How to Succeed At University--Canadian Edition. Danton O'Day

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How to Succeed At University--Canadian Edition - Danton O'Day

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be able to find a position that matches your qualifications exactly. No matter what degree you hold, you can build a career in many different industries. Take advantage of the skills you acquire at university, not just the technical knowledge. Table 1.1 provides a very small sample of study areas, skills developed and careers to illustrate the diversity of options available.

      As a final note, universities are generally not job-training schools. If you want job training, go to a community college. Many university students never find jobs in the area they studied, but the skills they learn help them succeed in all the jobs they undertake.

      Financing Your Education

      Don’t let your lack of funds or your parents’ poor financial situation prevent you from furthering your education. There are many ways for you to augment your summer earnings to permit you to continue your studies. All universities have special scholarship and bursary programs for first-year students and special student loans are also available. Scholarships are given to incoming students with top grades while bursaries are given to good students on the basis of financial need. If you are a poor student these funds will be inaccessible, but if you maintain good grades they will be available. Since there are lots of needy students who also have excellent marks, competition for bursaries is fierce. Many students select their university on the basis of the total amount of scholarships and bursaries it offers. Similar sources of revenue will help you through successive years at university. Check with the registrar to find out what funds are offered. Some universities offer athletic awards (e.g., Simon Fraser), but this is more common in the United States than in Canada.

      Government assistance in the form of grants, loans, bursaries and scholarships at the federal and provincial levels is also available. For example, all students in Canadian universities, even those with average grades, are eligible for loans through the federally run Canada Student Loans Program. If you apply for a Canada Student Loan, you are also automatically considered for Canada Student Grants. Different Canada Student Grants have different eligibility criteria. Grants provide money that does not have to be paid back. Provincial student loan plans and other financial aid are also available. For more information about these and other financial assistance programs, and for additional postsecondary education financial planning resources, visit the Government of Canada’s CanLearn website:

      Did You Know?

      One way students save money is by buying used books. Offers of used textbooks for sale are often posted around the university. Websites dedicated to exchanging textbooks, such as, also exist. Before buying a used textbook, check to see if it’s the same edition required for the course; university textbooks undergo frequent revisions. Depending on the amount of new content an older edition may still be acceptable, but you should confirm with the course instructor beforehand. Besides buying used books, another money-saving strategy is to employ textbook rental services provided by some university bookstores and private companies.

      One thing to remember is to apply early. Try to anticipate your financial requirements and borrow only what you will need, knowing that some day that loan will come back to haunt you. I hated paying back my student loan, but I must admit I could never have attended university without it.

      Did You Know?

      Of the students who graduated in 2005, 57% had taken out some type of student loan. The proportion of graduates with only a government-sponsored loan was 52%.8

      Your university will also have a large list of scholarships and bursaries that can usually be checked out in the registrar’s office or online. Some of these may only be $100–$200 but you should apply for any and all that you can. Why? Because every little bit helps. More importantly, you will list any awards that you receive on your resume or curriculum vitae. Over time the list may grow to be impressive. Getting one scholarship or financial award often leads to more scholarships since it is common for people to follow the crowd and award scholarships to those who have already received them.

      Did You Know?

      The average undergraduate student paid $5,366 in tuition fees for the 2011/2012 academic year.9

      Dropping Out Due to Financial Challenges

      A summary of tuition fees for Ontario universities reveals that the tuition for a basic arts or arts and science degree is between $5500 and $6300. Tuition rates for applied sciences or engineering are higher ($6700–$12,500). This is before the cost of books and simply existing off Kraft Dinner. Over one third of students in Ontario drop out because of financial hardship. The average graduating student owes over $22,000 more than twice what university graduates owed at the start of this century. While watching your budget is one approach to keeping university costs down, for some this isn’t an option. Students who face financial difficulties can look to various sources of financial support. Awards, bursaries and scholarships, as noted elsewhere, are not just for brainiacs—many are available for students who aren’t at the top of their class. As mentioned previously, you should check out the awards specific to your university at the registrar’s office or the university website. For others, you can check out After registering, you will have access to a large number of award sources most of which you would never have known existed. Opting out of university for financial reasons should only be considered when you’ve exhausted all other avenues.

      Did You Know?

      The Pathways to Education program encourages high school students from low-income communities to graduate from high school and pursue postsecondary education. This program provides resources such as tutoring, support and financial assistance at both the secondary and postsecondary levels. To see if the program is available in your community, check out the Pathways to Education website at

      Chapter 1 Summary

      1.You can succeed at university if you follow the rules set down in this book.

      2.Develop independence; don’t follow the crowd.

      3.Know your personal strengths and weaknesses; exploit your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

      4.Don’t limit yourself; keep your

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