Leadership GPS: Roadmap to Become a Leader for Life. Janice Witt Smith

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Leadership GPS: Roadmap to Become a Leader for Life - Janice Witt Smith

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flavor. This is what He savors. That’s what you get as you continue your study of the Bible on a daily basis. Think of yourself as an expensive cut of beef – If you are cooked too fast, you are done on the outside, but not on the inside. Spiritually, you look like a devoted Christian on the outside, but at the slightest provocation, the lack of “doneness” of your inside becomes evident. If you are cooked too slowly, you are dried out on the inside and nothing’s apparent in your walk. If you are seared on the grille, you have an outward appearance of preparation, but an inner rawness. God wants you done through and through – He wants to marinade you with His flavor, His savor, His juice (the Holy Spirit), He wants to educate and train you in a way you can hardly envision. He wants to and is prepared to do a new thing in and through you. He wants you to do the same with and for others. We have to learn new ways of dealing with our environment. The new methods are still based on the Word of God and at a deeper level than ever before. To be successful in every arena of our lives, we have to be educated – are you willing to earn a PhD in God’s Word?

      In 2 Timothy 2:15, we are exhorted: “Be diligent to show yourself approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” We have to seek knowledge about God’s Word every day of our lives. We cannot allow the enemy to corrupt our minds, delay our destiny, obscure our effectiveness or ruin our testimony. We must start when our children are young with simple scripture memorization and discussion. Then we continue through Sunday School and the Sunday sermon; through Christian youth groups and home-based Bible studies; through church-based Bible Studies and individual study; through BSF and precept by precept Bible Studies; through cell groups and WOW and Eagles’ Nest, and Leadership School, and conferences and conventions, and televangelists and audiotapes and books and movies. In every place where we as believers are, so is the Holy Spirit. Our Great Commission is to go ye therefore to all the corners of the earth and to share the Good News of Jesus, the Anointed One.

      We have to do this together. We have to work together. We are one body with different roles. There is tremendous power in unity and no power in division. It’s all about Him. We’re on the same team, in the same race, working in partnership (I Cor. 3:9-15). Paul said, when some would argue that Apollos was a better orator than he, that one planted, one watered, but it’s the Holy Spirit who brings the increase (I Cor. 3:5-8). May He continue to increase you, and may you be obedient to His unctioning, by joyfully, purposefully, gleefully, and in total submission, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach you as you learn how to teach others.

      Gabrielle’s Gem – Gabrielle is an excellent conversationalist (defined “babbler”) and enjoys constant chatter. When we are not able to understand her, she does not become frustrated. She knows that we will get it – eventually. One of the wonderful traits of this sunny and happy child is that she loves to sing. She bursts out in song with and without notice. She must be singing with the angels, because her entire face lights up. It is almost as if she is part of a heavenly choir. She is not concerned about singing on or off key – what she is focused on is sharing her joy with the world. As she sings, she also laughs. The joy of the Lord is manifest in her, and she does not know shame or embarrassment.

      How many times would our bursting out in song change the atmosphere? For some of us, it is making a joyful noise rather than “singing.” My husband and I were in church one Sunday, both of us singing to the top of our lungs. I spoke to Will afterwards and commented on how caught up in the Spirit we were. His response was that he felt sorry for the people in front of us who had to hear me sing. He sang louder and louder to drown me out. I had no idea that my joyful noise was so discordant for others. Like Gabrielle, I was caught up in the joy of the Lord. Has that changed anything? No – there are different people who sit in front of us week by week!

      God’s platform, unlike the politicians, is always the same – I love you; I came to die for you; you are valuable to me; I’m standing at the door knocking. The lie-o-meter for politicians frequently comes up -- lie, lies and vicious lies. This will never be true for Our God. He is not a man that He should lie, nor a sinner that he should repent.

      This book has eight chapters – in biblical numerology, the number eight means “new beginnings.” These chapters have been carefully balanced between Biblical truths and practical application.

      Chapter 1 – Introduction – this section introduces Leadership Basics and provides scriptural examples of good and developing leaders.

      Chapter 2 – Locate Where You Are – You will have an opportunity to examine your strengths, attitudes, habits, behaviors, and developmental areas

      Chapter 3 – Defining your personal identity and examination of the first case of identity theft

      Chapter 4 – God’s Purpose and Plan for Our Lives

      Chapter 5 – Stewardship

      Chapter 6 – Time Management

      Chapter 7 – Prioritization

      Chapter 8 – Delegation


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