The Big Midget Murders. Craig Inc. Rice

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The Big Midget Murders - Craig Inc. Rice

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the murderer. Maybe some other person.”

      “How did this unknown person—whether he was the murderer or not—know the body was in the fiddle case? After all, the case was locked.”

      The little lawyer glared at her. “Obviously, he had X-ray eyes.” He ignored the face she made at him.

      Jake drew a long breath. “Malone’s right. The best thing for us to do is go home to bed.” He scowled. “Tomorrow’s bound to be a bad day, whatever happens.”

      Malone nodded. “Whether the body turns up or; not, there’s going to be excitement when the midget; is missing. Where did he live, anyway?”

      “In our hotel,” Jake said. “Had a very fancy suite there, I’ve been told. I’ve never seen it myself.”

      “Well,” Malone told him, “maybe you’ll be informed that he’s disappeared. Maybe you’ll be informed that he’s been found up an alley somewhere. Whatever happens, just remember you don’t know a thing about it.”

      Jake said, “Don’t worry about that. Do you think; I’m a dope?”

      “Yes,” Helene said suddenly. Her face had turned very white. “I think we’re all three of us dopes.”

      The two men stared at her.

      “That bottle,” she said, in a voice that threatened, to develop a quaver. “The bottle of Scotch. Malone thought it was poisoned. And being three dopes, we went off and left it here.”

      Jake frowned. “Well damn it,” he said, “we could hardly have carried it out and set it on our table.”

      “And besides,” Malone began. He paused and said, “Between hiding the midget’s body and your announcement about the stockings, the bottle just slipped our minds.”

      “In the meantime,” Helene said, “someone’s come in and drunk half of it.”

      Malone wheeled around, picked up the bottle, stared at it, and set it down again.

      “Someone,” Helene said, “is going around with half a bottle of poisoned liquor in his insides.”

      Jake felt for the chair, found it, and sat down hard.

      “And,” she finished, “we don’t know who it is!”

      For a good thirty seconds, the silence could have been cut with a knife.

      “Look here,” Jake said weakly. “Malone could have been mistaken. That Scotch may not be poisoned at all.”

      “Do you want to drink it and find out?” she asked.

      “No,” he confessed.

      Malone unscrewed the cap of the bottle and sniffed. “Smells all right. But there’s still some of that whitish stuff along the edge.” He pointed to the neck of the bottle. “When the liquor was poured out, it washed the powder off one side of the rim, but not the other.” He picked up the cap, held it to the light, and ran a finger inside it. The finger came away with its tip covered with white powder. He sniffed at it thoughtfully.

      “Don’t taste it,” Jake said. “I’ll take your word for it. It’s poisoned.”

      “I’ve got a friend who’s a chemist,” Malone said. “Tomorrow morning I can have him analyze this and find out what it is.”

      “Damn it,” Jake said. “What’s the difference what kind of poison it is, I want to know who got it. Anybody could have wandered in here, seen the room empty and a bottle of expensive Scotch sitting on the dressing table, and helped himself.”

      “It could have been the murderer,” Helene said.

      “Not if the murderer put the poison in the bottle,” Jake pointed out scornfully.

      “Then if the person who carried away the fiddle case wasn’t the murderer, it could have been the person who carried away the fiddle case,” Helene said.

      “Your wonderful reasoning powers,” Jake said. “That’s what I really love you for.”

      “Or,” she said, “it could have been one of the orchestra men, or one of the waiters, or one of the chorus girls, or—anybody.”

      “For the love of Mike,” Malone said suddenly. “Jake, have you any liquor around this place that isn’t poisoned? Because if you have, I need it bad. After all, this is supposed to be a saloon.”

      “Don’t call it a saloon,” Jake said, “and all the liquor is locked up for the night. That’s the last thing the head bartender does before he goes home.”

      “A fine thing,” Helene said. “Own your own night club, and you can’t get a drink. Wait a minute.” She was out the door and down the hall before either man could stop her. In two minutes she was back again with three paper cups and a nearly full bottle of rye. “It’s Angela Doll’s,” she explained, “but she won’t mind.”

      Malone poured three drinks, said gloomily, “I wonder if this is poisoned too,” and drank his. “We’ve got to do something fast, but I don’t know just what.”

      “We could call up all the people who might have come in here tonight, and ask them how they feel,” Helene suggested.

      “Wonderful!” Jake said nastily. “And the one who doesn’t answer the phone is ‘it’.”

      “It couldn’t have been a quick-acting poison,” Malone said very slowly, “or the person who got it wouldn’t have lived long enough to leave the Casino. So, that person may still be alive now.”

      “And could still be saved, if we found him in time,” Jake added.

      “If we knew who it was,” Helene said.

      “Maybe Helene was right,” Malone said. “Maybe the thing to do is call up everybody who might possibly have come in here tonight and give out a warning. It looks like the only thing to do.”

      Jake said, “And thereby advertise the fact that we knew there had been a bottle of poisoned liquor in the midget’s dressing room the night of his disappearance—or murder, if his body turns up. We’re trying to keep out of trouble, not get into it.” He paused. “Still, we can’t let some perfectly innocent person die, just to keep out of trouble.”

      “Oh, but Jake,” Helene said with a little gasp, “there’s forty or fifty people who might have come in here. And by the time we got to the right person on the list—”

      “Besides,” Jake said gloomily, “we don’t have all their telephone numbers, either. Heaven only knows where Ramon Arriba’s boys hang out.”

      Helene lit a cigarette very slowly and deliberately, and poured herself a drink of rye. “Well, we can eliminate Angela Doll. She left the Casino before the midget finished his last performance. And all of Al Omega’s band. They were on the bandstand all the time between when we were first here and when we came back. We can eliminate the girls in the chorus because I gave a party for them and none of them will touch Scotch. They all stick to rye or gin.”

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