The Phoenix Rising. Gary MDiv Caplan

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The Phoenix Rising - Gary MDiv Caplan

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have been able to hold them at bay. Another very technologically advanced group is known as the Ceyloom. They are, by all accounts, arthropod type life forms, possessing exoskeletons. However, these Ceyloom are currently at war with a rebel faction within their own civilization. The Ceyloom do have occasionally skirmishes with the Saldron, and on occasion with the Varlon, although the Varlon consider them kindred.

      “Then there are also the Thurians and the Icorians,” continued Mor’ag. “Two races who have mastered ‘gate’ technology, practically to the exclusion of all other forms of transportation. It seems they are capable of moving from system to system via powerful ‘world gates’ or ‘travel corridors’ rather than using spacecraft.”

      “Fascinating,” replied Kra’ag, still looking at the monitor at the information Mor’ag was sending.

      Mor’ag continued, “It seems that the Thurians in the past moved whole cities from different worlds to their home world. However those two civilizations tend to stay in their territories and planets and should not cause any notable problems for our forces in space.”

      “Though they are advanced,” interrupted Kra’ag, “they are no direct threat to the Accadian Empire. Continue.”

      Mor’ag did, but carefully, to avoid upsetting his powerful cousin.

      “One that will certainly cause problems,” he said, “is a very advanced cybernetic race known as the Tenoid, who merged with their organic makers to form the present race. This fusion is not across their entire civilization, as some of the Myroid progenitors prefer attempting to gain something called ‘ascension.’ Lastly, there are the Calyx, one of the oldest races, and possibly as advanced as the Jiyarr; however, their numbers have been dwindling, and I am not sure why. Speculation is that they are interested in alternate universes and dimensions, an interest they share with the Karratins. They tend to keep to themselves.”

      “An excellent variety of adversaries!” bellowed Kra'ag happily. “It will be a glorious road to victory. I shall start planning our battle strategies.” He then turned to an officer on his left. “Summon Admirals M’agh and Rhiss.”

      “There is one final item of importance, Milord,” said Mor'ag as he activated the computer screen imaging system. “As you can see, there are two Talcon starcities in hyperspace en route to this galaxy. Our telemetry was not complete due to their jamming systems and the distance, but we have been able to ascertain that their automated defense systems are operational and that they should arrive in about six zilakh.” At this, Mor'ag cleared his throat and added nervously, “During the Feast of Ji’toth, I believe.”

      Kra’ag hissed by way of acknowledgment.

      Mor'ag knew that his cousin enjoyed the Feast of Ji’toth and would prefer it not to be disturbed by an enemy’s arrival.

      “They will most probably be arriving in that region of Alliance of Worlds space that they call the Beta quadrant,” continued Mor'ag. “The Talcon Starcities will most likely drop out of hyperspace at a distance of approximately sixty thousand light-years from any of our active colonies. It may cause a serious problem between the Talcon, who will be seeking territory and the Alliance of Worlds.”

      The Supreme Commander seemed to ponder this news for a long moment, and then replied, “I will investigate this matter personally when I arrive. For the time being, Mor’ag, continue with your plans to disrupt our enemies. Also, I want you to continue attempting to locate and mine any Quellien crystals. They will be very useful for our dealings with the Jiyarr.”

      “Understood, Milord,” responded Mor'ag, snapping a salute.

      The communication ended, and Mor'ag was relieved. His cousin would not likely punish him, but there was the possibility Kra’ag could order a few of his officers’ executions. Mor’ag had to find a way to appease his cousin’s potential wrath, so as not to lose any of his well-trained personal staff.

      CHAPTER 3

      An Unusual Call

      The morning of April 29, 2756, of the old Earth calendar, came hard for Fleet Captain Robert Allen Sheppard. He was awakened from a restless and all-too-brief rest period by the intra-ship communication system. Composing himself as best he could in the few seconds between hails, he answered the transmission.

      Clearing his throat, he said in a rough voice, “Yes, Bridge?”

      “Incoming transmission through the COMNET from Star One for you, sir," reported the voice of Lieutenant Bosq, the on-duty communications officer. “It's Admiral Wainright, and he's requesting to talk to you on the Alpha channel.” He paused. “Uh, sir, there's almost a twenty-second delay in transmission, even with the COMNET’s hyperspace-boosting capability, due to our distance here near the galactic rim, so be patient, sir.”

      “Yes, thank you, Lieutenant. I'll take it in my quarters.” This he said as his fingers found the processor console and punched up an order of hot coffee from the synthesizer. The device hummed quietly during the synthesis process.

      Admiral Wainright's picture appeared on the viewer, and he began delivering what Sheppard would describe later as cryptic orders, with few answers to Sheppard’s questions.

      Minutes later, Commander Adams received an open intercom order from Fleet Captain Sheppard. “Sheppard here,” the captain said. “Set course for Star One emergency speed; we’re being reassigned I will be headed toward the bridge soon, then I will need to coordinate with the other ship captains in Task Force Four."

      “All right,” said Commander Adams, addressing the flight control officer at the Conn. “You heard the order, Lieutenant; emergency speed! How long before we can get back to Star One?”

      Lieutenant MacTavish’s fingers flew with precision over the navi-computer's touchpad as he inputted the course data, and then he sat back momentarily as the altered course data plotted. About a second later, he had his answer. Turning from the Conn, he said, “Well, sir, since we're about ten thousand light-years out from Star One, at this distance.” Accessing astrogation to set a safe jump pathway Mac Tavish determined that traveling at the ships emergency speed of translight velocity equivalent to one hundred thousand times C, the speed of light. “Sir it will take us a little over thirty-six days to get back. Now, if we had the upgraded jump system, we could get there in half the time.”

      “That's fine, Lieutenant MacTavish. This ship’s engines can handle emergency speed for just about that long,” said Sheppard thoughtfully. “Take us home. Endeavor will put in for an overhaul while we’re at Star One.” Mac Tavish activated Endeavour’s translight hyperspace drive which initiated the formation a hyperspace transference tunnel allowing the entire ship to jump into a layer of hyperspace.

      Sheppard addressed the communications officer. “Lieutenant Bosq, open a coded communications to Captain Jarred. As he is the next-senior captain, I will have to give him command of the other eleven ships in this task force. Besides, Endeavor is due for a refit soon enough. Perhaps Commander Adams can even arrange to get the upgraded drive system when we arrive at Star One.”

      Star One was essentially a totally self-sufficient, multi-species Alliance of Worlds colony. The Star One facility included several communities with their own hydroponics, aquaculture, and gardens for food production. The huge space city inside Star One included multiple housing facilities for representatives of every member civilization and their families. Star One also contained the main campus of the Alliance of Worlds Academy, as well as two other universities. There were even training grounds for the starship

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