Atheists Are Idiots. Robert Boone's Firth

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Atheists Are Idiots - Robert Boone's Firth

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everything” This is similar to what the communists taught in their most determined nihilistic destruction of the social order, claiming that, until they had destroyed everything, nothing new or better was possible. This kind of talk is exactly what the “occupy movement” is all about! Nothing!

      Ultimately, my biggest problem with the above is, like professional faggots and blacks; they make it their life’s work to proselytize their infantile minority beliefs and practices, forcing them on the rest of us... One more important thing to note is that Atheists, for some reason, don’t seem too interested in pointing out that extremist Muslims do a lot of bad shit without much reproach from the moderate members of their religion. (if indeed there any) In fact, they rarely mention Islam at all.

      There’s plenty of reason for animosity and outright hostility between the atheist and religious communities. In the early days, before legal secularization became rampant in America, many well educated and prescient theists were sincerely confused about why atheists would be upset or angry at ‘believers’ in a modern society. They disliked the way atheists were and are dismissive towards religious beliefs and see this rather dim-witted, "intolerant" and "disrespectful," Of course, many in the religious community are equally dismissive towards atheists. Dismissing religious beliefs is surely a form of intolerance but dismissing and being bigoted towards the secular community doesn’t help bring the two groups together if indeed such is even remotely possible or, in fact, desirable. Of course, some professional atheists do attack Christianity at every opportunity, even sicing the ACLU on them for the ‘crime’ of wearing a cross on public property. Fortunately, for mankind, atheists are and remain only a very small minority of humanity.

      Wesley Pruden, the editor and chief for The Washington Times, writes in an editorial: “The jobs don't pay a lot, and you take most of your pay in self-esteem, but somebody is always trying out for village idiot or village atheist. Often they're one and the same.” So, is Wesley Pruden attempting to demonstrate his superiority over atheists by insisting that the "village atheist" and "village idiot" are "often" the same person? Probably! If Pruden were to say that the "village thief" and "village black person" were "often" the same person, do you suppose this would be treated as an expression of racist beliefs? Probably, unless, of course, you had just seen some teen black abscond around the corner with your purse or wallet!

      Atheists are organizing or trying to. They have their registered lobbyist now on Capitol Hill, (not Madelyn Murray O'Hair, she’s dead, but they would have liked to have had her) and they're planning a revival meeting in Arlington in September 2012. That should be a fun party! The atheists reckon they don't have much time. Prof. Dawkins, who isn’t sure whether God exists or not, stopped calling himself an atheist and now labels himself as an official agnostic. Dawkins warns that America, with its law, literature and customs rooted in Judeo-Christian religion, may be slipping into nothing less than a new religious ‘Dark Age where guys like Torquemada may set up a new inquisition to weed out the unbelievers and heretics. Now, wouldn’t that be fun?

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