Live Life Beyond the Laundry. Christy Boone's Tryhus

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Live Life Beyond the Laundry - Christy Boone's Tryhus

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      Step 3: Note the two lowest scores. These are the areas of focus as you begin to work through the book. As mentioned above, you may choose to begin to work on these strategies first or begin working through the book from Strategy 1.


      Where Do you Want to Be?

      The purpose of this activity is to create a vision of what you want your future to look like. When you create a clear, concise vision of what you want, it greatly increases the probability it will happen.

      Step 1: Spend time giving thought to what you want to have. Dream big. The sky’s the limit. Create your ideal life. What do you want the following items in your life to look like? Write down your answers.

      •Fun: happiness, hobbies

      •Relationship: current or future life partner

      •Career: job satisfaction, career path

      •Family: children, parents, relatives

      •Social: friends, sport, activities

      •Health: exercise, diet, “Me” Time

      •Financial: savings, investments

      •Spirituality: faith


      Step 2: Imagine you have already reached the above dreams and goals. What does it feel like right now to have that in your life? Write it down. Do you feel happy, excited, grateful and fulfilled?


      Step 3: Now, believe you already have this life. Live as if you have created success. Fake it until you make it. In time, it will be your new reality. This creates the emotional connection to truly reach your dreams.

      Step 4: Take it one step further and create a vision board. Find pictures in magazines or on the internet that represent your vision of how life will be when you reach your dreams. These are pictures that inspire you. Glue the pictures to a large sheet of paper and place your vision board where you will see it daily. I have mine on my desk. You don’t need to study it every day. Just by glancing at it occasionally, you will remain inspired to move forward to reach your dreams. If you enjoy technology, you can also create an electronic vision board that sequences through when you log on to your computer each morning. Here is a picture of my first vision board.


      Success Story:

      A coaching client of mine has been using a vision board for a couple of years. She shared with me that she created one several months back in a class. She tucked it away in the class material and forgot to put it in a location where she would see it. One of the items she placed on the vision board was a picture of Disney World. Her dream was to take her daughter to Disney World. She knew it was a stretch; however, she placed it on her vision board anyway. She just returned from her trip to Disney World with her daughter. She had forgotten she had placed it on her vision board. Just a few months back, it was only a dream and it magically materialized just by creating the vision.

      Fun Story:

      A good friend of mine created a travel vision board. She cut out pictures of every place she dreams of traveling to sometime in the future. She then created a vision board with the pictures. As she travels to her dream locations, she glues a picture she took during her travels and places it over the cut-out picture of that location on her vision board. This is the power of turning dreams into reality.

      Living Life Beyond the Laundry = Balancing Life

      You can’t make your dream happen if you don’t have a dream! ~Walt Disney

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