One Last Class. Karen Mueller Bryson

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One Last Class - Karen Mueller Bryson

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      By Karen Mueller Bryson



      First Edition

      © Karen Mueller Bryson 2012


      No part of this book may be produced in any form, by photocopying or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the copyright owner, except for the minimum words needed for review.

      This is a work of FICTION.

      Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author's offbeat imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


      Fast-paced and fun novels for readers on the go.

      For more information, visit the website:

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0688-6

      This book is dedicated to my brother-in-law, Jim Bryson,

      who told me about a dog’s snowl.


      Thirty-two year old, Zak Spencer was sound asleep in his tousled bed, naked, except for the thin white sheet that covered the lower half of his body. Zak had been aged by recent disappointments but remnants of his boyish good looks were still visible. Elvis, Zak’s two-year old basset hound, snored on the floor next him.

      Mindy, a 40-something cougar, slowly rose from the bed trying not to wake Zak. She carefully removed her clothes from the floor then snuck over to a corner chair and grabbed her purse for a quick escape.

      But when Mindy tripped over Elvis and he let out a yelp, she crashed to the floor.

      Zak awakened and noticed Mindy was no longer next to him. He scanned the room but didn’t see her anywhere. “Mindy?” he called.

      “I'm down here.”

      Zak peeked over the end of the bed and saw Mindy on the floor clutching her clothes and purse.

      “What are you doing down there?” he asked.

      “I tripped over your dog.”

      Elvis wagged his tail.

      Zak rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “You're leaving already?”

      Mindy pushed herself up from the ground and tried to cover her nearly naked body.

      “But it’s so early,” Zak continued.

      “I've got a lot to do today,” Mindy lied. “I'll call you. I promise,” she blurted as she hurried out of the bedroom.

      Zak jumped out of bed and pulled the sheet as a covering as he tried to catch Mindy. But she was quick. She had already made her way through the apartment and grabbed a jacket from a hanger next to the door before Zak caught up to her. Zak was now tangled in the sheet as he tripped up to Mindy and said, “You don't have my number.”

      As Zak scrambled for something to write with, Mindy admitted, “I'm not really going to call you.”

      Zak was genuinely hurt. “Why?” he managed to get out.

      “This was fun and everything but I really don't want to date a former Malibu Boy. It's so last decade.”

      “But…” Zak searched for something more to say.

      “I've got to go,” Mindy shouted as bolted out the door.

      As the door slammed shut, Zak was left standing naked and alone. He completely deflated. When he was in his prime, and the lead singer of one of the most successful fake boy-bands in the country, he couldn’t keep the women away. They swarmed like Africanized bees. Now, he couldn’t even keep a cougar interested for more than an awkward one-night stand.

      With his tail wagging, Elvis waddled over to his master.

      Zak sighed and said, “Somewhere beneath the sun, these quivering heart-strings prove it. Somewhere there must be one, made for this soul, to move it.”

      Elvis whimpered.

      “Too sappy?”

      Elvis stared at his owner.

      “Don't look at me like that. I was an English major in college.”

      Twenty minutes later, a barely-put-together Zak, raced around the living room searching for his missing left shoe. He rifled behind the couch cushions but came up empty-handed. He glanced at Elvis, lying on a throw rug, watching him. “Do you have any idea where my shoe is? I'm going to be late for my audition.”

      Elvis yawned.

      “You're no help.”

      Elvis rolled on his back. As Zak scratched the dog’s belly, he noticed his shoe under the couch and grabbed it. “Thanks, Elvis,” Zak said as he patted the dog’s head. “Wish me luck. I'm going to need it.”

      Elvis rested his chin on his paws and heaved a big sigh.

      As Zak exited his apartment, he noticed a document tacked to his front door. “What the heck?” he said as he removed the paper and examined it. “Notice of eviction. Tenant has fourteen days to pay all monies owed plus legal fees.”

      Zak sighed and tore the notice into pieces.

      About an hour later, Zak found himself in an audition room filled with 18-year old hunks. He wondered what he’d gotten himself into. A young woman, with black-framed glasses, perched at a table in the front of the room. As Zak approached, the young woman gave him the once-over. “We auditioned the dads yesterday,” she said barely hiding her contempt.

      “I'm here to audition for the role of Nick,” Zak said as he tried to maintain his last bit of pride.

      “And you are?”

      “Zak Spencer.”

      The young woman scanned her audition list. “Have a seat until your name is called.”

      Zak glanced around the room. There was only one empty seat left. He squeezed himself between two young studs. As he sized up his competition, he sucked in his stomach but he could only hold it so long. He was finally forced to release the paunch. With a look of certain defeat, Zak gazed down at his script.

      In his peripheral vision, Zak noticed a

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