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      25 “The Data Deluge.” The Economist Feb. 25, 2010.

      26 Declan McCullagh, “E911—Aid or Intrusion?” CNet News Aug. 18, 2003

      27 Andrew Maykuth, “Utilities’ Smart Meters Save Money, but Erode Privacy,” The Philadelphia Inquirer Sept. 6, 2009.

      28 Christian Stöcker, “How Wired Gadgets Encroach on Privacy,” Business Week July 29, 2009.

      29 Pete Cashmore, “Privacy Is Dead, and Social Media Hold Smoking Gun,” Special to CNN Oct. 28, 2009.

      30 Sarah Perez, “Watchdog Group EFF Sues Government Regarding Social Media Surveillance Tactics,” Read Write Web

      Dec. 3, 2009

      31 Bruce Schneier, “Privacy in the Age of Persistence,” Cryptogram March 2009.

      32 “FBI Wants Records Kept of Web Sites Visited,” CNet News Feb. 5, 2010

      33 “Insurer Halts Woman’s Benefits Over Facebook Photo,” CBS (Canada) Nov. 22 2009.

      34 “Helpful Hint for Fugitives: Don’t Update Your Location on Facebook,” Bruce Schneier Blog Oct. 19, 2009

      35 Carolyn Y. Johnson, “Project ‘Gaydar,”’ The Boston Globe Sept. 20, 2009.

      36 “Worldwide Mug File,” Privacy Journal June 2010.

      37 Donna Rosato, “Your Credit Card Company Is Watching You (for Now),” CNN Aug. 25, 2009.

      38 Shane Harris, “FBI, Pentagon Pay for Access to Trove of Public Records,” Government Executive Nov. 11, 2005

      39 “Privacy and Human Rights,” Global Internet Liberty Campaign (1997)

      40 Council Directive 95/46/EC (Oct. 24, 1995).

      41 James Bamford, “The NSA Is Still Listening to You,” Salon July 22, 2009

      42 John Leicester, “Europe, U.S. Take U.K. Lead on Cameras,” Associated Press July 10, 2007.

      43 Wayne Madsen, Handbook of Personal Data Protection (Stockton Press, 1992).

      44 Julie K. Petersen, Understanding Surveillance Technologies (CRC Press, 2001).

      45 Renee LePere, “More and More Employers Checking Applicants’ Credit,” Charlotte Sun-Herald (Florida) Sept. 14, 2003.

      46 “Need Credit or Insurance? Your Credit Score Helps Determine What You’ll Pay,” Federal Trade Commission July 2007.

      47 Paul Wenske, “Credit Score Could Determine Flight Status,” Kansas City Star (Missouri) April 27, 2003.

      48 Quoted in Julie Appleby, “File Safe? Health Records May Not Be Confidential,” USA Today March 23, 2000.

      49 “Your Past, Present and Future Private Medical Records Will Become Open to the Federal Government (HHS), Data-Processing Companies, Insurers, Hospitals, Doctors and Others, without Your Consent, Beginning Oct. 15, 2002,” Press Release from the Institute for Health Freedom Aug. 26, 2002.

      50 “Face it, You’re Toiling in a Fishbowl,” U.S. News Oct. 2, 2000.

      51 Linda McGlasson, “Identity Fraud Survey Shows ID Theft Up 22%,” Bank Infosecurity Feb. 9, 2009 http://www.

      52 Ibid.

      53 Susan Sward, “A Strange Case of Identity Theft,” The San Francisco Chronicle March 22, 2009.

      54 Joseph Menn, “ID Theft Infects Medical Records,” The Los Angeles Times Sept. 25, 2006.

      55 “A Look into the Dark Underbelly of Data Breaches.” Network World May 30, 2008.

      56 Brad Dorfman, “TJX Card Problem Flags Retail Identify Theft Risk,” Reuters April 1, 2007.

      57 Jaikumar Vijayan, “The 2009 Data Breach Hall of Shame,” Computerworld Dec. 17, 2009.

      58 Bob Sullivan, “Online Job Listing an ID Theft Scam,” MSNBC News Nov. 4, 2002.

      59 Ryan Singel, “Appeals Court Rules Against Secret Police GPS Tracking,” Wired News Aug. 6, 2010.

      60 “Muddled Messages: Just What Can Police Do When It Comes to GPS?” The Lakeland (Wis.) Times May 22, 2009.

      61 Bob Barr, “OnStar Online to U.S. Government,” The Hawaii Reporter Dec. 2, 2003.

      62 Shaun Waterman, “Courts Pinpoint Cops’ GPS Use—Privacy Right Might Block Technology,” The Washington Times Sept. 8, 2010.

      63 Lorraine Mirabella & Liz F. Kay, “Why Not Pay as You Drive?” The Baltimore Sun Sept. 21, 2008.

      64 Perry Zucker, “Legal Ramifications for Automobile Black Boxes,” Expert Law June 2003

      65 Pete Donahue, “Swiping at Crime: Cases Solved by Tracking MetroCard Use,” The New York Daily News Jan. 31, 2000.

      66 “Police Secretly Snapping Up to 14 Million Drivers a Day,” The Times Online April 4, 2010

      67 Lillian Doris, The American Way in Taxation: Internal Revenue, 1862-1963 (Prentice-Hall, 1994).

      68 Pub. L. 91-508, Titles I and II, 84 Stat. 1114 (1970).

      69 “EPIC Urges Accuracy Requirements for Criminal Justice Record Database,” Press Release from the Electronic Privacy Information Center Feb. 20, 2004

      70 Use and Management of Criminal History Record Information: A Comprehensive Report (U.S. Department of Justice 2001).

      71 “U.S. Lifts FBI Criminal Database Checks,” Associated

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