The Net Result - Book 2. Lucille Jr. Orr

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The Net Result - Book 2 - Lucille Jr. Orr

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by my higher self. Some days the only time I get to achieve this is the time I spend in my car. So that’s the time to pull out the gentle music, with no lyrics to distract, and take the stress out of my day. Only in the last few years have I stopped talking about pampering myself and actually started doing it. This for me is another key to success: having a balanced life.

      What is the point of developing one aspect of your business so you are successful if you forget the main reason you’re doing it, which most probably is to fulfil a need in you? For quite a while, I thought I couldn’t afford the time or the money to have facials, get my legs waxed, have my nails done, visit the podiatrist and go to the hairdresser very regularly. A funny thing has happened. Nice I decided to do these things there was enough time and money. And I feel so good about myself and my attitude now is that I deserve all these things. Sometimes the martyr in me attempts to stop this process, but I speak sternly to that part of my persona and tell it to go jump in the lake. I love looking and feeling good.

      This being-kind-to-Lynn attitude has evolved as part of a larger framework. About two years ago, my sister gave me a small card that describes my name.

      This is what it says: LYNN – Gaelic origin, meaning, “clear pool; generous spirit”

      Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on three: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26.3

      Suddenly I knew that I had to live up to this! So ever since I’ve done everything possible to fit the name: to be absolutely trustworthy in business and in my relationships; to be absolutely honest, as honest as a clear pool, and to be generous. The generosity extends to others, in my actions, my love, the time I give, the help I give, the gifts I choose, the meals I plan and many other day-to-day aspects of my life. I’m also generous to Lynn.

      As a result of these very deliberate actions, generosity is flowing to me from others. You know that wonderful law, I’m sure: “what you give out you get back.”

      Sometimes it takes a simple tool, in this case a small plasticised coloured card, to give you a life direction. Keep your eyes and ears open for inspiration.

      I always expect the best in relationships. Do you? I always expect that others will treat me fairly, professionally and in a very friendly manner. We won’t disappoint one another is another way of looking at it. So that is what happens. I expect the best in every aspect of my life. And I get it. Somerset Maugham, that great English writer put it like this: “It’s a funny thing about life. If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.”

      Being successful is not only about thinking that you are. Actions must be initiated too. Successful people start early and work late. I’ve often thought about the components of success. What does make one person more successful than another? It’s not just hard work. It’s not just following through. It’s not just doing what you say you’ll do. It’s not just listening to your intuition and following your dream. I’ve realised that it’s doing what average people do PLUS more. If you do what average people do your life will become average. I look at average people coming home from work and having dinner and getting on with household tasks, watching TV and going to bed to arise next morning and follow their routine for getting ready for work and think how bored I would be with their lifestyle.

      I have to do all those things too, and more, to move from average to special there is another part of the equation. I must add another element. For me it’s getting up earlier than many others to work at my computer writing articles for magazines and the books I‘m creating. It means not watching as much TV as others, since this is the time to attend seminars, do more work or develop friendships. It means sandwiching some physical exercise and children and my partner in amongst all of that. If that’s too difficult for you at the moment, work towards it. As my children are adults now and don’t live with me anymore, I have time to work the equation the way I want to. If it means that I have to find time on weekends I do.

      Most Saturdays I work on catching up or planning the next week. I keep Sundays free whenever possible. Sometimes I would love to live a normal life. What a joy. There is a voice inside me however that tells me to go the extra mile so I can reap the benefits soon. If you want to be successful you have to live life differently from average people.

      What is the way to accomplish all of this? I’ve found that with some things, going that extra mile translates as thinking laterally about a problem and being smart about its solution. What helps me enormously is that at the centre of this strategy, I have a clean and tidy desk each morning. There is something about turning up to work with a neat and organised selection of work to be completed in front of me instead of mess and clutter, which immediately enables me to feel ready for work rather than ready for a cup of coffee a sifting through process. I regularly clear away the clutter in my life. I tidy my desk, my office, my home and especially my car. They are all an extension of my personality and give me a very powerful insight into my thought patterns and behaviours.

      I’m ruthless. I toss out. I rearrange. I clean and polish. I tidy. And I keep tidy. How can new ideas, new people, new beginnings occur if I don’t let my inner self know that I am ready? Things don’t change. They evolve.

      Probably the most important key to success that I can offer you is that, successful people pay attention to detail. It’s the same as being an excellent host. Imagine a very, very important person is making a visit to my home or business. Imagine the running around and fussing that would take place over the way things look; the greeting process; the choice of the food and drinks for morning tea or lunch; the discussions between others and myself about how to do things best. Then when the VIP arrives the tension is probably greater. There is a constant checking and in my mind a timetable of events that will occur so that everyone is happy and comfortable.

      Well, having a successful business and successful relationships is just like that too. The people who think ahead, plan well, ask for co-operation, have the flexibility to alter and reassess, watch other’s reactions and aim to please, will be the ones who live the success they desire.

      Sometimes it is scary. As Tim Macartney-Snape conqueror of Everest, said: “It wouldn’t be a worthwhile mountain if you didn’t experience some fear”.

      National Runner-Up

      Else Shepherd


      A pioneering electrical engineer; a founding director of a data communication firm, an educator and a mother, Else Shepherd combines the pragmatism of engineering with the aesthetics of music, holding formal qualifications in both disciplines.

      She was the 1992 Queensland Executive Woman of the Year!

      I’m an electrical engineer and director of an electronics company, Mosaic Electronics, which I established with a colleague in 1986. With a staff of twelve we design and manufacture specialist data communications products, and provide consulting in data communications, contract manufacturing and service. We don’t try to compete with the large national and multinational companies in the lucrative communications field with me-too products, but by identifying niches and using the very latest design techniques, we can provide a unique service. This has been recognised by Telecom, OTC and electricity authorities from whom we develop and manufacture new products, investigate future possibilities and present training courses.

      My role in the company is changing. Like all the classic high-tech companies we started under my colleague’s house where I designed printed circuit boards, ordered components, soldered, tested, wrote manuals, chased debtors, kept the books, did the cleaning and tried to keep up with the latest design techniques. Soon we moved to a small office which we painted ourselves, employed

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