Kazakhstan's Assassinated Democracy. Yerzhan Psy.D. Dosmukhamedov

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Kazakhstan's Assassinated Democracy - Yerzhan Psy.D. Dosmukhamedov

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      The most interesting thing though is that Timur has also managed to include even his powerful father-in-law, i.e. the head of state, into his mega-plan.

      By the hands of Rakhat Aliyev he destroyed the remnants of the domestic legitimacy of the President, and after the release of "The Godfather-in-law" he completely demolished his international image. Thus, as in a famous fairy-tale "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by Alexander Pushkin, he cut off the magic beard of his father-in-law Chernomor and after having put on his head a joker's hat manipulates him as he wishes.

      After having skillfully pushed his father-in-law into the swamp, Timur presently cynically squeezes the last juices from the lost and discredited ageing President.

      Dr. Dosmukhamedov, what would you say about the recent attempt by Akezhan Kazhegeldin to unite the Kazakh opposition and his initiative to hold the civil protest on 1 May 2009?

      What strikes me concerning this synchronized initiative by Kazhegeldin and other pseudo-opposition leaders is this provocative statement by the President's advisor Yertysbayev: "I don't think they will manage to unite".

      Today, when the ruling regime is falling apart - both economically and politically - it naturally needs one "united opposition" which is easier to control.

      Through such a "united opposition party" the regime will always easily shut the voice of the people. Hence, the perpetual wish of the regime is to create either a shadow Parliament, and having failed to do so, it now tries to create a "united opposition party".

      My response to this is clear: I cannot trust the "opposition" which is being secretly fed by the President and KGB.

      Accordingly, there cannot be any discussion about our taking part in yet another deceptive scenario by the Presidential administration, articulated by Kazhegeldin and Co. Political process is evolutionary by its nature. Therefore there is no need to compel someone to jump into a "happy future".

      I firmly believe that in the conditions of a totalitarian state, we need as many as possible independent voices of emerging civil society. The more the better! And there is no need to criticize someone by saying: "If you are not with us - you are against us".

      Since the ancient times people hunted bears with small dogs who with the volume of their barking were capable to cause the bear to have a heart attack. The Presidential administration today wishes to unite into one line the weak remaining members of the civil society, so it can smash them over the wall once and forever. They will not succeed in this!

      As you probably know, in his book "The Godfather-in law" Rakhat Aliyev accuses the current Prime-Minister Karim Masimov as having a secret affiliation with the Soviet KGB since the times of the existence of the USSR. Having stated this, he produced certain evidence. Your accusations of some leaders of the opposition are unsubstantiated. If a similar accusation will be addressed against you, would you find an effective and exhaustive response?

      They are not unsubstantiated. Such information was given to the press by Aliyev and Mussayev - two top generals who led the Kazakh secret service. As far as I know it has never since been legally contested by those who were accused by the two generals.

      In particular, the information about Kazhegeldin was given by General Mussayev during his meeting with Michael Laubsch, managing director of a major European NGO, in which I took personal participation.

      We are all now within European jurisdiction, which provides anyone with certain legal and court mechanisms. Thus, for any individual willing to defend his name the doors of the European courts are open. If any stated information will be admitted by the courts as incorrect I will be the first one to bring apologies.

      In the press the likelihood of a unification of Kazhegeldin, Ablyazov and Aliyev into one mighty "troika" has been discussed and may be on the point of happening. In your opinion, how high is such a likelihood?

      Their unification has already happened. All these individuals are in Europe. And, as far as I know, they already have active negotiations and certain common ground has been already found.

      This opinion, I think, can be verified. I am sure that you have the contact numbers of all three individuals. From the point of view of uniting their financial and intellectual resources, such a union is fully logical for withstanding against Timur Kulibayev's interest group. There is a reason for uniting their efforts. Thus the emergence of such "troika" is possible.

      And what about the leader of the opposition Atameken party with regards to joining such "troika" in case of their unification?

      I answered similar questions many times in the past. I reiterate that if we are talking about a genuine rooting out of the evil which exists in Kazakhstan, if the efforts will be directed, not at serving someone's personal selfish ambitions, but at changing the vector of Kazakhstan's historical development towards a modern democratic type of society, I will then join such a coalition.

      I see no reasons not to unite our efforts. Such effort is needed in the West, where the oil-rich Kazakh ruling regime throws hundreds of millions of dollars to whiten its darkened image and to mislead Western political circles.

      Such enlightening work must be conducted in order to affect the ruling regime through Western democratic mechanisms. The Western mechanism is the only tool through which one can influence the course of events in Kazakhstan.

      Within Kazakhstan, sadly, the green civil society has been neutralised, the media's tongue has been torn away. People have been finally intimidated and silenced.

      Thank you for your interview.

      Interviewed by Sultan-Han Akkuuly


      Radio "Liberty" (USA)

      8 January 2009

      Dr. Yerzhan Dosmukhamedov, an exiled leader of the Kazakh opposition, says that the Kazakh government has allocated a special budget to bribe international observers visiting Kazakhstan to attend the frequent elections.

      The presidential stay in London was paid for by Kazakhmys

      Dr. Dosmukhamedov, our interview is now taking place in the Prague office of Radio Liberty. What brought you to the Czech Republic? And have you achieved your planned aims?

      The last year was a leap year. Some people therefore say that it should have been an uneasy one. I have to admit, though, that after having looked back it was - on the contrary - very successful and fruitful. We have made a major breakthrough in having people understand the continuing under-the-radar process in Kazakhstan, in the West, among politicians, journalists. especially in the United States and Britain.

      As a result of this breakthrough Kazakhstan was mentioned - in terms of democratization - by the press no less than Russia last year. This is a major plus. even in Britain, where the Kazakh regime has the strongest lobby, like Lakshmi Mittal, William Hague and other influential individuals. I won't predict forthcoming events, but I assume that there will be new material, which inevitably will be published at the end of the ongoing journalistic investigations.

      These investigations are currently being conducted on [Timur] Kulibayev's money, some London-listed Kazakh companies like Kazakhmys, and even the recent visits by President Nazarbayev to London, where he stayed at a most luxurious hotel.

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