How To Write A Book ASAP. Garrett MDiv Pierson

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How To Write A Book ASAP - Garrett MDiv Pierson

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will become more and more adept at allowing your hand/fingers to translate your mind’s ideas. It might take practice, but you will find that the more you practice writing, the better you will be at it. Have you ever thought about speaking your book instead of writing it? Think about that. I’ll discuss this option further in another chapter.

      You are likely familiar with the data processing associated with the right and left hemispheres of your brain. In general, the right side of your brain tends to be more emotional, intuitive and creative. On the other hand, the left side of your brain deals with logic and order. One issue that keeps many people from writing in a productive manner is that the right and left sides of their brain conflict with each other.

      Creating a sense of flow when you are writing is no problem for the right side of your brain. In fact, if it were up to the right side of your brain, you would likely never encounter writer’s block.

      However, the left side of your brain is in charge of critical thinking. As such, its job is to edit, scrutinize and criticize your work. Have you ever sat down, attempting to write, but quickly found yourself throwing in the towel? Perhaps you began telling yourself, “This isn’t good enough! I should give up.” If so, these thoughts were stemming from the left side of your brain. Further, the left side of your brain will also start to scrutinize your spelling and grammar. These issues can also shut down the free flow of ideas that are necessary for writing. Later on, we’ll discuss some strategies to help you write faster.

      One of the keys to writing your book is to realize that the different hemispheres of your brain are working against one another. Instead of letting your brain “battle it out,” the trick is to start taking advantage of your brain’s potential. Let the right side of your brain win and you will find success in writing a book.

      When you allow yourself to break free from your internal critic, you will find that the end result is not only more creativity, but also of a higher level of quality.

      Let’s return to my statement, “Stop thinking about writing the book and start thinking about finishing the book” and talk about it for a moment.

      Stop – This powerful word means to “abandon a specified practice or habit.” -

      Thinking about writing the book – right now we are not going to focus on starting the writing process. This will come later.

      Start – Dictionary definition: “embark on a continuing action or a new venture.” -

      Thinking about finishing the book – if you create a strong enough image in your mind of the finished product, you will finish it. Essentially your brain will do everything in its power to create what is necessary to finish your book. So bottom line, for the moment, focus on finishing and not on starting.

      You might be concerned about other important details such as marketing your book, publishing your book and selling your book. Remove them from your mind at this point. Why worry about marketing and selling a book that doesn’t exist yet? Worrying can move you away from creating a plan and committing yourself to writing the book.

      Of course marketing and publishing your book are important, but not until you have the book in your hand. Don’t let worrying about anything delay you in reaching your goal. Move forward. Keep telling yourself: “I will share my complete and finished message (or story) with the world!” If you think it will help, print that statement or one similar to it in big bold letters to remind you of your commitment to finish your book.

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