"How Awesome Is This Place!" (Genesis 28:17) My Years at the Oakland Cathedral, 1967-1986. E. Donald Osuna

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candle bearers lead the recession out of the cathedral, followed by the 75 ministers. That action, repeated week after week, teaches in a powerful way how the entire Christian communion present and absent forms one body in the Lord. (“A Creative Worship Service,” Celebration, June 30, 1985)

      Sister Thomasine’s foray into the neighboring community was matched by Monsignor Lucid’s equally successful ecumenical overture to our Protestant brethren. He struck up a happy friendship with the Reverend Boyce Von Osdel, the exuberant pastor of the First Baptist Church of Oakland, located a short block away. Their mutual fondness blossomed into an enriching and long-lasting relationship between our two churches. The like-minded churchmen began by collaborating on inner-city projects and ended up by sharing theological profundities over lunch. One day, Lucid suggested that in keeping with Vatican II’s emphasis on ecumenism, they bring their two congregations together for a joint worship service.


      The Baptists offered to host the first reunion. Monsignor Lucid, accompanied by Keeley and myself, led a large contingent from St. Francis de Sales on foot down 22nd Street to the beautiful stone structure at the corner of 21st Street and Telegraph Avenue. Once inside, he gingerly mounted the First Baptist Church’s pulpit. He prefaced his sermon with these memorable words: “Brothers and sisters in Christ, we Catholics traveled one short block to join you today in worship. My only regret is that it took us four hundred years!”

      Thereafter, joint services were celebrated twice a year: in January during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and on Reformation Sunday in October. The relationship with our Baptist “cousins” grew stronger and deeper over the years. Joint religious education and Bible study programs and numerous social projects reinforced and confirmed our respect and genuine esteem for one other.

      The unusual partnering was not lost on the national Baptist scene. The following article appeared in The American Baptist, July–August, 1978:

      Catholic-Baptist Dialog Aids Fellowship in Oakland

      OAKLAND, ca ---The late Pope John XXIII opened windows which for too long had been closed to meaningful dialog and fellowship between Roman Catholics and other Christian communities. In Oakland, CA, two churches, St. Francis de Sales and the First Baptist Church, are addressing each other through those windows and sharing a common challenge to ministry.

      “Our feeling was that the job of redeeming the inner city of down-town Oakland is too big for anyone,” recalled Dr. Boyce Van Osdel, pastor of first Baptist.

      Inspired by the prevailing spirit of openness in 1970 the two churches established cooperative programs, and encouraged dialog, growth and closer relationships between the congregants.

      Programs for senior citizens and youth, candidate forums in pre-election times, dinners and religious education for preschoolers, along with ecumenical worship services suggest that grassroots ecumenism is taking hold.

      A Lenten series brought together members of two congregations to discuss the Eucharist, baptism, “marriage and orders,” with the clergy presenting opening statements.

      “What impressed me was our nearness,” Van Osdel observed. “We were so close. What separated us was really not theology, but church politics, organization and structure — the way of doing things.”

      Van Osdel discovered that the two bodies “had pretty much the same outlook with reference to the Lord’s Supper and baptism, even though we have different modes.”

      The Catholic Voice, Oakland diocese’s newspaper, carrying news of the joint venture in faith, quoted Van Osdel: “As one has two hands to do a task, you might say downtown Oakland has two hands.”

      What characterized both Sister Thomasine’s and Monsignor Lucid’s outreach programs was their connection to liturgy. Both found not only that liturgical celebrations inspired them to go forth with outstretched hand in service and friendship, but that they were capable of embracing and welcoming those with whom they had established new bonds. Worship became an intrinsic element and impetus of outreach.


      Pilgrimage to ecumenical service at First Baptist Church


      Pastor Boyce Van Osdel (upper right) welcoming Catholic guests

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