Teen Money 101. Stacia LLC Morris

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Teen Money 101 - Stacia LLC Morris

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also served as students for a pilot class on Income and Expenses. This group of students was very enthusiastic about the book. They provided the family names, requested that I added a chapter on Personal Value, and also rated the importance of the topics in their teenage lives.

      Additionally, a warm thank you to the 2008 After School program of the George Washington Carver Center in Norwalk, CT, who also provided an audience for a focus group. These students likewise provided valuable comments as I taught an overview class on the entire workbook. To these students: “Thank you very much for your input and recommendations.”

      To the students who participated in the photo shoot, thanks so much for your time and participation. Thanks to your parents as well, who gave their permission.

      I also extend my thanks to the adults who prodded me to complete this workbook, and to those who made sure I went from concept and initial chapters, to final completion. Also, to those adults who reassured me of the need for this book, and the value they would have derived from it, had it been available in their teenage years.

      My genuine thanks to the teenagers, young adults and adults who made up my editorial team.

      Thanks to all for an enjoyable journey through my various careers that led to the ability to write this book.

      Most importantly, thanks be to God, who has blessed me with the education, experiences and wherewithal to work through to this part of my destiny.

      About the Author


      Ms. Morris holds a post-MBA Certificate in Accounting, and an MBA from Pace University; and also a BA in Economics from the University of the West Indies. She also holds the financial and insurance certifications of a Financial Advisor.

      Her diverse professional background includes global lease, finance, consulting, information technology strategy and complex project management. She spent the majority of her corporate career at IBM Corporation in a variety of positions. Still in corporate America, her passions are public speaking and providing financial advice to people of all ages.

      Ms. Morris has been the featured guest on various television and radio programs. She has also appeared in the printed press; and has made many appearances as a featured speaker. She has conducted workshops globally and is a very popular motivational speaker, having addressed various youth, women and business groups. She enjoys sharing her passionate approach to life, practical experiences, spirituality and perspectives in addressing the challenges of life.

      Civic duties have long been a part of Ms. Morris’ mantra to “give back.” Ms. Morris’ volunteer activities have included: classroom teaching and Career Day lectures for Junior Achievement; teaching for the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC); appearance as a panelist at Pace University Career Center; a member and Treasurer of the Board of Directors at the Greenwich, CT YWCA; a member of the United Way of Greenwich Allocations Committee; and a teacher for Literary Volunteers of America, teaching English as a Second language.

      Ms. Morris recently became the first Pace University alumni to speak at a Pace University Commencement. This was fitting since a perpetual learner of the Spanish and French languages, Stacia also considers herself a life-long student. She was also one of the inaugural examiners for the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC).

      Contact: [email protected]

      Chapter 1: The Family

      The Martin Family

      Meet the Martin family. David Martin is the father and Jennifer Martin is the mother. The son, Dan, is sixteen and the daughter, Bria, is fourteen. Mr. Martin is a Physical Education teacher and Mrs. Martin is a stay-at-home mom and entrepreneur. David goes by the nickname Dave.


      The family has a long soccer history. The father, Dave, began playing soccer on a tiny island in the Caribbean, where, at around 5 years of age he joined his two older brothers on the soccer field. Dave improved tremendously and was one of the youngest players on the island’s youth team. Dave also represented his island on the senior squad, then played semi-professional soccer in the U.S.A. Dave has developed his unique coaching technique and runs coaching clinics throughout the North Eastern U.S.A.

      Dave and his brothers continue to play and coach soccer.


      The Mom is a stay at home mother and an entrepreneur. She spends a lot of her time chauffeuring her two teenagers to school and after-school activities. Her aspiration is to fully dedicate herself to the development of her business once her teenagers are off to college. However, this past year she has spent some of her time acquiring an associate degree in Criminal Justice.


      Dan is a great soccer player and has been playing soccer since he was about 4 years old. Based on the long family soccer history, Dan initially faced tremendous pressure to constantly perform at his soccer games. He struggled with the pressure until he became older and mentally strong enough to ask his dad to ease the pressure.

      Dan enjoys attending high school. His favorite subjects are History and English. He also enjoys spending as much time as possible with his friends. Although he is a good student athlete who participates in many activities, playing soccer is his passion. As Dan says, during his early years of life soccer was an activity that he played for fun. However, as he has grown older and matured, soccer has become more of a job.

      Based on Dan’s perspective, now that he is 16 years old, life has become more hectic than ever.

      Dan has given some thought about what he would like to do when he is older. As of right now he feels that he can be a great professional athlete, but if not that, he then wants to be a sports writer of some sort. He believes that in one way or another his occupation will fall into the sports industry or entertainment.

      “In all I plan to make something of myself, no matter where life takes me,” says Dan.


      Bria is an insatiable reader who spends all of her money at the bookstore. One of her aunts once gave her $100 as a gift and she spent $87 at the book store. Her aunt wished that she had gone to the library, borrowed the books and saved the $100. However, Bria’s explanation of her book-buying habit is that she loves to re-read her books at her leisure.

      Bria is also an accomplished scholar-athlete. Her favorite subjects are history, mathematics and Spanish. She is not particularly fond of English. She also enjoys playing soccer and basketball, listening to music and watching TV.

      Bria is not sure what she wants to be when she grows up, but she is currently very interested in computer graphics, baking and sports. She envisions herself in a profession that incorporates at least one of these interests.

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