Sold Short In America. Richard A. Altomare

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Sold Short In America - Richard A. Altomare

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get questioned for the psychological deaths of millions of these less than hardened criminal inmates?

      My Illustrated Man dialogues or inmate serenades of nocturnal sounds ask you to look into where and how they will be treated, and how much we will be forced to pay for the next few generations. These inmates will only be replaced by maybe one of your offspring. Once you slip in; it is close to impossible to get away. They need customers. They require more customers. How do we change this? It's your move. (And I hope mine out of here today).

      If it's worth the effort, I'll relate my actual move out of this prison. Who knows what indignities or laughs the system of BOP still has to show us. (How prophetic when you finally read of my final day)

      You see, I think the BOP is subconsciously crying out for help as evidenced by their actions, can't you hear them?

      Although I had hoped this entry would be my last, I must still relate an incident while I wait to go to the legal room for a visit this morning, hoping to hear of my release.

      The shower crew has returned and all hell has broken out in the hallway. I only wish this were fiction because, at least, you would credit me with a degree of imagination unequaled in American literature.

      The hullabaloo is that someone defecated again in the shower. The dialogue is that they are not sure if it was an inmate or a guard. That has me sitting here telling you with a childlike uncontrollable giggle as I write with my wiggly pen (refill not the pen) which I also sneak in daily. I have always been amazed that during my strip searches for contraband, they inspect bodily orifices but don't look inside the bottom of my shoe or inside the pocket in the front of my jumpsuit or even in my long messy hair.

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