Creatures of the Chase - Richard. L. M. Ollie

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Creatures of the Chase - Richard - L. M. Ollie

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humming as she fumbled with the layers of veil, wondering idly how women managed in previous centuries with hoop skirts, corsets and, she thought derisively, chastity belts.

      Her eyes casually traced the pattern of tiles, interrupted at one point by a large aluminum plate which, no doubt, allowed access to the plumbing and heaven only knows what else behind the scenes.

      Suddenly she frowned as her mind caught on Davie. He had been extremely attentive all evening but then again he would be, wouldn’t he? Several times he had told her how beautiful she was. Soon, Sarah knew, he would speak of love. Love. Yes, she had seen that particular brand of love before, employed with a remarkable degree of success on girlfriends in high school. A love that quickly transforms into tears once the guy’s got what he wanted. He’d move on, leaving the girl sitting by a telephone that doesn’t ring then sitting in a doctor’s office as overdue as a library book. Guess who paid the fine?

      ‘Not for me, thanks,’ she mused as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

      Her thoughts were interrupted suddenly by a vague sense of being watched. She backed away, eager to return to the ballroom but when she tried the outer door, it was stuck - or locked. Panic took hold of her as she twisted the handle, using both hands in an attempt to force it. She was about to pound on the door, but froze instead. As if in a dream the words came.

      ‘Most beauteous lady.’

      The scream which rose in her throat died as Maharsh covered her mouth with one hand while pulling her to him with the other. A fraction of a second later she felt the bite of a hypodermic needle, then nothing as she fell unconscious into his arms.

      ‘Ah,’ he sighed as he gazed down at her. Gently he caressed her face, her neck, running his right hand down and across her breasts.

      ‘He waits,’ his companion growled.

      Maharsh nodded. Gently he lifted her into his arms then turned, moving silently back and through the open maintenance panel from whence he had come. He paused only briefly to make certain that the opening was resealed by his companion before hurrying through the service tunnel to Capritzo’s waiting limousine.


      Davie wasn’t difficult to find. Liz knew her Marc Anthonys and this was one version she was definitely going to enjoy being with. Nice change, she thought, from the middle aged, overweight cretins she was usually required to entertain.

      ‘Hi, I’m Liz.’ She smiled seductively. ‘If you’re looking for your friend, she’s talking to someone. She seems to be having a good time too, so how about we do the same?’

      Davie blinked then blinked again. Her name was Liz but the hair, the costume …

      ‘Yeah, real coincidence isn’t it? Well heck, if you’ve got the body, why not? Here, finish my drink; I’ve had enough. Then we can dance. I bet you’re a real smooth dancer.’

      Within minutes Davie wasn’t sure of anything any more. The room seemed to revolve around him, the figures in it nothing more than a series of blurred images, colour upon colour whirring inward then, as if in fright, bursting away, trailing miniature rainbows.

      Then sheer blackness intruded as he found himself standing within inches of Capritzo.

      ‘You have done well, my young friend. My client is more than pleased and so, it would seem, is Miss Churchill. In fact, they have left together.’ He smiled wickedly then turned to Liz. ‘Perhaps Miss Lambert, you could take Mr. Kendall to Crosby House and there teach him of those things which a young man of such tender years only dreams of knowing.’

      ‘She’s all right, isn’t …’ Davie swallowed hard, ‘isn’t she?’

      ‘Of course, now go and enjoy the balance of the evening. Miss Lambert?’

      Liz took hold of Davie’s arm and propelled him towards the exit, weaving at the end between knots of guests engaged in polite conversation. Then they were gone, lost to sight as the knots drew tight, blocking the passage.

      ‘Farewell, David Kendall and alas, my beloved, treacherous Lilly,’ he whispered softly, a trace of regret in his voice as he turned away to address his companion, Reza. ‘Everything is prepared as I have ordered?’

      ‘Yes lord. The explosion and fire, which will follow hard upon the accident, will destroy all trace except those small ones that you would have Samile carefully place. He is a master at this doing, so know it will be just as you have ordered. From the ashes will come this beauteous young girl rising like a phoenix.’

      Capritzo sighed. ‘It is a pity, is it not, that her fate should rest in the hands of a man such as Richard Develin?’

      ‘Yes, lord.’


      ‘Mr. Develin, he is on line one Mr. Capritzo,’ the secretary announced via the intercom.

      Capritzo leaned forward, pressed the appropriate button then the speakerphone. ‘Mr. Develin, how good to hear from you. You are well I trust?’

      ‘Less than well if the reports from my representative are accurate.’

      ‘As I understand it, he was more than pleased with the item. Is there a problem I am unaware of?’

      ‘I specifically requested that the shipment be held by you until all the test results are in hand. Now I find that you are unprepared to do this and have actively encouraged Doctor Smith to accept delivery immediately on my behalf.’

      ‘Mr. Develin - Richard - the item you have ordered is, how shall I say, volatile and will not long survive extended storage. Doctor Smith is aware of this first hand. I have kept my side of the bargain to the letter but I cannot be held responsible should the item begin to deteriorate. As I understand it, these tests may take as long as a week to complete. Under normal circumstances this would not present a problem but alas in this particular instance we are dealing with an unusual case. Since I am prevented by you from using chemical means to control the situation, I must re-evaluate. Therefore, I have no recourse but to assure you that, should the results of your tests prove unsatisfactory, I am prepared to take the item back for a full refund, assuming of course that it remains intact. Do we have an accord?’

      There was a slight pause. ‘All right, Capritzo. My private jet will arrive tonight at twenty-two hundred hours. I want the item, as you euphemistically refer, ready for transport under the direction of Doctor Smith. Have him call me within the hour. As far as a refund is concerned, may I remind you yet again that what I have, I keep. If the tests prove unsatisfactory then I shall have to be content with amusing myself for a time before making alternative arrangements.’

      ‘But Richard please, the item is of the highest quality. It would grieve me to think …’

      A high-pitched humming sound signaled the end of the call. ‘Bastard: High born, murderous bastard!’ Capritzo’s anger rose in a series of increments. ‘Maharsh!’

      ‘Yes, lord.’

      ‘What are these tests?’ He spat the last word out as he swiveled

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