Schizotypal Personality Disorder: A Case Study of the Movie Classic TAXI DRIVER. Francine R Goldberg PhD

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Schizotypal Personality Disorder: A Case Study of the Movie Classic TAXI DRIVER - Francine R Goldberg PhD

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words or concepts

      Psychodynamic formulation of STPD

      Scene 10: Curbside Cuckold

      Dangerous absence of insight

      Ideas of reference

      Scene 11: A Word with Wizard

      DSM-IV-TR criterion A(8) for STPD: Lack of close personal relationships

      Inability to reach out to mental health professionals

      Scene 12: Running into Iris

      Ruminative cognitive style

      A psychologically variant theme

      Diminished desire for intimate contact

      Biosocial formulation

      Impaired reality testing

      Scene 13: Easy Andy

      Psychodynamics of a stalker

      Scene 14: Henry Krinkle

      Sinking lower into derangement

      Odd appearance

      Social skills deficits

      Cumulative effect of ideas of reference

      Scene 15: You Talking To Me?

      Out of his mind

      Scene 16: Market Robbery

      Metaphors become different characters

      Permission for violence

      Scene 17: Late for the Sky

      Last bit of reality

      Scene 18: Dear Father and Mother

      Those most vulnerable to stalking

      Idiosyncratic phrasing and construction

      Impaired reality testing

      Familially of STPD-psychodynamic, biosocial, interpersonal

      Scene 19: TV Critic

      Intensity of the stalker’s emotions

      Scene 20: Looking for Action

      Affective style of a person with STPD

      Inattentiveness to social conventions

      Scene 21: A $10 Room

      Diminished desire for intimate contacts

      Inability to deal with sexuality

      Scene 22: Breakfast with Iris

      Impaired reality testing

      Ideas of reference

      Fearful and dismissing attachment style

      Verbal episodic memory deficits

      Scene 23: Dancing with Sport

      Imagining his rival with Iris

      Danger when reality conflicts with distortions

      Scene 24: The Palantine Rally

      Odd, eccentric and peculiar appearance

      Pharmacology for STPD

      Scene 25: Suck on This

      STPD: Stability vs. psychosis

      Scene 26: Shooting Gallery

      Psychotic violence

      Scene 27: Bang, Bang, Bang.

      STPD: Most are not dangerous

      Scene 28: Dear Mr. Bickle

      Madman vs. sane man

      Normalcy does not last

      Insight-oriented psychotherapy

      Supportive psychotherapy

      Cognitive-behavioral therapy

      Family and group therapies

      Introducing medication

      Diagnostic Note

      Travis meets DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for STPD

      Introduction: Schizotypal Personality Disorder

      With the movie, TAXI DRIVER, Martin Scorsese and Columbia Pictures provide an opportunity to learn about schizotypal personality disorder (STPD).

      This disorder is included in the range of conditions from those with milder symptoms, i.e., schizotypal and schizoid personality disorders, to the most severe forms of schizophrenia, known as the schizophrenia spectrum. It is a disease of the brain that involves mostly negative and cognitive symptoms such as, discomfort with or incapacity for social relations, apparent indifference to others, and emotional inexpressiveness . STPD also implies eccentric to bizarre beliefs, habits, and appearance. This disorder may look similar to earliest stages of schizophrenia, prior to the first psychotic break and probably reflects a similar hereditary vulnerability (with variably interrelating genes or environmental influences) (Harvard MHL, 2006, p. 20). STPD has a relatively stable course, with only a small proportion of individuals going on to develop schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder. Its prevalence has been reported to occur in approximately 3% of the general population (APA, 2000, p. 699).

      STPD is grouped with paranoid personality disorder and schizoid personality disorder to comprise the “odd or eccentric cluster” in the DSM-IV-TR. It first appeared in DSM-III to be distinct from (1) borderline personality disorder, which had originally been too broad in its inclusion of affective instability and schizophrenic-like symptoms and (2) schizoid personality disorder which had been broadly defined to characterize individuals with enduring psychotic-like symptoms (Sperry, 2003, p.239).

      This guide will assist the reader, while viewing the movie, in learning about this illness and its effect on people who have it.

      To make the best use of this guide:



      Scene 1: Start

      This first scene is short. It displays the names and roles of the actors. However, this is accomplished with

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