Angels and Other Beings of Light. Linda LLC Stein-Luthke

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Angels and Other Beings of Light - Linda LLC Stein-Luthke

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Light that animates your human form. It is naturally within you already. If it were not, you would not exist.

      The Light of which we speak is everywhere and in everything. However, because it is of a higher vibrational frequency than can easily be observed with the five physical senses of the human body, it is not easily perceived and/or understood by most. For the sake of those who choose to recognize the Light, we will say it is composed of vibration, sound and a visual component that you can most easily perceive as Light. If one is choosing a meditative practice, this practice usually will facilitate the ability to perceive the Light. For some, however, a realization may come effortlessly. For instance, some may first become aware of the phenomenal nature of the Light in the dream state.

      The Light, when perceived, will be luminescent in nature, and one may perceive various shadings of color including pure gold, white, violet, blue, green, yellow, rose, magenta, and many shadings in between.

      One may also be capable of feeling the vibration, which may be perceived as a tingling sensation, a feeling of warmth or fullness or simply a sensation of lightheadedness, as if one has had a bit too much of a very fine wine!

      Some experience the sound as a buzzing or ringing that may become louder or softer, depending on how open one is to the experience at that moment.

      One may also perceive the Light as Angels, Archangels, or other beings of Light. There will, of course, be more about that later.

       Each person will have his or her own unique experience of the Light, because each being’s Light is based on the unique frequency which that being possesses. We wish to emphasize that every being is unique, and therefore will have his or her own unique experience of the Light. This is most important to remember. Each being, upon the Earth plane and elsewhere in creation, has a unique frequency of Light which is that being’s “signature.”

      Any experience that one chooses will affect that unique frequency. Thus, it is subject to change as one moves through one’s life. So you see, you continue to alter and change the nature of the Light you carry, depending on how you choose to live your life.

      We also ask you to be clear, beloved ones, in knowing that this Light is the Life force that flows through you while you reside in a body on Earth. This force stays with you when you leave the Earth. In other words, it is eternal, as is all creation, in one form or another. Your journey upon the Earth is designed to help you gain as full an awareness as possible of this Light, and to allow it to be your ally as you have this experience called “human life.”

      Such an awareness can be called an awakening to the true nature of your reality. Such an awakening is to be treasured above all other human accomplishment. That is why you have chosen a journey upon the Earth: To awaken to the true nature of all reality. And the true nature of all reality is that Life is Light.

      Chapter 2

      Am I Worthy of the Light?

      This is the question that we hear most frequently from those upon the human plane. It is the question that one may not even be aware that one asks, and yet it will most often be the reason a human is suffering. Although every human already carries the Light, few are aware of this. Most simply assume the Light would not find them worthy. Even the ones who know that they already possess the Light will still question their worthiness.

      In the human consciousness, there are as many reasons to foster a sense of unworthiness as there are humans upon the Earth plane. It has been bred into most human cultures of your time to consider oneself unworthy unless one has sought redemption for one’s “sins” in one manner or another. We do not say that this is a bad thing. Again, we cannot judge. But we have certainly noticed that this is a way one measures oneself in relation to other humans and ultimately to the Light: To decide whether one is “good” or “bad,” i.e., worthy or unworthy of the Light.

      When one chooses to believe that one is not worthy of the Light, one cannot find consolation within one’s own soul. Consequently, one will turn to any other source of consolation in order to cope with the vicissitudes of life on Earth. In a world that can be replete with many sorrows, one may choose, for instance, an addiction to things such as money, mind-altering substances, sex, food, or superstitious beliefs that may seem to afford some comfort.

      All of these addictions are then labeled “vices” by the many who may not understand the pain and fear that has led to such choices. We do not judge those who make these choices, nor do we judge those who judge those who make these choices. We cannot judge anyone, for we understand that judgment may also be considered an addiction that has its genesis in fear and pain.

      From our perspective we do feel profound compassion for the loss of awareness that all humans can experience when they plunge into existence upon the Earth plane, forget that they are Light, and then choose to experience addiction in its many guises. We say “loss of awareness,” because almost all human life on Earth at this time is an exercise in forgetfulness and then remembering.

      So, you may be one who has forgotten that the Light, in which you may not believe, or of which you may not feel worthy, is already within you. It always has been, and always will be. Indeed, you can make the transition to another plane of existence, a process you call “death,” and still not know that you carry this Light! But even after you experience what you call death, you will have the opportunity to remember that you are Light. At every moment the opportunities exist to awaken and know this truth about yourself.

      Now, how are you afforded this opportunity to remember your truth, that you are this Light already, and therefore worthy of what you already possess? Well, there are many, many ways indeed, and more are being co-created by humanity and the Light in each moment. You see, as long as there have been humans upon the Earth plane, and as long as there has been forgetfulness, there have also been opportunities to remember.

      Now, most humans have not always relished and cherished these opportunities to remember. For as forgetfulness has become the predominant form of being upon the Earth plane, humans have made life for themselves increasingly difficult, devising weapons of mass destruction, harming each other indiscriminately and endeavoring to destroy the Earth that nurtures and sustains them. All of these behaviors have been driven by addictions such as those listed above. All have their genesis in fear, pain and suffering. For when one forgets the Light fear, pain and suffering will surely follow.

      Most humans will believe that God (in His many forms upon the Earth plane) has ordained this suffering as punishment for man’s sins. Not so; the Light is only benevolent and loving. When humans forget the Light, they create their own suffering. Awakening to the Light is the only way one can transcend suffering. And so, as humans have continually created ways to suffer, they have simultaneously created ways to awaken.

      Until very recently in human time, suffering has been the most consistent catalyst to aid humans in choosing to remember and awaken. Now, it is becoming increasingly easier for humans to choose to remember without the degree of suffering that was once thought inevitable in the awakening process. You see, as the Earth plane is increasing in vibrational frequency, as discussed previously, it is far easier now than it has been in centuries of your Earth time to penetrate the veils between the higher frequencies and the Earth plane. Humans are beginning to have phenomenal experiences more easily. Therefore, they are more spontaneously finding the desire to awaken. You are living in very special times.

      One of the ways in which humans have been experiencing these phenomena more easily is in connecting with the beings of Light who reside on higher vibrational frequencies. As we have stated, these beings are only here to be of service to you, to aid you in your awakening process. You have co-created them as you have co-created everything upon the Earth plane. Amazingly, their function in regard

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