Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. III. Linda Ph.D. Stein-Luthke

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Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. III - Linda Ph.D. Stein-Luthke

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all, isn’t this what one will experience when one taps into past lives that are also actually just other dimensions that are existing outside time and space?

      In truth, we see no harm in anything that humans choose to do. It is humanity that makes these determinations and then chooses experiences that may or may not be comfortable based on these determinations.

      All that you are, ever have been, or ever will be is derived from the Light of Infinite Source. So, we see you simply as powerful beings of Light making choices and having the experiences that are perfect for you in this embodiment based on your karmic agreements.

      But when one begins to consciously travel to the other dimensions and becomes actively engaged in what may be occurring in either the past or the future, one has left the present moment. Very often the only real result of such journeys will be a clouding and confusion within the ego mind that leads to more discomfort for the human being. And this is exactly what Leia experienced earlier this day.

      So, although such things are possible, perhaps it is better to stay focused in the “now” and allow the Light of Infinite Source and the Violet Light to take care of one’s past and one’s future. This allows for the greatest balance and harmony as one turns away from consciously legislating with one’s powerful thoughts how one thinks things should have been in the past or ought to be in the future. If you do such a thing, you are creating dimensions upon which a portion of your being will reside. But is this truly making your universe more harmonious or enjoyable in the moment?

      When you choose to simply surrender and give away your past and your future to your Light, you are truly acting from wisdom; you are turning away from conclusions that may have more to do with ego-based desires than true comprehension of what is useful and wise.

      It is a simple act to breathe this wondrous and loving Violet Light. Allow it simply to heal your history, deal with your future, and bring you to peace and harmony in the moment.

      Ascended Masters Newsletter # 43

      The Properties of Gratitude

      You may think we’ve come to you, beloved friends, to accept your appreciation for all that we do to aid you [given the words that Linda wrote in the introduction about the Christmas Holidays]. But that is not at all what we intend to do.

      You see, beloved friends, it is not the Beings of Light who legislate what you choose to experience as humans. We are here to simply aid you when you ask for help. And do be aware, in spite of what Leia has written, she did frequently ask for help as she moved through this time of welcoming the Christ Light once again into your human plane.

      She did ask for help, and frequently. She was simply not always willing to accept it after she had asked and so, we did then come to her in her dream state to minister to her and aid her in moving through this very special time.

      But again, it is not the Beings of Light that will receive the gratitude. It would go to her own Totality, her connection to Infinite Source. For all that occurs to anyone upon your human plane is indeed always legislated by his or her own Light.

      When you choose to acknowledge this powerful Light that is flowing through you and is animating you, you will understand that in every moment of every day there is a reason to be grateful.

      What are the properties of gratitude, and how is it helpful to allow this state of grace to fill your being? Let us say that you have had your holiday celebration. And, at the end of this event, you think of all that went well, and allow this conscious awareness to fill your being. Think for a minute, beloved friends, of any moments during that day that you felt even slightly pleased with how events were unfolding. There was certainly much change on this day, was there not? For the energies of change are very present upon your plane at this time, so your holiday was probably quite different from those in years past. This might have made you feel uncomfortable. But even with all the change, were there not some moments that were even slightly pleasant?

      Focus on these then, beloved friends, and see how this feels within your heart. Then simply express gratitude to your Light for allowing you to be consciously aware of these pleasant moments. How does this feel to your being? Do you not feel a state of calming, loving radiance surround and fill you?

      Even if you only allowed this for a moment, do keep it as a pleasant memory as you then choose to recount all that was not as you wished it would have been. For it is often true that humans will allow a moment of gratitude to fill them only to then say “But this and that was still not right! So I cannot be completely grateful!”

      As this conscious awareness enters your mind, what happens to the state of calm and love that you were feeling? It evaporates, does it not?

      Close your eyes for just a moment and return to the state of gratitude. And sincerely settle yourself in this conscious awareness. Allow yourself to see how the Light fills you and radiates from you. As you move through life, if you were to allow this state to be your prominent awareness, would not your life be filled with more calm and love?

      Understand, beloved children, a very basic cosmic law: Like attracts like. The more you are settled in allowing yourself to be grateful for all that your Light bestows upon you, the more you will have reason to feel this gratitude. -- It is very simple but very true.

      When you instead choose to focus on what you think is still wrong with your universe, you continue to attract that which will validate this state of affairs.

      Allow yourselves to realize that it all is simply a matter of focus. When you shift your focus to realizing how very blessed you are at all times by this wondrous Light that is here to nurture and love you in every moment, then you open yourself to allowing this Light to do its job without the encumbrance of an unhappy ego mind.

      Rest this mind. Allow it the opportunity to know that these unhappy thought forms will only make you more and more uncomfortable in your universe.

      Instead, just say, “I accept all which is truly blessing me in every moment. I say thank you to my Light.”

      We thank you, beloved friends, for allowing us to share this truth with you this day.

      Many Blessings of Love and Light to One and All.

      Ascended Masters Newsletter # 44

      Confusion and Misunderstandings

      Yes, this is a difficult time, as we have said, for most who dwell upon your plane. Each day, it may appear to your ego mind that it cannot get much worse as you watch your weather patterns, the global picture, and your own personal story unfold.

      It is easy, as Leia has stated [in the introduction], to forget what you have learned in working with the Light to this time when so much that is occurring gives you little opportunity to prepare your mind to respond in an enlightened fashion.

      Doesn’t that appear to be the difficulty, to prepare your mind to respond in an enlightened fashion? May we propose that the concept of “responding from one’s ego mind in an enlightened

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