Shock!. Donald Ph.D. Ladew

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Shock! - Donald Ph.D. Ladew

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he would quite understand if you decide to stick with your decision. They were all very cooperative. I have the Will, and probate should go along quite rapidly as you are the only relative of consequence. There are minor bequests to several special interest groups your mother supported.

      "I know of those," Gilbert said.

      "Part of my report is a detailed financial statement brought up to date by your accountant. I understand from him that you have no pressing need for the estate, having inherited well from both of your grandparents. I have made a list of recommendations regarding the estate, taxes and the like that you can look over any time."

      Abril got up and walked over to the nearest wall of books, pulled out one or two, looked at them cursorily, came back to his chair and sat down slowly. Still he said nothing, instead took a slow sip of his coffee.

      Gilbert waited. Abril looked up at Gilbert sadly.

      "This is not going to be easy, Mr. Piers. Much of it is hard to believe, and I have only begun to investigate."

      Gilbert took a deep breath. "I would rather get it done, Mr. Abril."

      "Yes, of course. Your mother died of complications at the Cabrillo Springs Psychiatric Clinic three days after being committed. The medical report says a heart attack. It is stated in typical medical mumbo-jumbo, but that is the essence of it. Three days after she died, with the concurrence of the senior psychiatrist and the lawyer, Eavers, she was cremated at the McKennely-Parks Funeral Home."

      Gilbert winced, and opened his mouth to protest, started to stand and sat back down.

      Abril went on. "The report states that he, Eavers, couldn't reach the next of kin. Before she died she received drug therapy and one treatment of ECT, that's electro-convul..."

      "I know what it is, Mr. Abril."

      Gilbert became preternaturally still, his attention completely fixed on the man in front of him, who now sat looking at his hands as if they were contaminated.

      Finally Gilbert spoke, his voice harsh with the strain of control.

      "How...could she have gotten in a place like that? My mother is, sane, more than me, yes, more than me..." His voice trailed off, then came back strong.

      "How, Mr. Abril?"

      "Mr. Piers, this is where it gets strange. Your neighbor at 1015, a Mrs. Ada Willis, reported your mother to the police on several occasions. She said that your mother was acting weird, dancing in the garden and singing strange songs while waving a knife around.

      "She stated to the police, on the last occasion, that your mother, if not dangerous to anyone in the neighborhood, might be dangerous to herself. Those were the exact words, Gilbert. By law, the police can legally commit, for examination by so-called competent authority, anyone so reported, provided someone signs on her behalf and the examining physician also signs. The lawyer Eavers signed..."

      Gilbert's face was drawn, pulled down as though by a great weight.

      "There's more. This is the really terrible part. What was done was legal within the letter of current law. I am certain it was malice on the part of the neighbor, incompetence and possibly something else on the part of the lawyer.

      "Regarding psychiatrists, their culpability exceeds their avarice, which itself is notable. They covered every base. Release forms were signed, all legal avenues closed. From what you tell me of your mother I cannot believe she knowingly signed them. Under the effects of certain drugs, people have been known to sign anything.

      "I interviewed the psychiatrist involved, a Doctor Malinowski. He is an oily weasel and he knows the law." Manny spoke with bitter disgust.

      "He has all manner of medical records showing that they carefully monitored her condition; that, despite their 'valiant' efforts, they couldn't possibly have saved her. Their claim is that because Mrs. Piers signed the release forms, she was fully aware of the risks. The illogic of this is obvious. If she were indeed mentally incompetent, how could she possibly knowingly sign a release form?

      "Gilbert, there's lying going on here, none of which I can prove. The whole thing smells through and through."

      He ran out of breath, and paused flipping aimlessly through the documents on the desk.

      Gilbert closed his eyes. It was as though he'd looked at a light too bright and the after image remained etched on the retina forever.

      He spoke so softly, Abril had to lean forward to hear.

      "She died alone, among strangers. Where was her loving family...her son?" Then louder, "I don't understand, this is nineteen ninety five, where was the law? Who protected her rights?"

      "Gilbert, the laws involving the psychiatric profession are medieval, as loathsome as the profession itself. They have somehow made themselves the legal arbiters of sanity on this planet, though nothing I've read in the literature indicates they have the intelligence, insight or humanity to exercise that profession.

      "They certainly don't have the track record. That stands out as a livid testimony of bungling, brutality and deception. It's hard to tell the difference between their actions and those of the Inquisition.

      "I could go on and on. The bottom line is there's nothing I can do. I have put together a written summary of everything that happened, as I know it. And I have people digging deeper."

      Gilbert interrupted. "I understand. Thank you. I need some time to adjust. Ease your people out, Mr. Abril, I'll take it from here."

      The lawyer looked puzzled as Gilbert talked. "I'm not sure I understand."

      Gilbert got up and walked slowly to the French doors that led out to the garden, then turned and walked over to the fireplace. He faced the lawyer.

      "Just do as I ask, Mr. Abril. Hire a private detective agency, the best. I want background checks on everyone involved; specifically all the staff at the clinic, Mr. Eavers, Mrs. Willis, the officers who detained my mother, the Judge, everyone. When you have provided all that information, we will talk further."

      Abril stood. He knew when a meeting had been terminated.

      "Very well, Mr. Piers, I am sorry to be the one to bring you this wretched story. Call any time, for any reason. I would like to be more than just your legal counsel."

      "I know that, Manuel." It was the first time Gilbert had used his given name. "Please thank the ladies for their help. They've been wonderful, but now, I will want the house to myself."

      As they walked to the front door, Manuel felt an urge to say something cautionary to Gilbert, but didn't know what. Gilbert's reaction was wrong.

      Walking down the flagstone path to the car, he felt a strong premonition of violence withheld.

      This business is not finished, he thought. He shrugged and muttered as he got into his car.

      "You're getting as fey as the sisters, Gonzaga and Abril. So, if it's legal, do as the client says; still..."

      Chapter 5

      Let the punishment fit the crime.

      Alice in Wonderland

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