Funny You Should Say That. Chuck Sr. Coburn

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Funny You Should Say That - Chuck Sr. Coburn

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learn to master its use and channel it properly. I needed to find someone who could help me understand what was happening, as well as what to do with it. Susan, the mysterious woman from the seminar, lived somewhere in Los Angeles, but I didn't know how to contact her, and I didn't know anyone else versed in this matter.

      I had learned a few things, though. I learned not to waste or misuse this ability. I also learned that changing my profession to that of a professional gambler was slightly premature.

      Several weeks went by, and there were few people with whom I could confide who would not conclude I had gone "loony tunes." I was certainly not going to mention these experiences to friends in casual, cocktail-party conversation. I could just imagine their reaction to the disclosure that my life had completely changed because I was having psychic revelations! I probably would have received snide comments ranging from "Excuse me, you had a what?" to "O.K, so tell me what I'm thinking right now!" So I kept the secret to myself.

      However, I did share some of my experiences with several women who worked in a restaurant where I ate lunch almost daily. Recounting the episodes where I had "known things," I offered to "read" for several of them in exchange for their feedback. Initially there were funny looks and stifled laughter, but one waitress said she would be open to such an experience. A few days later, after the lunch hour rush, the two of us settled into a quiet booth where we wouldn't be interrupted. I took several deep breath, closed my eyes, and waited...

      I waited some more...

      Nothing... not even static.

      Then, mercifully, someone called her name, and found a way to slip out, mumbling that maybe I'd get back to her... much later!

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