Sonic Boom: The Impact of Led Zeppelin. Volume 1 - Break & Enter. Frank Reddon

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Sonic Boom: The Impact of Led Zeppelin. Volume 1 - Break & Enter - Frank Reddon

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the research trail; Tim Kitchen for getting us started; Megan Shanholtz, Matt Pramschufer, Marc deJong and James Chartrand for our website(s) and Rick Osborne for tech support.

      Although this e-book does not contain the photos found in the hardcover version of Sonic Boom, my thanks to you photographers and media types: Tony DeFilippis, Brad Tolinski, Sheldon Frymerman, John Hager, Jim Santella, Jim Brennan, Bob Masse, Bonnie Tomosvary, Jon Jacobik, Hugh Jones, David Borgonovo, Clif Garboden (Phoenix Newspaper Group), Jillian Goddard (Sun Media Corporation), Francine Bellefeuille (Globe & Mail); Robert Nowell, Joe and Tanya Hvilivitzky (Niagara Magazine).

      Thanks to the following public libraries: Welland, Ontario (Cathy Comar); Denver, CO (Judy Brown and Janice Prater); Boston, MA (Nancy Walsh), Metropolitan Toronto Research Library (Dave in Microfiche); Spokane, WA (Dana); Buffalo, NY; Cleveland, OH; New York, NY; Portland, OR, Chicago, IL. Many thanks as well to the University of Buffalo (Karen Sausner), Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra (Margaret Phillips, Edward Yadzinski), Stanley Parr Archives & Record Center, City of Portland, OR (Brian Johnson).

      Between my research, the publication of Sonic Boom and now this e-book, a few interviewees (some of them acknowledged above) have passed on but their memory lingers in my books and my heart. They are: Zani Dani, Philip Elwood, Don Fitzpatrick, Larry Huber, J.J. Jackson and Howard Mylett.

      Of course, we’re all indebted to Led Zeppelin for having created one of the most fascinating epochs in popular music history.

      There’s always the risk of forgetting someone and, in such case, I apologize in advance. Throughout this book, I have cited those whose expertise and knowledge have been integral to the project.

      And finally, my deepest gratitude to Bob Walker (editor and publisher of the Hot Wacks bootleg discographies) for his unbridled enthusiasm, endless parade of contacts, constant encouragement and in-depth knowledge of bootlegs and their related culture. For publishing some of the best Led Zeppelin books ever (Led Zeppelin Live editions one to three). And for all his terrific marketing ideas. We couldn’t have done this without you, Bob.

      This book is for anyone who has an interest in Led Zeppelin and popular music culture.

      Frank Reddon

      Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada - June 2008/updated September 2011


      Jørgen Angel

      Rick Barrett

      Grant Burgess

      Ed Cassidy

      George Chkiantz

      Gord Cottrill

      Phil Daum

      Bruce Deerhake

      Tim Druck

      Philip Elwood

      Greg Evans

      Susan Fast

      Howard Fields

      John Finnagan

      Don Fitzpatrick

      Robert Godwin

      Joe Halpen

      Donna Halper

      Ray Hewitt

      buz Hitchcock

      Larry Huber

      JJ Jackson

      Loui Malone

      Danny Marks

      Mack McCarthy

      Nancy Milloy

      Frank Milone

      Jeffrey Morgan

      Craig Morrison

      Howard Mylett

      Bill Nagy

      JP Piccillo


      Luis Rey

      Annie Ritz

      Jerry Ritz

      Steve Sauer

      Pat Seward

      Andy Simpson

      Jim Singleton

      Bob Stall

      Duane Temme

      George Ungar

      Bob Walker

      Paul Wells

      Jeff Woods

      I. Prefatory Editorial Remarks:

      It has been an adventure, an honour and a genuine pleasure to have worked with Frank’s interviewees. We have met several of them and have become friends with many of them. We are forever grateful to all of them. Each one has enriched our lives and taught us many invaluable lessons. They have been steadfast in their support and so very generous with their time.

      One of my greatest editorial challenges has been to maintain the unique personality and considerable charm of each interviewee while ensuring that the text is comprehensible, readable and as grammatically correct as a conversational style will permit. This has been especially challenging in the case of those interviewees for whom English is not their mother tongue. In consultation with those delightful interviewees, we agreed that certain turns of phrase would be left exactly as they had expressed them and not be “corrected” or otherwise meddled with by yours truly.

      If anyone should read this who is not a Led Zeppelin fan or scholar, let me confess right now that I wasn’t either when I started this project. You really don’t need to be in order to enjoy this book. Keep an open mind and learn from these interviewees. Their tales are true and fascinating. You’re in for a very compelling read!

      Lou Anne Reddon, Editor

      June 2008

      II. Notes On The Text:

      Sonic Boom: The Impact of Led Zeppelin. Volume 1 – Break & Enter is based on our interviewees’ fascinating personal recollections and, in some cases, their professional expertise as musicians, authors and educators.

      Some of these accounts go back forty years or even longer!

      Author Frank Reddon started his research over a decade ago; all the interviewees whom we were still able to contact were given the opportunity to review their interviews and make appropriate changes. They have consented to our expression

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