North of Springville. Justin Rowland

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North of Springville - Justin Rowland

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that matter. And, as Adam and John watched, they began to understand what they were about to do and found peace in it. Through Jedidiah’s actions, they could see the execution was not rooted in hate and vengeance, but out of necessity to protect the innocent. These men and women were a threat and they had to be stopped.


      It took the rest of the afternoon to finish tending to the captive raiders. More than once they would try to speak to Jedidiah, pleading for mercy or attempting to explain why they had no choice but to participate in the crimes. The boys watched him continue to look after them without uttering so much as a word in response. And, after he finished retying the last man, he stood up, dusted himself off, and began to speak.

      “It has been decided that you are all to be executed.”

      Some of the raiders squirmed while trying to yell through their gags, some began to cry, and one or two just hung their heads.

      “This isn’t a decision that has been made lightly, nor is it something we’re looking to enjoy. You’re deeds have been evil. It is your own actions that have caused this end. You have forced our hand in this. You will be shot to death on the morrow.”

      At that, Jedidiah turned and walked out of the barn, passing Adam and John who were standing just inside listening to his words. He paused just long enough to give the boys a somber nod. They looked over to the group of men and women who were bound, some of them begging with their eyes for mercy. Adam and John stayed only seconds before turning to leave the barn. Even knowing what the raiders had done to their family, the boys could not help but feel some pity for them. It stirred them, and they didn’t want the killers to see it.

      The boys came back out into the open, and seeing Jedidiah waiting in the stand of trees near the back side of the barn, they began to make their way over to him. As they walked, John leaned over and jokingly whispered, “Are we going to get a lesson now on how we’re like trees, you think?”

      Adam answered with half a grin. But as they came along side Jedidiah, the joking stopped. Jedidiah was looking down at the ground where he found Helen. And, though they could not know this, they could see the blood stains on the ground.

      “What happened here?” Adam’s voice cracked at the thought.

      “This is where I found your sister.”

      As he spoke, he dropped to one knee and gently touched the blood-stained grass. Both boys stood without saying a word, trying to fight back their tears. Jedidiah stood up and left them to their thoughts. His actions had purpose. They needed a gentle reminder of what the raiders had done. He hoped this would help strengthen their resolve for the execution.


      The sun was touching the western horizon when Jedidiah returned to the homestead. The boys were working on supper over the fire and talking in low voices.

      “Where have you been?” John asked, as Jedidiah walked in.

      “…Went for a walk. What are you gentlemen cooking for supper?” he asked.

      “We thought we’d try to make some of Mama’s beef stew,” Adam answered with a smile. “She made the best stews! I don’t think it’ll come close to hers, but we thought it might be fun to try.”

      “It sure smells good,” Jedidiah said as he pulled the steam to his face with his hand.

      “It should be ready shortly,” John said as he added some carrots to the pot.

      Jedidiah had planned to talk to the boys about possible locations for the execution, but decided not to bring it up and spoil their high spirits. That conversation, he thought, could wait until morning.

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