Minnie Moo, The Extraordinary Adventures of an Ordinary Cat. Magdalena Boone's VandenBerg

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Minnie Moo, The Extraordinary Adventures of an Ordinary Cat - Magdalena Boone's VandenBerg

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going on. I tried again. ‘Ok, the cat’s out of the bag, I don’t have a spare pair of eyes on me and even I know there’s no such store called Eyes R Us! Please, help me out a little. I just don’t get it.’

      ‘Hey, don’t worry, I was laughing with you. Geez it is so good to laugh. I’ve been so serious thinking about how uncomfortable my cone is. The horrid hawk situation doesn’t help either. Anyway what I meant was……….’ As Mr T explained I thought now is the time for me to learn the art of thinking outside of the box and not take everything word for word. Finally I understood he meant he needed my eyes to cover all the other directions. Left, right, up, down and, update him of any sticky situations. Mr T stressed it was now my job to scan the sky for any large birds flying our way.

      Beaming with pride at having been given such an important task I felt like I'd just earned my stripes. Continuing on I noticed a real sense of purpose. No longer just Minnie Moo. I was now Minnie Moo the seeing-eye cat on a very important mission.

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