Peace Be Still.. David Jr. McDermott

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Peace Be Still. - David Jr. McDermott

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      Lord, we live in such a fast paced, stressful age which leads to impatience for others. This has led to many problems in the world. In our impatience we often turn away from you. In our own selfish nature we feel the least desire to offer patience to others and in turn we do not offer forgiveness. Rather than a virtue patience is the fruit from the source of all patience, your wrath free and longsuffering nature towards us through our Lord Jesus Christ. Your desire is for us to rest our weary impatient souls in you.

      Lord Jesus, you gave us the example of patience by your infinite, unfathomable divine patience in your suffering and in fulfilling your Father’s will. May we turn from our own temporal impatience and appropriate the fruit of supernatural patience from the Holy Spirit, reflecting your divine nature Lord.

      In that patience may we continue to do your will, to give unconditional patience to difficult people, not complaining at their shortcomings. May we never be provoked to anger or retribution.

      As we walk with you Lord Jesus may we in our trusting and obedient heart grow in patience in our trials and tribulations for righteousness sake. May we remain steadfast in patient trust of your love even when we do not perceive it. Transform us in your grace, mercy, truth and loving-kindness to patient longsuffering.

      In our longsuffering may our patience turn from lack of forgiveness of others to sorrow for their sin and our patience grow in our compassion for them, and may it be fulfilled by our patient longing for them to turn to you.

      Lord, in our transforming patience may we be quiet before you, listening for your still small voice. May we find the purpose of our life in the patient fulfilling of your will, becoming the true person you always desired us to be. Amen.


      Lord Jesus, you said, “Happy are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” Lord, may we born again so that our selfish nature that is boastful and arrogant be subdued through the fruit of the Holy Spirit and have your nature of meekness. Through our faith in you transform our hearts to end the conflict within ourselves and with others, so that all tension in our lives will fade away. In the surrendering of our will to our heavenly Father the Holy Spirit can end the wrath within ourselves, ending the hell we make for ourselves on earth.

      Our nature will be wrath free as yours is Lord, gently sending out our love and forgiveness to others as you do. We will receive the blessings of the earth as you promised, the key to true happiness. We will have true purpose in our life becoming alive with confidence and assurance.

      In gentleness our natures will be charitable, gracious and humble. We will have control combined with courage. Through this gentle courage may we be victorious in helping to build your kingdom on earth through our actions in union with your will. May we remain in gentleness amidst the iniquity in this world, forever seeking righteousness and peace. Amen.


      Lord, in our base character may we recognise our sin. May we turn to your ever flowing mercy and forgiveness. In that moment of forgiveness impart in us the growth of the fruit of the Holy Spirit goodness. Your character and acts are the source of all goodness. Subdue our selfish nature to be your nature of goodwill, love, grace and mercy in union with you.

      Your will for us is to act to help the poor and needy and to never harm anyone. Just as you are the source of all pure goodness, forgiveness and love let the light of your goodness shine through the window of our souls to others. May that light draw those in the darkness of unbelief to the merciful redemption through our Lord Jesus Christ.

      In our repentance may we be good, faithful and obedient servants. May we recognise that no good acts of ours bring us redemption but that it was your one act of the greatest goodness in giving your son to die for us while we were yet sinners. In the humility of our acts of goodness may we remain in steadfast faith and truthfulness. Turn our selfish anger into the gentleness of goodness, leading lives of kindness, compassion and loving forgiveness.

      Lord, one of your properties is light, may we as your children bear the fruit of that light in our righteousness. True faith manifests itself in the fruit of love, may we sow this love and bear witness to the Holy Spirit. May this union please the Holy Spirit giving us the beginning of eternal life on earth. The freedom from our selfish nature is this beginning of resting in God alone in our soul with love for nothing beneath him.

      Lord, it is a spiritual life on earth towards that light growing in your goodness. In our act of repentance in submitting our will we await the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us against our nature that is joined to Adam. Our soul in faith is joined to the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ. Living Holy Spirit of the blessed Trinity we pray for that complete union of body and soul. As we find that unconditional goodness within may we impart that unconditional goodness without to the undeserving as you did on earth Lord Jesus. Amen.


      Lord God, heavenly Father, in your compassionate character of light, love, life, mercy, grace and forgiveness, you impart through your word and the Holy Spirit the gift of faith to the greatest part of your creation, the soul of man. You gently knock on the door of the heart of man through the Holy Spirit to his soul to accept by faith your redemption through your blessed son our Lord Jesus Christ.

      Lead us from the path of greatest loss which is to refuse your love, to the path of righteousness which is faith in you, and the bearing of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the growing transformation of our selfish nature towards our Lord’s divine nature.

      May our walk in this crooked and narrow path bring the union of our soul with you in steadfast faith and ever trustful love. In our faith may we surrender our will through Christ’s nature to your will, devoting the gift of our talents to the building of your kingdom on earth. May we be honourable and unfailing in that service. Through faith may we move mountains for you.

      Lord, you give us bread for our bodily needs but faith leads us to the reward of the implementation of our purpose and significance on earth, leading us to peace and bliss instead of apprehension, futility and emptiness.

      May we focus on the blessed face of Christ in the darkness of our tribulations, enabling our hearts even then to proclaim the joy of your light in our enduring faith, until we are rewarded with the vision of you in heaven. Amen.


      Lord God, Heavenly Father, your son, our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ showed the greatest act of humility when he fell to earth to die on the cross of Calvary. He showed us the path of righteousness and the way to follow your will completely with a humble, forgiving, understanding heart towards our fellowmen.

      May I kneel at the foot of his cross and pray through him that I am a sinner and that I need his grace for your forgiveness. May I absorb his ways and submit completely to your will. As I kneel before Jesus’ cross in humility, I bow to your wisdom, sovereignty and power, discerning my own emptiness without you. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit may the lowly one abide in my heart and soul for eternity with his grace.

      I submit in humility to you but I know that it is through the Holy Spirit that you work to end my selfish nature. Come forth Holy Spirit like a sword in battle and defeat the enemy of that nature where I cannot. Slay every degree of pride in me, in my thoughts, words and deeds. May my heart and nature so become transformed to Jesus’ divine nature, even through my trials and tribulations. Clothe me completely Holy Spirit in God’s will that I may walk this life to magnify only God’s

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