Tune-Up and Thrive: Sharing Secrets to Total Health and Wellness. Dr. Ed Ph.D. Chicoine

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Tune-Up and Thrive: Sharing Secrets to Total Health and Wellness - Dr. Ed Ph.D. Chicoine

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to the inherent energy flow in the human body. Anything that interferes with chi, or the chakra, or the energy force, will have a detrimental impact on health. Left uncorrected, it will almost certainly lead to a state of disease.”

      Daniel moved a safety block into place under the front axle then started to remove the driver side wheel.

      “Your body’s structural integrity can have profound effects on how you function. Looking at the spine again, the centers of the vertebrae contain channels that house the spinal cord. Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves exit between each vertebra, like an intricate, but extremely delicate, freeway system. Occasionally one or more vertebrae may get out of balance, causing an interference with the flow of the nerve impulses. This is called a vertebral subluxation.”

      “What did you call that, Daniel?” asked Ben, moving towards the car for a closer look at the front discs.

      “It sounded like Latin,” said Max, opening his eyes and stretching his arms.

      “I’m surprised you recognized it, Max,” said Vic. “It didn’t seem to make much of an impression on you in high school.”

      “I was much better at pig Latin. It was my avourite-fay ubject-say.”

      Daniel glanced at Max and shook his head, unable to contain a small smirk. He turned to Vic. “With each visit I’m gaining more and more of an appreciation of what a challenging career you had. You have my deepest respect.”

      “Thank you, master,” replied Vic.

      “Getting back to the matter at hand,” said Daniel as he examined the disc assembly. “As we explained, any interference with the flow of nerve system energy will cause tissues or organs to malfunction, or to function at less than full capacity. This can lead to an imbalance in the body chemistry which, over time, can lead to disease. Subluxations, just like any other disruption in the body’s bio-energetic systems, are not always associated with apparent symptoms. Like the development of a tooth cavity, only when the imbalance has been there for a long time and there is damage done, do you begin to experience a myriad of symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, digestive disturbances, a weakened immune system and many other problems.”

      Daniel stood and turned to face the others. He looked at the disc in his hands. “You wouldn’t know that this was starting to wear until you heard it squeak or felt vibrations when you applied the brakes. By then, the damage is done. That’s why regular check-ups are so crucial. A good mechanic can see trouble spots developing before the symptoms are apparent.”

      “I can feel an analogy coming on,” said Max, who by now was sprawled across the couch looking relaxed and quite at home.

      “Your life must have seemed so empty after Max graduated from your high school, Vic,” said Daniel.

      “You have no idea,” replied Vic.

      “I should perhaps clarify some concepts before I go any further,” said Daniel. “This will give you a better understanding of where we’re coming from.”

      He turned and placed the disc on the workbench and then reached for a box in the overhead cupboard. As he searched through its contents, he continued.

      “There are many things that have not been proven scientifically with the typical double-blind scenario, which is the standard for clinical trials in evidence-based medicine. But that doesn’t mean that these things are not relevant. If we were to wait for science to answer all of our questions we would miss out on a lot of things.”

      “What about the importance of placebos?” asked Max. “Isn’t blinding important in medical research?”

      “That’s a good question, Max,” said Daniel. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that double-blind trials aren’t necessary or don’t produce valid findings. But think of all the scientists that were ridiculed and violently opposed throughout history when they presented new ideas. It really isn’t all that long ago, in the grand scheme of things, that people believed the world was flat. Take micro-organisms and atomic particles. Those have always existed, but it wasn’t until the invention of sophisticated equipment like the electron microscope that we could detect them.”

      “So you’re saying that just because we can’t see, or prove, something doesn’t mean that it’s not true or that it doesn’t exist,” said Ben. “Are you also saying, then, that we must simply take some things on faith?”

      “Essentially, yes. That is what we’re saying. Some people believe that there are no such things as miracles in life. They attribute inexplicable phenomena to unknown natural forces. But whether you believe in miracles or unknown forces is not really important. The bottom line is that you cannot deny the existence of things or concepts just because they can’t be seen or measured. Elizabeth and I have this unwritten rule when it comes to the human body. If it makes sense and has the potential to provide benefit without causing harm, then it is worth trying. We both have an open spirit and have tried many different health approaches, by our own application and with professionals. We believe that this has allowed us to live a long and healthy life without any medication or surgical interventions.”

      Ben had no trouble taking that advice on faith. These people were living testaments to the lifestyle that they promoted. Their openness to new ideas and approaches, even at their age, was remarkable. Ben didn’t know a lot of people as old as the Websters, but those that were the same age, or close to it, were often very set in their ways and less than adventurous when it came to lifestyle changes.

      “Maybe we should get back on track,” said Vic. “I think Daniel was talking about symptom-free dysfunction in bodily systems. I’m sure Max is just dying to know how an organ or gland can function at less than full capacity without any pain or discomfort.”

      “Yes, Vic, that’s a burning question. Please let the master explain,” said Max.

      “OK. As I was saying, or about to say, usually only about ten percent of nerve function is for sensory impulses, and many of the internal organs have very few sensory fibers connected to them. So it’s difficult to tell whether or not they are functioning optimally. Symptoms such as pain will eventually appear. But that often happens only after several years of operating at less than full capacity. By then, it’s difficult, and maybe too late, to correct the problem.”

      An embarrassed Ben looked over at Max, fully reclined on the couch, and sound asleep. “I wonder what percentage capacity he’s functioning at right now.”

      “Whatever it is,” said Vic, “he appears to be symptom-free.”

      Elizabeth smiled. “You know, Ben, his ability to relax isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We try to create an atmosphere here that puts people at ease and helps them relax. I have to admit that I’ve never seen anyone quite that relaxed, but I’m certainly not offended. I take it as a compliment.”

      “Don’t try to take too much credit, Elizabeth,” said Vic. “I’ve seen him do that in a classroom, and we didn’t design those rooms to promote relaxation.”

      “How you cope with stress is such a significant factor in the development of disease and aging. If someone is able to relax and reduce stress, as Max appears able to do in just about any environment, the results can only be positive in the long run. Take note, Ben. Workaholics

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