Caressless. Heru Psy.D. EL

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Caressless - Heru Psy.D. EL

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I made this just for these moments. I click on my Marantz amp and insert my tape and hit the rewind button, it’s on now baby, time for Doc to chill. I turned that shower head to pulsate oh! Yeah! that feels so good, I usually don’t take long showers but I believe that one lasted at least 15 minutes or so.

      As I turned the shower off I heard ole Freddie Hubbard blowing that flugelhorn ever so sweetly. Wait, I think I hear somebody knocking at the door. Who the hell could this be? I grabbed my blue terrycloth robe and peek thru the peephole, oh its chick from down the hall damn I still can’t remember her name. I opened the door with an aura of steam around my head. “Dr Howard I see I may have caught you at the wrong time, you got company?”

      “Oh no I just got home not to long ago I just got out of the shower when I heard you knocking.”

      I noticed she was wearing a white smock with matching pants. “Well you going to keep a sister standing in the hallway, where’s your manners gentleman?” “Oh my goodness come in make yourself at home let me move my case off the sofa for you where’s my manners.”

      “That’s more like it.”

      “Now if you will excuse me for one minute let me throw on some clothes.”

      “Oh no I need you just like that.”

      I stopped in my tracks and looked at her from the side with a perplexed look on my face wondering what this fine ass young thing was talkin bout.

      “Excuse me?”

      She held up a sheet of paper, “see this I passed my State Exam I’m a certified Massage Therapist now. My instructor’s last assignment was for us to pick someone for a free massage and you have to fill out this feedback questioner, so please say yes.”

      “Aaahhhh Yes.”

      “Great! I knew you would come through for me Dr Howard.” She jumped up from the sofa like a young teenage cheerleader clapping her hands.”

      Damn for the first time I noticed she had a nice size jiggle in her chest about a size 34c.

      “I need to go get my new table I’ll be right back, don’t do nothing ok this is going to be a Swedish style massage you can handle that can’t you Doc?”

      She left out the door and I said to my self just let life happen I’m going to enjoy this massage and relax she’s probably not that good anyway. I looked at her questioner and her name was typed at the top, good I now can find out her name that I couldn’t remember.

      Sonsilray Reynolds yeah that was the name, that’s why her girls called her Ray for short.

      I guess I need to start my cassette tape over this sounds like a Mile Davis moment. I hope she has at least some potential it will be no help to her if I lie on this form. She was at the door with this blue massage table all neatly folded in this case on wheels; she easily rolled it into the living room, “Dr Howard do you mind moving your cocktail table over a few feet so I can have some room to work on you.”

      “Sure thing”, Miles was just into one of his smooth intros of So What as she began to set up the table.

      “Hey I think that is the perfect music for a relaxing massage can I get a dub of that? Is jazz your favorite music?” “I love jazz but I listen to all good music but jazz is my favorite. Can I be of some help at all Sonsilray?” “Oh no Dr. Howard I need to get used to setting this bad boy up I think I just about have it all locked in place.”

      That’s good I’m thinking it’s a joy to sit here and watch that fine ass stretch and bend all in front of me.

      “Ok Dr I’m ready for you now I will step in your kitchen and let you slip under the sheet lay face down with your face in the round headrest let me know when you’re in place.”

      Well this is one of those times in life that everything is coming up roses I slide my blue terry cloth robe off behind me and laid it on the sofa. She laid two sheets on the massage table so I guess I better slide between the sheets, as I slide between the sheets they felt nice and cool to my skin. “Ok shall I call you Dr. Ray I’m ready for you.” I could hear her foot steps on the carpet as she approached from the rear.

      “I’m excited Dr Howard I am on my way aren’t you proud of me?”

      “I’ll tell you after you lay hands upon me.” “I guess that’s only fair.”

      She took her hands and began to fold the sheet I was lying under back and around me some kinda way that left my back and legs exposed and then I heard a cap pop open from her oil I couldn’t see because my face was face down in this headrest, then I heard her briskly rubbing her hands together.

      “My instructor says when you first start you have to warm your hands up some so you won’t put cold hands on your client” “I said oh is that what I am a client so we both see clients now how bout that, two Doctors on the same floor.”

      Ray started working my neck oh my goodness I never knew I had so much tension in my neck it was a little pain and relief all at the same time she worked her way to my back. “Wow Dr. Howard you have such broad shoulders” she started working my back I must say sister-girl was showing some skills. I let out a slight groan

      “Now that feels good I got to give an A so far.”

      After about 15 minutes I felt so relaxed I felt myself drifting off to sleep. As Ray worked around the table I began to notice a subtle aroma of perfume emanating from her. “What’s that perfume you’re wearing?” “That’s called White Rose you like it?”

      “Oh yeah it has a natural soft aroma you can’t really notice it unless your close I notice it.”

      “Ok I need you to turn over on your back now,” “Oh you mean there’s more” “Oh yeah lots more.”

      She poured some oil in her hands and I notice she had this sly little smile on her face as she began to rub my chest. “What’s that little sly smile for under her breath” she said in a whisper, “I know something you don’t know” I pretended not to hear it I said

      “What was that?”

      She quickly responded “oh nothing Dr. Howard just relax and enjoy your massage, wow! You must really work out you have a magnificent chest” “I get a chance to work out at least 3 times a week.” “Nice results”

      She was gazing at my chest and then into my eyes in more than just a client kinda way. I said to myself your chest is lookin nice to me also but I know that’s all natural, and I suddenly noticed she had the most lovely shaped lips, If she’s got something up her sleeve more than this massage she will have to make all the moves because If I make a move she’ll blame me when it falls apart. “I must say without prejudice you are good Dr. Reynolds” ”Thank you Dr. Howard.”

      She started on my arms then legs she called it petrasage she said it helps to increase blood flow, all I know it was putting me straight to sleep as I heard some of Lonnie Liston Smith flowing softly through my JBL speakers near my head. She tapped me on my shoulder I slowly awakend from my doze.

      “You dozed off for about 10 minutes I was at your window checking out your view of Lake Michigan very nice,”

      “Yeah there’s a waiting list for this side because of the view.”

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