If I'd Only Known I'd Live This Long. David Boone's Beard

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If I'd Only Known I'd Live This Long - David Boone's Beard

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      There is no doubt that a sense of humour is a prerequisite to successfully growing old. Either you can get upset, or you can laugh about the changes and troubles that come your way.

      George Burns is a prime example of how humour helps as we grow older. He remarked how relieved he was to get to 100 since very few people died over that age. In his day that was true, but more and more people will live to reach 100 (especially if they follow the advice and tips in this book!)

      Being able to laugh, especially at yourself, is one of the most important skills to develop as you get older. If you have a friend or friends that make you laugh, try and spend as much time as you can with them.

      A good belly laugh every day is great exercise and really gives your internal chemistry a boost.

      “You don’t stop laughing because you grow old;

      you grow old because you stop laughing.”


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