Moscow Blue. Philip Kurland

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Moscow Blue - Philip Kurland

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translated for both generals, and received a nod from each.

      ‘Now tell me about the soft currencies you have on deposit abroad,’ said Crocker.

      The captain translated, drank some more water and waited for the generals to give their response. It was a little while before Chernov lifted his broad hands from his knees. ‘My dear Mr Crocker, we must approach these transactions slowly, and one at a time. You now know the essentials of this first part of the deal. So, please, Mr Crocker, let me have your response when you are ready.’ He stood to signal the meeting was terminated.

      Weinberg glanced quickly at Crocker, but Lee knew this was the usual Russian way of bringing a business discussion to an end. He had discovered from previous negotiations, one would never know whether Russians were upset or not with something that had been said, because they always seemed happy at the conclusion. They would smile at their guests out of politeness until the allotted time ran out.

      ‘By the way,’ started Uskov. ‘General Bashirev has just reminded me. This offer is not to be passed on to anyone else. The offer is to you specifically and it would be very awkward if any third parties were to get wind of the deal. Is that clearly understood, gentlemen? This is a very serious point that must be observed.’

      Both Crocker and Weinberg nodded their understanding of the point being made.

      ‘General Chernov,’ Crocker said, doing up his jacket buttons, ‘there is one thing I should make clear at this point in time. You must appreciate that I don’t yet have the authority of any official organisation to make any firm decision at present, and I’m at a very early stage in understanding what I’m looking at. You must appreciate that. We shall have to put the proposition to others in our group, and these are the only others who will know of what we intend to do. And because others will be involved, we can’t confirm or otherwise at this moment whether or not the deal is definitely on.’ Crocker was feeling at home in his role as negotiator.

      Uskov began to translate into Russian, but the general, already nodding his understanding of what had been said, held up his hand to stop him. Crocker had to wait for a moment while Chernov stared at the floor. The American reckoned they were doing business with a man who was not only a tough negotiator but also a first class poker player, obviously accustomed to dealing in large numbers, and someone who could assess quickly whether or not his time was being wasted. The general suddenly lifted his head.

      ‘I do understand that, Mr Crocker,’ he said. ‘I do understand that, and I did not expect you to give me an answer today. But I am certain you will maintain a close watch on who you involve as part of your group. In fact, I am glad you cannot give me an answer today, because if you were able, I would have had serious doubts about you. We are not in such a hurry here, as time does not have the same importance in Russia as it does in the West. But, Mr Crocker, we are all getting older, and would like to enjoy life soon, shall we say?’

      ‘Understood,’ confirmed Crocker, grinning.

      The general placed his hand on Crocker’s arm and said in a confidential tone, ‘In Russia, Mr Crocker, we have a saying: that when we start to make pancakes, it is not unusual to burn the first few. So I expect some little problems at the beginning, yes? But please, let us not burn too many pancakes.’ He chuckled, held out his hand and concluded, ‘As you are in Moscow often, Mr Crocker, you must come over to my home for dinner one evening. I will contact you. I do look forward to meeting you again very soon.. And you too, Mr Weinberg.’

      ‘That would be great, General,’ said Crocker. ‘I look forward to that. You have my number.’

      ‘I am glad I am not negotiating with North Koreans with my poor English,’ said Chernov, smiling broadly.

      He shook hands with both Americans in turn and gave a guarded wave as they made their way out into the hallway, escorted by Uskov.

      ‘What was all that about wanting the deposit in Moscow?’ asked Weinberg as they settled back in their taxi.

      Crocker shrugged. ‘They probably felt like seeing the first tranche of cash move physically themselves, just to make sure it goes to the right person, and into the right pocket. They’ll be able to stop at any point if things seem wrong. Not that they don’t trust banks. It’s always the foreign paperwork they worry about. But they also have this raging inflation since the country started to crack up. Their so-called economists haven’t the faintest idea what they’re doing.’

      Crocker could see Weinberg the bureaucrat was unaccustomed to these odd commercial considerations.

      ‘I understand,’ smiled Weinberg, not fully appreciating the explanation. ‘I guess they probably need some readily available petty cash.’

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