A Theory and Treatment of Your Personality. Garry Flint

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A Theory and Treatment of Your Personality - Garry Flint

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you feel that you do not fully understand the information in this section, either read this section again or trust that your subconscious and all of your aspects have understood it. The Process Healing Method has been presented in a similar way to people of all ages. I assume the subconscious and most of your parts have some understanding of this section.

      Now we are moving on to explain the advantages of treating and integrating all aspects of the personality.

      3-3 The advantages of treatment

      Now, I do not know if you have dissociative or amnesic parts, intense traumatic memories, Ego States, or any other complex structures. However, I will talk to you as though you do have parts to ensure I give respect to your entire personality. I call these memories “aspects” or “parts” and use the words parts and aspects interchangeably. There are advantages to getting treatment, and I am going to tell you and your aspects about these advantages. I am doing this so you can decide if you want to join what I call the Treatment Team and eventually be treated. If you feel like joining the Treatment Team right now, please form a Treatment Team and join it. There are six reasons for getting treatment and joining the Main Personality:

      1. To get more satisfaction and less pain

      The most important reason for treatment is that all aspects of your personality can get more satisfaction and experience less pain. I know that most of your aspects want more satisfaction and less pain. Those who want more pain and less satisfaction will be worked with later.

      2. To stop intrusions

      Some parts think that they have to give you pain, pictures, or verbal comments to protect you (see Figure 3-18). This is not true. These intrusions caused by pain from the past can reduce or eliminate happiness and satisfaction and get in the way of or distort life in the present. Suppose you were applying for a job and the interviewer was a person who looked like someone who hurt you in the past. The anger that you might feel, an intrusion by that part, would affect you and interfere with a good job interview. Parts are important because their knowledge, wisdom, and understanding can be used to create decisions and behavior. Experiencing the old pain and beliefs associated with the parts will only distort and interfere with life in the present. By treating the pain and joining that part with the Main Personality, the Main Personality will have the part’s knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to help you. By joining the Treatment Team, parts take a large step toward getting more satisfaction and having less pain in life.


      3. To stop losing time

      Having unremembered time or blank spots in your memory during the day makes life awkward and less satisfying. If you can think about lunch and can’t remember anything between, say, noon and 1 p.m., when you thought you had lunch, then another part may have been running your body during this time. These parts will want to join with the Main Personality, because parts that like to run the body will have the opportunity to run it from morning to night after joining. Joining with the Main Personality will allow them and all other parts to experience more satisfaction and less pain. When the joined or integrated parts and Main Personality all have the same memory, they run the body at the same time without conflicts.

      4. To keep the Main Personality from dissociating important information

      The Main Personality likes to get satisfaction in the form of closeness and affection. When the content associated with old memories elicits or triggers parts that intrude with strong negative emotions, the emotions will interfere with getting this satisfaction. Sometimes, the Main Personality will learn to dissociate important information to stop the intrusions. This dissociation distorts reality and the Main Personality makes a bad decision. A woman who marries an alcoholic might sometimes say, “I didn’t even see that he was alcoholic before our marriage.” What happened was the Main Personality dissociated the awareness that he drank a six-pack of beer on both Saturday and Sunday. She blindly entered into another marriage because of good feelings and a distorted reality. She discovered later that he was an alcoholic. The full integration of all parts will help to prevent this problem from happening.

      5. So that all parts can run the body all the time

      Integration or joining parts is the goal. When the integration process is complete, the memories of all parts are available for use in responding to all fitting situations. With integration, all parts run the body with no conflicts. Integration also gives more wisdom to the Main Personality, which will result in all parts getting more satisfaction and having less pain.

      6. Because a mono personality works best

      Research by Colin Ross, MD (Ross, 1996), has shown that when patients who start with many parts get treatment and all parts integrate with the Main Personality, they behave normally in life. On a major test of mental disorder, Ross found the patients with integrated personalities showed better mental health than the average U.S. citizen. Therefore, in order to move toward health, it is good to integrate all aspects of your personality with the Main Personality.

      Now that you understand the benefits of treatment, let’s talk about the Treatment Team.

      3-4 Introduction to the Treatment Team idea

      This is important and I want all aspects of the personality to pay careful attention. If the idea of a Treatment Team does not feel comfortable to you, you can substitute playmates, the crew or team, inner helpers, or whatever name you choose in place of Treatment Team. Any name will work just as well. This is where the respectfulness of Process Healing is most obvious. Before the parts join the Treatment Team (see Figure 3-19), the parts agree to common goals.


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