App Store Fame and Fortune With Public Relations. Dave Boone's Struzzi

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App Store Fame and Fortune With Public Relations - Dave Boone's Struzzi

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an example, let’s say you developed a cooking-themed app for sharing recipes on the go. There are many firms out there that specialize in promoting consumer technology such as this type of mobile app, but it is a rarity to find one that specializes in cooking products as well. As a result, when hiring a firm, there is significant ramp-up time that needs to be taken by them to learn the industry, to learn who the power players are, and to develop rapports with them. After this ramp-up time however, they are free to operate as a well-oiled publicity machine!

      Another downside to hiring a PR firm could be a competitive conflict. Some firms will specialize in mobile apps, meaning they represent several developers. That’s a good sign that they are experienced, but it’s also a warning sign that your app might not get top placement when it comes time for them to pitch.

Insider knowledge: If you’re looking for a PR agency or contractor, you might come across one that has something called a “Pay per placement” cost model. Essentially, what this means is that they work on contingency--you only pay when they deliver certain results. For example, your goal could be to be featured on certain technology blogs, so you only have to pay when a media placement is secured. It sounds like an attractive option, but in reality, using this type of pay model can get expensive in a short amount of time. Rates for getting featured on a single publication can vary greatly, some costing thousands of dollars.

      Hiring a consultant

      Hiring a public relations consultant is the middle ground for developers who are nervous about going “all in” with a firm. Consultants have all of the experience of firms, normally at a fraction of the price. The reason for that is because they are essentially a team of one that works out of their own office, using their own resources.

      Consultants are often graduates of public relations firms, and normally have a long list of credentials to show for it. Like public relations firms, they can even show you examples of their previous successes. One of the big benefits of hiring a consultant however is that they are normally exposed to many different industries throughout their careers. Because of their strong ties to media professionals in different industries, the ramp-up time for consultants can be negligible, which saves you money in the short-run.

      Their pay is normally more flexible compared to public relations firms, depending on the type of work they will be doing, because they can be paid on an hourly basis, monthly basis, or for a specific task. A typical rate for consultants can range from $150 per hour or $3,000 for a month long project. They also have the flexibility to be open to other payment arrangements as well, such as bartering for another service you can provide for them or discounting their rate in exchange for other things.

      Similar to public relations firms, the downside of consultants is that because they can with several clients at a time, they typically work won’t be working for you full time. For some developers, this works best for their budget, however.

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