Diary: Alone on Earth. JD Weldy

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Diary: Alone on Earth - JD Weldy

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agents, was forced to prevent someone or something from either entering the building…or from leaving the building. Did the CDC R&D develop something that got away from them? Is that what this is all about??? But how would that explain the world-wide humming noise of November 16th??? The humming noise and the disappearance of so many people is a supposition of mine at this time. How does this explain no electricity, no batteries that will work or hold a charge??? It is a theory. I have no concrete proof that both correlate to the thousands or millions (billions???) of missing people. Inside the Center, it is dark beyond belief. I can’t go very far, there must be very little oxygen in here for some reason. My candles keep going out the further I walk down the hallways. There are no answers here that can justify my continued presence. I don’t have a scientific mind, but clues are present. The CDC would not barricade the doors shut unless they knew something was terribly wrong, only I have no idea what that could be. I’m leaning toward that what caused this calamity was a chemical agent that got away from scientists. But I have no proof. None. I’m going back to the Georgia Dome and drink some more beer…and think.

      Dear Diary


      I’m drunk. I mean, I am puissant, falling down drunk as hell. I have drunk a six-pack of Milwaukee’s best…and more. I’m drunked as a sckunked. And I din’t give a shit no more at what happens. I have free bear for the rest of my live. Hey, what a freaking ass world I live in huh? I can do whatever I want and no body will say anything to me. I’m like that Leanardo guy on the Titanic movie, I’M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!! ..hey, ring a doorbell on earth and I’m the only guy that will answer. ….what you think of that?????????? I’m laughing and I’m crying…and I don’t care anymore….SCREW THIS WORLD……... I make the rules here….I am the one and only human left…I know it my heart….Dear God, I know it in my heart….I know it….I keep denyiiing it but I know it is truth. I need to seelp….

      Dear Diary


      Short…but sweet….I’m leaving Atlanta in the morning. I have to get back home and then think what I will do next. I am so hung over…I can’t do this again. God forgive me…I don’t know if I can go on. Suicide…for the first time in my life….it is entering my mind. I have to leep. God forgive me…forgive me. Glass again…come on…come and get it. I hate this world….I hate what I am…I hate this shit of a world. So, yearh, Mr. glass breaker, come get my ass…I’m ready for you…and so is this .38 and Remington rifle. Bring it.

      Alone on Earth – Entry #12

      November 27, 2016


      Dear Diary

      I think today is Thanksgiving Day. In fact, I’m sure of it now. Yes, checked the date on my Timex calendar watch. What have I to be thankful for today? That I’m alive? Is that it? Wow…guess I’ll stop at the Shoney’s in Evergreen, AL for some hot turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, green peas, pumpkin casserole, and some hot rolls. Sure. I’m desperately hungry now. My Thanksgiving meal will consist of beef jerky, Hershey’s chocolate bars and some warm Cokes. I’m not ready for any beer for a while. I have taken two Excedrin for my hangover headache. As soon as it is daylight, I will load up the Honda Gold Wing and head for Montgomery. My goal right now is Evergreen, AL for today. It may be further, since there was very little traffic on I-85 west and I-65 south. Everyone was headed to Atlanta or, at least, headed east. I was unable to determine the reason for this. The CDC was barricaded to keep people out or prevent something from leaving. It took me two hours to pry open one door. I’m going to rest some more before daylight.


      Dear Diary

      Have eaten breakfast, loaded up the bike, and started preparing to head out of Atlanta. This was a wasted trip in most respects. I’m sure there is plenty of evidence around for the trained observer, but all I have come away with are more questions. I’m certain that…More sounds of breaking glass as I write this. I have walked at least two solid square miles around the Olympic Center without seeing any trace of broken glass. But the sound is distinct and, at times, loud. I’m not going to bother looking to see where it came from this time, that has proven to be an exercise in futility. But what to do next as I head home: More wasted trips? If there are people who survived, then I have to believe I would have seen them by now. All I saw was a shadow that moved near the memorial for the Olympic bombing on my first night here. And that may well have been my imagination. Time to go.


      Dear Diary

      I am now in Montgomery, AL. As expected, there were very few cars on I-85 west. The devastation on I-85 east is a page right out of Dante’s Inferno. Scattered wallets, purses, money, toys, burned out cars on the interstate. But no sign of people. I have spent the past 30-40 minutes gathering candles, food, soft drinks and bottled water. Once again, I’m getting that overwhelming sensation of being watched. I can’t shake it. I had it to a lesser extent in Atlanta. I turn around quickly and think I catch a glimpse of something or someone, but it turns out to be nothing but thin air. I keep thinking I’m losing my mind. But if I am losing my mind, would I know it? Would I even be able to function if I am going crazy? Time to rest. These thoughts are getting me down.


      Dear Diary

      I am about to leave Montgomery. I may go further south than Evergreen since it is less than an hour’s drive away. One thing I should make note of before I go: The light aircraft that crashed near the Target department store in Montgomery, I am almost positive it was resting on an incline just above a ditch. I inspected that plane carefully the first time here in Montgomery; it was dug into the ground; it could not be budged. Now, it is in the ditch just below. It did not just slide either. There is no trace of the grass giving way just below the aircraft. I guess I could be mistaken, I guess I could. Time to get out of here.


      Dear Diary

      It was slower going on I-65 than I thought. Many more abandoned vehicles than I remembered before. I’m starting to worry about my sanity more and more now. I don’t remember this many cars, trucks and so forth. I am going to stay the night at a BP service station just off exit 57 near Atmore, AL. I could make it into Mobile if I wanted to, but I feel weak. I am tired. I am still hung over from drinking about 8 or 9 beers last night. I can’t believe I got that drunk. This disaster has taken its toll on me, I guess I needed to do that. I’m going to start up the disposable grill, heat up some chili and beans, more beef jerky and some more candy bars. The day will come when the candy bars and beef jerky will not be safe for me to eat. The day will come when it won’t be safe to eat any of the canned goods. Unless things change and some semblance of civilization comes to life, I will starve to death. Either that or I will learn to become a farmer.


      Dear Diary

      I have a fire going, some Vienna sausage grilling on the disposable grill, and - believe it or not - I am drinking some red wine tonight. I think it is vintage Thunderbird 2016. I don’t remember gas stations selling wine. I’m forgetting a lot now; is this a symptom of something? Like I don’t have enough problems, right? They have medicine that can prevent this now…or did. But you have to take it in three different doses before you turn age 30, or it won’t do you any good. How lucky for me the cure came out in 2012 when I was 61 years of age. Enough of this crap…this wine is good, the fire feels good, and the Vienna sausage even

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