New Earth: The Sedna/Kern Incident. R.D. MDiv Pittman

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New Earth: The Sedna/Kern Incident - R.D. MDiv Pittman

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not what they want to hear; and that is they should use their homes as a survival shelter, begin stockpiling two years’ worth of fresh water and nonperishable food. They will need plenty of blankets for the winter months, the Surgeon General’s office will have minimum daily intake requirements published along with guidelines how to meet those benchmarks. Many will not survive; it’s a reality we all have to face. Those who do survive will be met by a world in a desperate struggle to recover from near total devastation. I’ll simply tell them the truth…they deserve nothing less.”

      “Hopefully they’ll appreciate that and I’m certain there are those who will simply give up. The religious fanatics will be pouring out of the woodwork to whip people into a frenzy. I can’t speak for all of the media, but my hope is our industry will do our best to debunk those people. Am I right to assume you and Sandi will resurrect your original plans?”

      “Yes, fortunately that part is ready. As you’ve aptly observed the movement of men and materiel is already underway it’ll continue unabated until we’re fully prepared. All my commands are on a 24/7 schedule until we’re confident we’ve done everything we can to prepare the nation.”

      “General, the President informed me of your promotion. You’re now the only five star sitting General, the sixth in our history, this country is in your hands. I for one couldn’t be more confident in someone other than you. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to get ready for all of these announcements. Thank you for your time and give my best to Sandi.”

      “You’re welcome… and George…we will get through this.”

      Alex called Pete Cernak in Coeur d’Alene to check on the status of the main facility.

      “Hey Alex, how are you?”

      “Pete, I’m coming to that facility the first week in January and making it my permanent headquarters. How many of those two room suites do we have in place?” Alex asked.

      “Well, there are eight private rooms each one has an office, with an option to build four more. Plus a total of five hundred individual rooms in honeycomb stack formation.”

      “Get those options finished, inventory everything in all the facilities and get replenishments if needed according to the punch list for those sites.”

      “Whoa, what’s going on here, I thought we were shuttering these facilities?”

      “Pete, I’m not at liberty to discuss anything right now, let me say that getting those facilities ready by yesterday is not soon enough. General Monroe is sending two hundred troops to provide security there. They’ll be arriving there tomorrow morning. I want them housed in the other facilities, not the main.”

      “Well, we won’t have to replenish anything. Last time you were here you left before any of the supplies were used. The remaining security people were bivouacked down at the new air base here in Coeur d’Alene. I’ll get the construction crew up here right away. I think they already have the modules for those additional suites in inventory. It’ll just be a matter of trucking them up here and bolting them to the floor. I think they built an additional two hundred of those individual units and they’re just sitting there. We have more than enough room to install them, along with another entire shower and toilet unit with sixteen heads each. The plumbing is a simple fix to add if you want.”

      “Fantastic Pete, get it done and let me know the cost so I can wire the funds when completed. Pete this isn’t a several week process either, it must be accomplished in just a few days, if they have to work 24/7 in shifts then do it…whatever the cost.”

      “Alex, you’re scaring me, something big is up. Can I ask if your plans include me and my daughter?” Pete asked.

      “Pete, I’m surprised. Do you think I wouldn’t include my Project Engineer on board along with my family and me? Be assured, you and your daughter are definitely on the priority list.”

      “Thank you Alex, what about the other three living facilities, do you want me to see if I can fit more modules in there too?”

      “No, we’re going to have a total of three hundred soldiers plus a lot of equipment at those three locations; I don’t want anyone to get claustrophobic. Oh, I almost forgot. I need you to reserve a space in the main facility for a mobile hospital unit being sent from Ft. Lewis. They’ll need a space about one hundred by one eighty in dimensions, and it’ll need plumbing, sewer, and electrical access.”

      “Okay, I’ll mark off the space this afternoon after I call the guys at the module plant.”

      “Good. That’s it for now Pete, if you think of anything else just go ahead and get it, and let’s double the bottled water supply at all locations. Here’s my direct fax number at the Pentagon after January 2nd I’ll be relocating to the main facility along with my family and a few key people.” Alex finished his call with Pete, and decided to call on an old friend.

      “May I speak to Dr. Terry Logan?” Alex asked the operator at Cedar Sinai Hospital.

      “May I say who’s calling?” she inquired.

      “Yes, this is General Hanken.”

      After a few minutes a familiar voice said. “Well, Alex, what brings you to talk to an old lowly drinking buddy like me?” Logan joked.

      “How’ve you been Terry?”

      “Great, now that you saved the country, all is well again.”

      Alex laughed. Then his tone turned more sobering.

      “Terry, I’ve got a problem and I need your help.”

      “Jeez Alex, you need my help, that’s a new one, what’s going on?”

      “Terry, I need to staff a unique hospital with the very best physicians and nurses. I am going to need a general and orthopedic surgeon, an internal medicine person, and an obstetrician/gynecologist.”

      “Well heck Alex, you know we have the best in the country, I’m guessing that’s why you called here isn’t it? Just what is it that you’re proposing?” Logan asked.

      “Terry, I’m asking you to gather these medical specialists so I can meet with them this coming Friday at the Pentagon. I’ll provide transportation round trip and any expenses incurred. I want only the best, and I want them to be capable of handling stressful situations, either unmarried or married with few or no children.”

      “Okay, something big is going on here Alex, what the hell?”

      “Terry, trust me, this is a matter of national security. If I could tell you I would.”

      “What about me, I’m an old fart like you. Can I come and find out what this is all about?” Logan asked.

      “Terry, I expect you to be there to help me convince these people that they should be a part of this program, so your age is not a factor; your looks however may be a problem.”

      “Hey, watch it, or I’ll tell Ellen,” Logan immediately realized his gaffe. “Jeez Alex, I’m so sorry, forgive me, I just—.”

      “Terry, it’s okay, forget about it, I’ve moved on. In fact, you’ll get to meet Sandi, she’s a wonderful lady.”


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