afraid to go back to the kingdom because he was sure that Luther would be waiting for him, he wandered. He found a muddy little hole that was not as comfortable as the one in the trout village, but it was home.

      It wasn't easy and he was very lonely, but there was food available and the deeper waters were much more open and kind of fun to explore. However, he kept one eye out for Spike and all other potential

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