The First Darkness. Mitchell Boone's Gibson

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The First Darkness - Mitchell Boone's Gibson

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her eyes and lay down in a curled-up, fetal position. Slowly, her body began to glow and sparkle.

      Within moments, she felt her body begin to shrink. She wanted to cry but her voice could only create a feeble whimper. She tried to open her eyes, but she could not. The intensity of the squeezing sensation increased around her head and chest. She wanted to scream, but her desire was once again met with tiny, feeble whimpers. Her mind continued to reel and spin as her senses refused to lock onto her surroundings.

      She felt her body shrink further. As the pressure from the squeezing grew stronger, her urge to scream became greater and greater—but she could not.

      Soon, she felt the sensation of something like hands touching her body. Suddenly, she felt the odd sensation of a sticky, cold fluid surrounding her. The squeezing intensified until it was almost unbearable. She felt as if her head were about to burst from the pressure. Suddenly, just as she felt that she could bear no more, the pressure subsided.

      She felt a warm liquid flowing over her body. She heard voices. They seemed to be those of women, but she did not recognize any of them. The sensation of the liquid was soon replaced by the slightly warm but rough touch of what felt like a blanket.

      Melvina mustered as much willpower as she could. She forced her eyes to open. She saw the face of an old woman whose skin was wizened by too many days in the sun. She wore a thick shawl that was covered with a strange and elaborate design. The woman smiled as she looked at Melvina.

      The old woman spoke and the words crashed onto the shores of Melvina’s consciousness like a ship lost in a storm.

      “It is a boy, my lord.”

      Melvina began to scream.

      “He is very healthy,” the old woman said.

      Melvina’s cries were quickly drowned out by the cheers and songs of praise that surrounded her new parents. Lord Evans and his third wife Linda were the proud parents of a new baby boy.

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