Season of The Shadow. Bobbi Ph.D. Groover

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Season of The Shadow - Bobbi Ph.D. Groover

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knowing she couldn't see it, Fletcher smiled at his mother. "If you wish it, you need only to send for me."

      Her pale cheeks immediately colored. "I realize a young man has no interest with an old woman, but your visit has cheered me greatly. With whom are you staying?"

      "Caleb Jenkins."

      Her eyebrows lifted. "You know Caleb?"

      Fletcher fumbled for an answer. "Not really. His parents are family friends. They invited me to stay with them during my visit."

      His mother shook her head. "Caleb can be quite trying at times."

      "So I'm finding out," replied Fletcher, hoping to add credence to his story.

      "He and Fletcher were into more trouble—but enough of my ramblings. You are a true gentleman, Mr. Zachary Brown. I do hope we meet again."

      Fletcher brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "And you, Mrs. Stedman, are a very great lady."

      He disappeared into the woods, turning in time to see the Stedman carriage approaching the house. Fletcher watched the present master of Seabrook alight from the carriage and imperiously usher his wife through the front door. Fletcher bristled, and an angry shudder shot through him. Although too far from the house to notice clear details, it appeared that being a plantation owner had agreed with his black-hearted cousin. He found Whiz and mounted, cantering a brisk pace toward town. At the property marker he halted. His breathing was heavy and harsh. Instead of being cathartic as he had hoped, the journey here had enraged him.

      In the aging afternoon, he renewed his promise to himself. This was Seabrook Plantation, home of the Stedmans for five generations. He was Fletcher Stedman, and he would not allow a usurper to take his heritage from him.

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