Pearls of Wisdom - Pure & Powerful. Dr. Liz Anderson Peacock

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Pearls of Wisdom - Pure & Powerful - Dr. Liz Anderson Peacock

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of Wisdom, Pure & Powerful was conceived at the end of March 2010. I sent a thought into the Universe on how phenomenal workingwomen could feel more connected to others and to themselves. Our technology is connecting us more than ever; however, there is less emotional connection and support. We speak less often, we share less than we used to, and only in sound bites. We read headlines and summaries. Technology makes us run at full-speed at all times. We feel obligated to always be on the go, and have no excuses for less than full throttle. We may communicate more often, but about less and less important things – reality television shows, fashion trends, latest fads, negative news; but what about real connection?

      What is important to you? Why did you enter into your profession? What do you love about it? What do you value? When was the last time you wrote yourself a “thank you” letter? When was the last time you reassessed your vocation and how your practice reflects your values? Or does it?

      When I ask my clients to define the difference between what they do and who they are, they are perplexed by the question. We seem to define ourselves more and more by what we do and what we have accomplished. If what you do was eliminated, how would your definition of self be impacted? Would you characterize yourself differently?

      I have recently had the experience of change within my own life, and one of the gifts has been for me to become reacquainted with the essence of who I am.

      Are we limiting ourselves to what we think we “ought to” act or look like? Or rather, are we expressing our inborn potential through our art and styles of practice, through our communication in how we listen, teach and mentor? Are we following the guidance of our intuition?

      The collaborating writers within Pearls of Wisdom, Pure & Powerful have had very different experiences within our profession, each finding a uniquely fitting path to follow. Everyone has a story to tell, and the significance of sharing the tales of our experience comes with the lessons learned. Stories connect people, provide insight; they make us smile, laugh and cry. Through telling stories of our experience, we share our journey in life together, allowing us to come to know one another just a little more intimately.

      The Birth Of A Book

      At the end of March 2010, an email invitation to be a part of the creation of this book was forwarded to twenty-five women Chiropractors possessing a great deal of practice experience. They were allotted thirty-days to write approximately ten pages on one or a combination of three story topics: a poignant patient story; why they entered into a Vitalistic Profession; and/or to share a valuable piece of knowledge they learned through practicing – knowledge potentially helpful for other women and Chiropractors.

      With the time and topic parameters required for involvement, six women responded by saying they would like to participate, but given their present situation could not meet the time-lines. For those that did not participate, I appreciated the boundaries they set for themselves; as for many females, we have challenges in saying “No.”

      This book does not purport to represent all of the exceptional women in our field, although, there were a few qualifying characteristics considered for participation. Chief distinctions included experience in practice, with representation of a Vitalistic practice-style – meaning those that teach and live the Principles as taught by our founders. The truth in why we deliver a Chiropractic adjustment is extremely significant to us. We teach the basics, the supremacy and integrative qualities of the nervous system as the master controlling system of the body. Interference within the nervous system, direct or indirect, changes the potential for natural communication within the body.

      The doctors contributing to this manuscript have oodles of life experience. No doubt we all have faced the challenges that come with running and managing a practice: fear, doubt, rejection, hurt, embarrassment and humility. On the flip side, we also have experienced the fulfillment our vocation offers: joy, opportunity, reward, connection, nurturing, and miracles. Not to say these are lessons learned from reading about them in a book or hearing about them in a lecture, but instead through first-hand life experience.

      These women talk and live congruent Principles, and are consistent on and off the stage. Our contributions are the essence of who we are, and putting our best efforts forward, how we try to live. Just as any human, we have our own flaws, moments of struggle, and are presented with new lessons in life. Not everything is easy. During the times when we may not have been living in harmony, we express the feelings associated with friction, and how we eventually returned onto a path of purpose.

      We made mistakes, stood-up to unanticipated adversity, and at times, steered through 180˚ turns. We learned and grew. We became stronger. Our conquests contribute to a collective wisdom. Our hope is to assist you in growth. It matters not if you are a prospective student, a graduate, a veteran, a Chiropractor, or even an electrician. Upon reading this book, one could literally replace and re-insert the title of any profession. The lessons are not limited to one profession or one group of women, but universal to all.

      Continually, the contributing writers donate countless hours of time on behalf of our Chiropractic profession: conference calls, in-person meetings, association meetings discussing directions of regulations, associations, educational requirements, seminar preparations, mentoring… the list goes on. They are involved and speaking their voices, displaying attributes for making a difference. When not directly involved, then supporting someone with similar values is an equally valuable contribution. Support comes in many forms and women are masters at collaborative efforts.

      Giving It Up To The Universe

      This book is a reflection of what I ultimately envisioned and sent into the Universe. When the original idea came to me, I inherently knew the contributors would triumph with their stories illustrating commonalities logically strung together as one. I trusted the loose style of my email request to be enough to arouse a naturally-right flow.

      As women, we speak through our emotional experience. Even with all we may cognitively know, we do not change until we feel it. Knowledge is valuable, but until we are moved or touched by something or someone, we usually do not change. When we feel it, it becomes us.

      As doctors, we are only too often in our heads; yet as facilitators of healing, are more dynamic when in our hearts. We share our practices and real life moments with you. We know you have similar experiences. Data and information without experience is merely philosophy; but when we have a personal experience it becomes real and part of our life. We are changed, we learn, we integrate, and we become wiser.

      Others Want To Hear Your Voice

      While speaking at the Canadian Association of Family Enterprises (CAFE) meeting about family business hosted at our office, I realized our job is not to make the next generation’s life easier per se, but perhaps to provide a future with greater opportunity to excel in ways we can only dream of now. As we have benefitted from those before us, we are planting seeds for those that follow. As a result, many are flying further, faster and earlier then us. I cannot imagine a better profession to enter into as a woman, and we hope this book will help you along your journey.

      Many of the contributing authors mentor, some additionally coach, so please know we hear and truly understand the challenges expressed by our “sisters.” We invite you into our world and appreciate you, as we are a reflection of you and you of us.

      At the end of the book, there are several engaging assignments. Specifically, the assignment called “Applying the Bullets to Your Life” to use for your own self-study by correlating the bullet points highlighted at the end of each chapter. We hope this book creates a connection from one to another, and look forward to Volume II.

      Welcome & Enjoy,

      Dr. Liz


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