Survival: The Ultimate Mission. Robert M.D. Skaf

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Survival: The Ultimate Mission - Robert M.D. Skaf

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be the only species on this planet that has ever invented writing.

      No one knows exactly when we first appeared on earth, but even if we were to go back fifty thousand years in time - actually with the evidence collected to date, we can only go back thirty thousand years - it would still not be enough for any species to alter a single physical feature - particularly when we consider the fact that it takes most animals millions of years to alter the simplest form of any of their functions. Moreover, DNA evidence shows that we could have started as a species almost 400,000 years ago. The only way this can be explained - since we can’t find anything remotely connected to our species on this planet prior to 50,000 years - is to find an outer space origin to our species. Nevertheless, according to evolutionists, in this short span and for no compelling reason, we were able to branch out from another species; change our posture into an upright form; develop a powerful brain; relinquish our physical strength; shed our thick coat; devise an intelligent language to communicate; and gain two chromosomes in the process.

      Only extreme weather conditions could have forced a species to take such great risk and transform itself in such a relatively short time. The only time the planet went through something of that nature goes back to a period known as the ice age. A very recent event in our history - in relative terms of course. But even when exposed for thousands of years to this harsh climate, most species were able to survive and emerge without having to go through any physiological changes - let alone develop a powerful brain.

      My observations lead to this conclusion: human kind did not originate on this planet. If we did; how then of all the millions if not billions of species that exist or had existed on this planet, for millions, if not for hundreds of millions of years, we were the only species to evolve in this fashion? Here is something else, life dates back billions of years, how come no intelligent life evolved until we showed up? How is it that we are the only species that was able to develop languages and most importantly acquire the skill of writing which helped ancient civilizations record important historical events dating back to millennia. Other species may be able to communicate, but it takes special one to do the writing. Furthermore if our origin is one of the ape family why we did not develop a family of our own, in that how come we did not grow other branches or subspecies in the same way every other living species on earth tend to evolve? Last but not least, if biology is responsible for the creation of intelligent life, why it has taken so long for our race to evolve? For instance why intelligent life did not appear on earth millions if not billions of years earlier? There are no answers! The only explanation that is logical is that intelligent life had to wait for a species from another planet to establish itself on earth. One more thing, let’s not forget the difference in chromosomes: if we evolved from apes why don’t we have the same number of chromosomes? Actually, the number of our chromosomes is unique to us and we do not share it with any other species. If this does not raise any red flags, here is more: why our eyes are not the same and our sclera is white whereas theirs is dark? Why we can survive without an appendix and they die without it? Also why are we susceptible to all types of pandemics whereas other so called primates happen to be so resilient to them? Is it not only logical to expect a subspecies to have the same immune system as its precursor if not develop a more sophisticated one? In my opinion, viruses were created by bacteria to fight of other predators. Indeed, one might observe that biological warfare is not new. Any particular type of bacteria would be interested in developing it. As a bacterium there is not much else one can do to either defend from predator or conquer others. Some enemies may have even been transported from other planets. The fact that we have suffered so many tragic pandemics through our entire history is one more reason why I believe in our alien origin. It is the only explanation one can provide. Indeed, if we had evolved on this planet we would be no different than any other species, in that, we would have had time and experience to develop the necessary mechanism to fight off all types of viruses and germs. Moreover, all primates have been successful in developing an immune system able to fight common diseases, such as malaria, cholera, Ebola and even AIDS, if we were their descendants it would be very logical to inherit this immune system that is so crucial to survivors. Just think about it, knowing what we know about these inflections, who would want to go through an evolution only to lose such an important defense against such deadly diseases? It does not make any sense. Yet, as everyone knows we are the most vulnerable species when it comes to these diseases and many others. Here is more, of all species, we happen to be the only one that is able to ingest substances which are harmful to our well-being. No one can provide any definitive answers to what caused this anomaly. As far as I am concerned, the only reason we are able to defy nature is because we are aliens to this planet and nothing is natural to us. Simply put, chimps and other primates know better than to touch any of these poisons, if we were their descendants we wouldn’t’t either. Fertility is another example in how we differ from all others. All species tend to restrict procreation or even stop it completely under unfavourable conditions, we don’t. In fact our birth rate improves when facing a tragedy. This is a clear indication that we must have lived for a very long time in a confined area with a very limited resources to the point where our bodies adapted to harsh conditions and started to consider them as normal. This development must have taken place on another planet or else we would be behaving like any other species on earth. Here is more. All living forms fear fire, we embrace it. A cigarette is a mini torch, until I see in my own eyes a chimp addicted to tobacco -let alone sniffing gas or glue - I am going to remain convinced that our origin has nothing to do with any primates on earth. Only if one happened to live in an extremely harsh environment would he or she venture to experiment with such lethal substances. Observe how humans facing famine resort to consuming food that is considered disgusting. Most of us would puke at the thought of eating rats or worms. However, when it comes to survival most of us would be forced to consume anything, some may even resort to cannibalism. Our natural tendency to explore the taste of different foods is a clear indication that we are different than all mammals who are satisfied to adhere to one diet. In my opinion this is behaviour we have acquired after living on another planet with extremely harsh conditions where we were forced to consume anything. Far-fetched you say! Not at all, if you heard the story about some mine workers who were able to survive despite being trapped for weeks by eating charcoal. The ancient Greeks were adding snake poison to their food long before modern medical science discovered its anti-clotting properties. Even having an appendix could be connected to our alien past. Simply one could argue that living under extreme weather conditions, our ancestors acquired this organ to store more food or help the body break down substances that could otherwise be toxic. Our diets, the food we eat do not require any assistance from such an apparatus. According to anthropologists our distant ancestors had tails which were completely eliminated as they became obsolete. If this is how evolution works why are we still hanging on to such a vestige that could cause death? Certainly, chimpanzees do not hang on anything useless, the only reason they still grow such a part because they make use of it. Some insects develop what is known as accessory stomach, since I happen to believe that we have more in common with insects than other mammals, it is possible that this organ is a hold back from our early existence. In a typical human fashion, we are hanging on to it as we do retain so many things from our distant past. We have no idea whether other species develop any body parts that are not needed. What we know is that the appendix is not the only needless thing our body tends to grow. There are the wisdom teeth, the gull bladder and more. Not only are we growing parts we do not need, most importantly we are not growing the parts we do need. For instance, we need tools to cut our hair whereas other species shed theirs naturally and on regular basis. Drinking is another aspect of our inadequate physiology. The fact that our distant ancestors had to invent drinking utensils has a lot to say about evolution. This may appear to be trivial, however, when put into an evolutionary perspective it could provide another point to the argument I am trying to make here. Without tools, we have a serious disadvantage drinking when compared to other species. I have no idea whether any biologist looked at this oddity, but in my opinion, a species evolves to become more efficient and better adapted at survival. Clearly, this is not what happens in our case. Finally, of all the anatomical irregularities we have to face, dealing with the penile foreskin happens to be the most mysterious of all. Thousands of years before the development of medical science, some cultures introduced circumcision to their members. How and why these cultures found it necessary to circumcise their people to the point where the practice

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