'Can I Borrow the Car?' How to Partner With Your Teen for Safe Driving. Susan Boone's Tordella

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'Can I Borrow the Car?' How to Partner With Your Teen for Safe Driving - Susan Boone's Tordella

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If it happens again, curtail driving privileges for twice as long. This is a related, respected and reasonable consequence that they will know about in advance. Do not impose it as a punishment. Say it in a firm and friendly way that makes them accountable. “Remember what we agreed? If you got a speeding ticket, you will not be able to drive for X amount of time.” If restricting their driving is inconvenient for parents, then prohibit use of the car for social and entertainment purposes. Obeying the speed limit could save their lives. Speed kills.

      4. Know how to use the anti-lock braking system (ABS) and practice using it in an empty parking lot. Determine if a vehicle has ABS by reading the vehicle’s manual. If it does, practice an emergency stop by pressing down hard on the brakes. Do not pump anti-lock brakes. Anti-lock brakes launch into an instantaneous stream of mini-pumps to stop the car quickly. Practicing using the ABS in a parking lot will make you and new drivers familiar with how to use anti-lock brakes and be prepared in case of emergency.

      5. What’s happening behind the vehicle? Ask the teen driver regularly, “Who’s behind you?” This teaches new drivers to be aware of other cars, to drive defensively and to get in the habit of checking the mirrors. One of the most dangerous car maneuvers is backing up. To demonstrate the danger of backing up, go to an empty parking lot or driveway with your teen behind the wheel. You sit on the ground a foot or two behind the parked vehicle. Call to them, “Can you see me in your mirrors?” The answer will be “No” until you are quite far behind the car. Gradually move back until they can see you sitting on the ground. Take the time to do this simple demonstration, because experiencing it is more persuasive than talking about it.

      6. When stopped, be able to see the tires of the vehicle ahead. This easy technique leaves extra space between your car and the vehicle ahead at stop lights and stop signs and in bumper-to-bumper traffic. This safe driving habit has saved me from countless rear-end collisions because the extra space provides a buffer in case a driver starts up too fast or is distracted. Being able to see the tires of the vehicle ahead allows a driver to pull around a vehicle if needed without backing up.

      7. Require teens to contribute financially toward driving lessons, gas, maintenance, purchase and/or insurance. Make it clear they will share in paying the cost of the deductible and/or repairs. Negotiate the amount according to your family’s financial situation. Teens will respect the privilege more when they contribute to the expense. Do not allow them full access to a vehicle, because this substantially increases the risk and cost of insurance. Statistics bear this out, particularly for males. For the safest situation, YOU own and control access to the car. Remember, driving is a privilege.

      8. Let them correct your driving. Secretly celebrate when a teen driver catches you ignoring safe driving habits. “Mom, you can’t see the wheels of the car ahead!” Such a correction demonstrates that you’ve successfully installed safe driving habits into their hard drive. They have internalized what you have taught them and show a high degree of interest in making sure you follow the guidelines. Congratulations! Be a good sport, accept the correction, and use it as a teaching moment. It could prevent an accident and save a life. Accepting their correction shows a positive parent-teen connection – essential to keeping teens safe.

      9. Follow the 3-second rule. See below for a description of how to use it. Use the 3-second rule to keep ample distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead. This safe driving habit has saved me from dozens of accidents, prevented tailgating, and settled countless disagreements with family members who are tailgating. New drivers can benefit from allowing more distance because of their lack of anticipation. I feel anxious when any driver is following too closely, especially the driver of a car in which I’m a passenger. The 3-second rule is a neutral method to determine if you’re following too closely to the next vehicle, especially on an interstate or highway.

      How to use the 3-second rule

      1. While driving on an interstate or any kind of road, pick a marker 30 or 40 feet ahead, such as a signpost.

      2. When the vehicle ahead passes the marker, start counting by seconds: one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand. Continue counting until your vehicle reaches the marker.

      3. If your vehicle passes the marker before you finish saying “three-one-thousand,” the driver is following too closely. The 3-second rule will demonstrate whether you are tailgating, which decreases the response time for a new driver and can cause an accident.

      On a wet road, increase the interval between vehicles to 4 seconds. In snow, allow up to 10 seconds to stay safe. The 3-second rule is a portable, neutral, free tool that correlates to your driving speed to settle disagreements and prevent tailgating, accidents and injury. Even if you disagree with your family member over the interpretation, it calls attention to allowing enough distance. If they bring it up when you are driving, have another secret celebration, because it shows they are aware of it and it’s in their hard drive.

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