Where Is Wonderland Anyway. Karen Mueller Bryson

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Where Is Wonderland Anyway - Karen Mueller Bryson

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guess so. Don’t expect to eat anytime soon.”

      “What do you mean?”

      “I’ve been waiting here a pretty long time for a meal and you’re the only person I’ve seen yet.”

      “Oh, you don’t work here? I just assumed you did. Bad assumption. Sorry. ”

      “I’m here to eat. Just like you.”

      “I wonder where everyone is.”

      “I just hope they’re not tied up out back. Or dead.”

      “You don’t really suspect foul play? Something rotten in the State of Denmark, perhaps?”

      "Denmark? Aren’t we still in Florida?"

      "It’s a quote from Shakespeare. Oh, never mind. Maybe they just stepped out for a moment. "

      “It really seems like something strange is going on.”

      “Well, I’m hungry. There must be other places to eat around here. So, I guess I’ll take off.”

      It sure was nice having somebody to talk to. “Wait,” I said. “Can I ask you something?”

      “Sure. What?

      “Are those old fashioned clothes you’re wearing?

      “Old fashioned? No. Neo-gothic.”


      I wasn’t sure what to say after that. I didn't have a notion of what neo-gothic was and I didn't have very much experience talking with men, either, except for Billy, and we never did do too much talking.

      Finally, I said, “So, where you headed?”


      “Wow. That sure is a long way away.”

      “Yeah. I figure it’ll take me about a week to drive there but I’m in no hurry. I have a few weeks until the audition. I’m going to Hollywood to audition for a new film. I read about an open casting call in one of my magic magazines. They’re looking for a magician to star in the project. I figured, what the heck, I’ve got nothing to lose. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of children’s birthday parties in California. And this is a chance to finally be seen and maybe make a name for myself. I could be the next David Copperfield.”

      “It sounds like you’re on your way to becoming a real live celebrity.”

      “It’s a long shot but I’m going to give it a try. There’ll probably be thousands of magicians there for the audition.”

      “I have a good feeling you’ll make something of yourself one day. My mama always told me I better listen to my hunches. They usually come true.”

      “I hope so.”

      “Sometimes, I’m not too sure I want them to. My hunches can be good or bad.”

      I thought the magician was going to leave, but instead he asked, “So, where are you headed?”

      I didn’t rightly know what to tell him. I couldn’t just say out of the state without arousing his suspicion, so I said, “I’m on my way to California, too.”

      “Really? What a coincidence. There aren't any other cars parked out front. Are you hitching a ride?”

      Now, my mama told me never to take a ride from strangers. She said, “There ain’t no such thing as a free ride. Them strangers will expect you to pay them one way or another.” And I knew exactly what she meant.

      “I’m not the type of girl to hitchhike,” I said.

      He looked surprised. “You’re not planning on walking to California?”

      “That’s what I aim to do.”

      “Do you have any idea how long it would take you to walk to the other side of the country?”

      “Not really.”

      “And how dangerous that would be?”

      “I guess I hadn’t given it all that much thought.”

      “I think you should ride with me.”

      Part of me was hoping he would ask me to ride with him, but I was also kind of scared on account of him still being a stranger of sorts.

      “That’s a mighty fine offer but I don’t have the means to pay you for the ride.”

      "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

      "You sure do have a funny way of talking."

      "You know what, so do you. Will you ride with me? I’d love the company.”

      I didn’t give him my answer right away. I closed my eyes for a second to see if I’d have any bad hunches. Wouldn’t you know the greatest feeling of joy went through my entire body. “I think I will be taking that ride with you, if you don’t mind.”

      “It would be my pleasure.”

      He walked me out to his car. It was one of the strangest looking vehicles I ever laid eyes on. I could tell it was a new car, but it looked antique. Painted on the side was a big picture of a magician’s hat and a magic wand.

      “Your chariot awaits, my lady,” he said as he opened the car door. “That’s all you have?” He pointed to my duffel bag.

      “My mama taught me to be a light traveler.”

      “Okay, then, light traveler. You know, I don’t even know your name.”

      “It’s Alice. Ally for short.”

      “I like Alice. It’s not a common name for people our age. I swear if I meet another Megan or Brittney, I’ll scream. I’ve never met an Alice before. It’s nice to meet you, Alice. My name is Lewis.”

      “It’s nice to meet you, Lewis.”

      He held out his hand and I shook it. It was a little more than just a friendly handshake but not too much more. I was surprised by the little tingle I felt all through my body when our hands touched.

      “Shall we?” he said and we both got into his car.

      “Are you still hungry?” he asked.

      “I think I just got even more hungry if you can believe it,” I said.


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