Builders of the Tabernacle. Kay Ph.D. Fairchild

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Builders of the Tabernacle - Kay Ph.D. Fairchild

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He continues to bring us to the one true altar of Christ, until finally our entire is under the place and realm of sacrifice, willing to be poured out.

      The scripture continues to say, "... They were slain for and By the word of God, and for the testimony which they held." Therefore the word of God working in us brings a death or a beheading to our judgment based upon appearance. This teaches us to judge or make decisions by Spirit.

      God is leading us out from depending upon His life and His righteousness, because the letter [appearance] kills, but the Spirit gives life. Even the Bible is a dead letter to those who read it and take it unto themselves by the letter. But there certainly is a knowledge to be gained by the letter, for we cannot get revelation apart from it. The first thing we gain is the letter then we go into definition.

      Once we gain the letter and understanding of the definition of various words, the Spirit then brings the revelation. The book within us is revealed, which will put us in contact with the realm of Spirit, where we find the performance of the New Covenant. The performance of the New Covenant cannot and will never be dependent upon flesh, but upon spirit that has become one with flesh.

      The Spirit desires to mingle itself with our consciousness, and therefore will project outwardly into our outer world. We will never get rid of sin in the outer realm until we get rid of sin in the inner realm. We will never get rid of self in the outer realm, until we get rid of self in the inner realm. And we will never get rid of the devil out of the outer realm, because there is no devil in the outer realm, there is only a devil in the awareness of man. The devil exists in the knowledge of good and evil realm.

      II Timothy 3:15-16 "And that from a child thou hath known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." The word of God as water cleanses and sanctifies us. The word "sanctify" means to separate us or to behead us from the things that formerly ruled us. What does the word cleanse us from? It cleanses us of previous knowledge gained from the realm of appearance. Jeremiah 23 speaks of a fire that purges us. It purges us just as the offerings which were brought to the altars of the tabernacle and temple. They were cut up and opened up until the innards were exposed and burned up. Every inner motive, desire, and thought, which is according to the old consciousness is being purged by fire. This is exactly what is taking place in a people today. It is the day of resurrection. It is the day of advancing which is taking place by the purging and cleansing in the conscience from judging by the appearance realm.


      The superior resurrection is the raising of man's conscious awareness and body from a sense-bound consciousness to a Spirit consciousness. This takes place as we turn to the Lord within. As we seek the Lord with a sincere heart, and come to know Him, then we find the experience and the illumination of Spirit; "the Epiphaneia of His Parousia" [the outshining of His presence]. Saint John 5:28-29 states, "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming in which all that are in the Graves shall hear His voice." Now we know that He could not be talking about physical graves. The dead bodies in the graveyards return unto dust; those who have died have spiritual bodies. The superior resurrection has to do with those who are still in their physical bodies.

      The Greek word for "Graves" is, "MNEMEION" which means remembrance. It also means, memory, to remember, and to recall or to put on the Mind of Christ. It refers to the fixture in the Christ mind, or of mental grasp of the Christ mind. Therefore, the word "graves" has to do with the awareness grasping something. He said "...the hour is coming when all that are in the graves shall Hear..." We know that a grave in the natural is a place you go to remember someone that once was alive. That is what our physical bodies are; they are a reminder of what we once were, when we were created in the image of God, in pure spirit form. Our eyes are a reminder of what we once saw, when we saw in pure spirit form. Our legs and feet are a reminder of a time when we walked in the realm of Spirit from before the foundation of the earth.

      But the hour is now upon us, when these graves are beginning to Hear. The word "hear" means to understand a language; to understand the language of Spirit.

      There are a people who have been in the graves of ignorance, who are now beginning to understand Spirit. They are now collecting their faculties. They are recovering spiritual truth. John 14:25-26 says, “These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your Remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." The Spirit of God is bringing to our conscious awareness all the things we were taught from before the foundation of the world when we were in pure Spirit form. He is bringing to our awareness that we are the offspring of God. He is bringing to our awareness that we are in the image and the likeness of God, and that we Are Spirit. As our level of consciousness is raised to this level we then automatically begin to live out from that dimension of life.


      John 5:28-29 "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the grave shall hear His voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." This scripture carries with it a two-fold reality: He says, "...they shall hear His voice." The word "voice" means a disclosure, a saying, or a language. There are three times in the scripture where it says that the heavens were opened and a Voice spoke; and some said it was as the sound of thunder. The word that is coming forth in this hour is coming as earth shaking thunder. There are a people who are being awakened, and who are being resurrected as they are hearing the voice from heaven, or the realm of Spirit.

      Verse 29 says, "And shall come forth; they that have done good unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation." The word "damnation" means judgment. We can begin to see this in a New Light. We know that there is both good and evil in the world, but we are beginning to see that in this day of resurrection there is a processing going on, in both the good and the evil in us. The first part is the Good part. Good is a very peculiar word. The Greek word is "AGATHOS;" In the definition of AGATHOS, we find a reference to another Greek word, "KALOS", which also means good. But under the definition of KALOS, we see that KALOS is distinguished from AGATHOS. The meaning of AGATHOS is intrinsic.

      Intrinsic denotes something inside, a private secret. It speaks of the essential nature or constitution of a thing characterized by the substance itself, rather than the content of any impurities contained within or about. In other words, the intrinsic part of our life is that which constitutes our substance. What is our substance? Spirit!! When He says that there is a resurrection of the good, there is a resurrection of the substance of God within us. Regardless of any other impurities that might be contained in our vessel, the spirit man is advancing!! Therefore, as we move into the day of resurrection we are finding our spirit man advancing. The scripture also says that there is a resurrection of the evil. What that means is that there is an advancing taking place to that part of us which is foul or evil. The word "evil" in Greek means, to be encrusted, clogged, or choked with a foreign substance, flaw. The word flaw means, a fault or defect which may cause failure under stress or weakness. This simply means, that while the good part of us, which is already the substance of Spirit, advances; the other part of our life which is flawed, which would break under pressure, is advancing unto corrective judgment; and that part of us, which clogs and chokes the Spirit from flowing is being swallowed up.

      We are living in the day of resurrection, and God is coming forth breaking down the walls that have separated Spirit and flesh. We do not get to heaven by dying and going there. Heaven is a realm of Spirit. We are going to get into the spiritual dimension just as soon as we realize that God hath broken down the middle wall of partition, so Spirit can flow through conscious awareness and into body. We then experience the realm of Spirit, until we become so conformed to God's image experientially, that we can take

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